
Emperor of Mankind

Wishing to become the Emperor of Mankind, the MC is allowed to consume some Essences which grant him the abilities of the man. As he grows up, he will journey to the Star Wars, DC and/or Marvel universe, in between the terrible Age of Strife, to begin his preparations before he returns to Warhammer 40k and unleashes the might of Humanity on the Universe. This is an AU and some if not quite a few things will be wrong. Don't take this as an offence, but as for me simply not knowing something and making it up as I go. If you have something to add or give me things to implement, please do.

DaoistWDfd8h · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
12 Chs

The first Battlefield II

(Neoth POV)





The battle has been going on for a few hours now. The Adeptus Custodes are handling their first real battle like bosses. They were born for nothing else and they take their responsibility seriously. My presence alone has the effect of inspiring them. It is a little perk I created that works passively when I enter a battlefield.


The War Walkers and Falcons were approaching fast and fired at our force. I could feel the danger, not for me but for the Custodes. However, that would not be a problem. 

Standing three metres tall, the War Walker is the smallest and lightest of the Craftworld Aeldari's many different types of combat walkers. It is controlled by a single pilot who merges with its wraith bone core.

The War Walker mounts a pair of Aeldari heavy weapons, which can include a Brightlance, Scatter Laser, a Shuriken Cannon, a Starcannon or a Missile Launcher, giving the walker the versatility it requires to fulfil multiple tactical roles.


Though lacking much in the way of armour, a War Walker is protected by a Holo-field like many other Craftworld Aeldari vehicles and spacecraft, which blurs the image of the War Walker, making it difficult to see and target enemy vehicles and infantry.

Because their vehicle possesses so few defences, War Walker pilots rely on speed, overwhelming firepower, and their Holo-fields to allow them to destroy or rout enemies before they can be eliminated themselves.

We didn't have any vehicles to attack them with, and using the firepower of the Imperator Sominium would cause too much destruction, stopping us from salvaging all their technology. But that isn't necessary. We have the greatest weapon of all ... me.


I extend my hand and then use my monstrous psychic power. I begin to subtly manipulate the invisible barrier separating the immaterium from the material realm. This causes imperfect wrinkles and bulges within its fabric to gather around the approaching War Walkers, pushing back against their advance and dragging at their momentum like a spiritual halter. 

Basically, I am manipulating space itself, giving it bulges and wrinkles, therefore making it much harder to traverse. They slow down immediately and almost come to a standstill. This action of mine gathered the attention of the enemy Psykers. I tilt my head to the side to dodge a Singing spear which is thrust towards me. Standing in front of me is an Aeldari Warlock. 


I see that he wants to say something, but don't let him talk. I use the power of the Warp again and through biomancy, cause his throat to constrict in a 'Force choke'-like manner. But unlike Force Choke, this is the skin constricting because I command it to. I lift the Warlock into the air where he chokes for a second. But he is a powerful Psyker and unleashes a huge blast of raw psychic power towards me. 

Seeing that that doesn't work, suddenly a monstrous, glowing psychic projection of himself rushes towards me and tackles me. The psychic projection of the Warlock engages me in hand-to-hand combat. But this is not normal combat, it is combat where both parties attack each other with psychic attacks. I feel his desperation through the Warp, as he tries to overpower my hold on him. 

However, it is all useless. I block the attack from the psychic projection and then grab the projection's shoulders with my hands. Then ... I rip the Warlock's psychic projection in half. 

"RRAAAAHHH!!", the Aeldari Warlock screams in pain as I have basically ripped his mind apart. The drawbacks of using a psychic projection are great and against me, they are far too dangerous to use. 


The Warlock who has become a vegetable at this point, has his neck broken by me. I then pull the corpse towards me telekinetically and use him to block a powerful Warp lightning. 


More Warlocks have arrived. 


The battle changes a bit. The Custodes who were once having to fight 20 - 30 Aeldari at a time, now only had to fight less than 20. This was because the Warlocks and the Farseers who had arrived on the battlefield, targeted me. 

Using their deep connection to the Warp, the psychotic Aeldari control their fellow warriors as cannon fodder to stop me and prepare for their attack. I can tell what they want to do. A very dangerous power of the Warlocks and Farseers is the fact that they can augment each other to greater heights. 

Tens of Aeldari Warlocks and a handful of Farseers have increased the already impressive speed and agility of the hundreds of targeted Eldar warriors. They don't care about anything. I can feel their bloodlust and excitement of meeting something 'unexpected' that can satiate their thirst for violence. Enhancing the speed and power of the warriors like that will cause them to die as soon as they stop using their powers. But it makes for short-term nigh invincible warriors... 

... that is if they weren't fighting me. 


I speed up my perception for a moment and catch two speeding Aeldari warriors when I have an epiphany. This is a perfect situation for me to grow stronger. I stop augmenting my speed, dexterity, strength and the rest of my body with psychic power. This will be training for me. I will surpass my limits. 




Hundreds of thousands of attacks hit me either at the same time or one after the other. The speed and dexterity of the Aeldari warriors are off the charts. The Warlocks and Farseers don't care about their well-being and amp them up to the maximum. One attack after the next hit me and cut small chunks of my armour. My sword swings don't hit anything as they just jump over them and move around it. 

Suddenly I feel danger coming towards me. But my senses aren't accurate enough, without my psychic powers and my strength is not enough to allow me to dodge. With massively hypersonic+ speeds, eight Witchblades impale me along with several Singing Spears. 




