

A little girl goes on a first adventure to seek revenge for her grandfather and to discover her true identity in a world filled with supernatural beings and many dangerous things awaiting her journey.

hazalali · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs



"Grampa, grampa look I took down a deer" flora said pointing towards the deer on the ground.

"Wow that's amazing, well-done flora, now help me carry it back to the cottage". They both pulled the deer towards the cottage where they had a feast after a long time.

"Grampa, yesterday I noticed some people walking around the forest, where did they come from?".

BAM! the old man hit his fist on the table scaring the little girl. He suddenly turned red with fury as he immediately shouted at the girl, "how many times must I tell you not to go in the forest alone, why don't you listen to me?" he said as he stared at her angrily. Flora did not know what to say so she kept quiet as she did not want to make the situation worse.

Realizing his mistake, the old man calmed down and looked at the poor girl. He finally spoke after a few minutes "listen flora, I know you like to explore your surroundings, but the forest is a dangerous place and you may end up getting hurt, so please don't go near the forest area alone,". She nodded in response, but deep down she felt hurt that she was chained to the cottage.

They continued their meal silently and after finishing they went to sleep.

On the other side of the forest, the people who flora spotted suddenly turned into werewolves as they began searching for their next prey. Meanwhile flora was sound asleep, the old man was still awake and decided to make himself some tea. He suddenly heard the howling of wolves as a cold chill went down his spine, realizing the danger he immediately raced towards flora room, he picked her up and grabbed his rifle which he kept hidden.

He rushed out the door holding the girl's hand who was now wide awake," Grampa what's going on? grampa where are we going?". She wined as they kept running.

The old man looked at her signaling for her to keep quiet, he spotted a big tree nearby and they both climbed on the tree. Flora still confused by the situation kept quiet and watched the old man. Suddenly a group of werewolves came surrounding them all sides making escape impossible.