

A little girl goes on a first adventure to seek revenge for her grandfather and to discover her true identity in a world filled with supernatural beings and many dangerous things awaiting her journey.

hazalali · Fantasy
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7 Chs


The woman suddenly woke up in a warm cozy bed, she felt a sharp pain in her body.

"Oh you are awake", said the old man who was making tea.

She glanced at the old man. "Who are you? where am I?"

"Easy is that anyway to speak with an old man , anyway don't worry you are safe the knight's are gone".

She suddenly remembered everything and felt relieved.

"Thank you for saving me..."

"Don't sweat it, he interrupted. Hey you shouldn't be running in the cold, you could have killed your unborn child".

She felt silent.

The atmosphere became uncomfortable as the old man looked at the young woman.

"Here have some tea, it's good to relief pain".

She took the cup and drank the tea. The old man left her to be alone . She felt pain as she kept remembering all her sufferings at the palace. She looked out the window and saw the old man, she smiled feeling that her child would be safe.

Six months later the woman gave birth to a baby girl she felt so happy that she fainted from exhaustion. When she woke up it was already late at night, she silently got up and went towards the cradle and kissed her baby for the last time as she left the small cottage and into the forest.

After two hours of walking in the forest she spotted the knight's who she let to capture her. "We finally caught you and now you will be punished for your crimes, Miss Kansas!".

The knight raised his hand and suddenly red flames surrounded the woman burning her to death.