The Warlocks channelled massive amounts of psychic powers through their Witchblades and Singing spears, otherwise, that would not have pierced my armour. Blood flows out of the wounds and trickles from the corner of my mouth. I have my eyes closed, going over this exchange for a second. Then ... I open my eyes. 

I grab the Aeldari Warlock, raise him above my head and then bring him down on my knee.



"RAAAH-", he screams as I break his back. 

But this wasn't just me breaking his back, I used psychic power together and ripped him apart spiritually. I throw away the corpse and take out the Witchblade from my thorax. Holding two swords in each hand, I get back to work. I swing left and right, trying to anticipate the trajectories of the Aeldari warriors. But they seem to dance around me and accelerate to new heights, as soon as I believe to finally see them. 



I parry another attack but more and more hits and cuts land on my body. Taht doens't stop me. I am like a freight truck, speeding up more and more. The battle gets more and more hectic. While I said that I don't use any Psyker powers, that isn't the whole truth, I am constantly using an ability called 'Misfortune'. With it, I twist fate so that my followers, the Custodes' blows punch through the weakest points in the Aeldari's armours. That way I can guarantee that they are doing major damage to the War Walkers and Falcons. 


An attack pierces me in the side and I take a knee. Suddenly I feel something up front and instinctively grab something with my left hand, letting the Witchblade fall to the ground. I smile ... a sinister smile because I can feel the change. I am holding a Witchblade of a Warlock in my hands as he tries to push it further and impale me. 

"I see you.", I say and my eyes unknowingly begin to glow golden releasing my power unintentionally as it is being stimulated. I can see them now. They aren't fast enough anymore to catch me off-guard anymore. 

I pull my sword back and thrust it forward with my increased strength. The sword strike is so fast, that the Warlock has no time to dodge. The blade seems to appear instantly in front of him. But he gets lucky. In the fraction of a millisecond, before my blade impales the Aeldari Warlock, tens of warriors appear in front and around me, striking me from all sides, while more try to block my attack, even with their bodies. They are true cannon fodder at this point.


My sword skewers the Aeldari warriors in front of me. I stand back up and swing my sword around, trying to cut dozens of them up, but for some reason ... I miss all of them. That seems ... off. 

Using my increased perception and movement speed, I block the Aeldari attacks and mirror some of their movements, despite the heavy armour and hundreds of weapons, that are stuck in my body.

Nothing will stop me today. I swing my sword in the correct position, having calculated the place a warrior will be. There is no way, he can dodge this. From the bottom to the top diagonally, my sword creates a loud *woooshing* sound. As I perform the strike, I feel that I didn't hit anything ... again. I dodge to the side but for some reason, I get cut and hit nonetheless. 

I understand. It's the Farseers again. Multiple Aeldari Warlocks and Farseers are enhancing each other and making themselves more powerful. They are using a combination of some powerful techniques there. 

First, they are using the Warp to use an ability that I know as 'Guide'. This power allows the Farseer to reach into the future, determine where the enemy will be, and use this information to guide friendly Eldars' fire to the maximum effect. Through this, the Aeldari Psykers are basically controlling the warrior's movements and pulling them out of danger. Combined with the ability 'Fortune', the Farseers can look into the immediate future for an instant and allow the Aeldari warriors to dodge incoming attacks which would have killed them.

But that isn't anything compared to the other abilities of the Warp they use. Battle Fate + Doom. These two applications of the Warp follow a similar style as the other two. But there is a twist. The Farseers examine the strands of time and threads of destiny which lead to the enemies' destruction and then guide the events towards that end. 

They are basically playing with time and fate, and using it to give me all the worst effects and their forces the best ones. 


Suddenly I turn around swinging my sword with all my physical power. A powerful blaster shot from a Brightlance is coming my way ... the blaster shot seemingly phases through my sword and then hits me right in the face. 


Smoke rises and robs everyone of their vision. I swing my arm, after shrugging the impact off Whitebeard style, creating a gust of wind that blows the smoke away and look at the Wraithlord. A bad burn marks my face and upper chest. But my healing is already working to regenerate the missing tissue. 


I exhale some smoke and then jump into action. The incoming blaster shots are all cut apart by me. I twist and turn while blocking attacks left and right. The Farseers are messing with me right now and that is getting on my nerves. Feeling the one Farseer who is using his psychic powers to control the fate of the battle, I turn to him. I disregard everything else entirely and flash in front of him. 

Nothing else matters right now. I am still only using my physical abilities and powers. But now, I focus on something that I want to achieve. One objective. One goal. To kill this Xeno entirely. Holding my sword with both hands, I swing using my full power again. Just as I have foreseen, he uses the Warp to change the result of this attack. But that doesn't matter. It was never my goal to kill him with my sword, I had something else planned for him. 

I turn 180° and throw my palm towards him. Again, I feel him using the Warp to stop me from reaching him. But I focus on the objective. I push through and his hold over the Warp and over my fate, cracks and then ... shatters. In the next moment, my palm reaches his surprised face.

Before the Xeno can do anything, I use my Psyker powers again. 

"Dodge this."

A second later, Aeldari Farseer's skin begins to steam for a split second before ...


.... he bursts from every pore with explosive finality.

Such is the effect of 'Blood Boil'. 


I hope you like it. I really try to make this interesting and somewhat engaging.