
I'm just gonna get this one out the way

The next chapter starts with a casual slaughter of knights done by the loose cannon delta. Not much to say here, Alpha just laments that she never told her to cut the building in half.

We now cut to Alexia who is chained up with magic-sealing chains. I want you to remember the existence of thse. Now, Alexia is oddly calm about being kidnapped, but as a political figure, there have likely been plenty of attempts. Even directly states so herself.

Alexia seems to even lament that Cid might've gotten mixed up in this. Its amazing that she's already shown herself to be a better person than Cid.

Now, Alexia realises there's a monster in the same cell and a doctor runs in raving about how he needs to get the Royal blood.

Crazy guy wants to bring back the demons and needs her blood to do so. Kinda like how in seven deadly sins, the seal needed goddess blood to break. He starts booting the monster, who is actually the kid of that villain from the first chapter. I know, this is so touching. Its not like we saw only a single panel of her, and got no time to empathise with him.

Alexia thinks its the knights that are coming to save them, but the doctor says they're slaughtering everyone which confuses Alexia.

Doctor schizo injects the monster with his demon serum, mutating it into big scary monster. It immediately kills him, crushing him into "pizza sauce" as Alexia says. Quite confusing as I'm not sure pizza would be invented by then, but meh, it's a fantasy society, so its possible.

The monster frees her, much to her surprise and Alexia goes to loot a corpse for gear in order to defend herself.

Her creepy fiancée shows up.

Yep, the moron showed up in a hidden facility. Not the slightest bit suspicious.

We then cut to Iris who's running through the city, concerned at all the different attacks before running into the monster that freed alexia. Most of the knights found themselves unable to hurt it, Iris was able to cut its arm off to save a knight. She tells the knights to run off, before quickly severing it's regrown arm again.

As Alexia is about to go all out, Alpha knocks her blade away. Claiming that it's only causing her more suffering.

Alpha cuts the beast in half, suddenly no regeneration.

Pretty sure Iris could've done that, but sure. Iris begins to worry that alexia may be in danger, and hopes she's safe.

~scene transition~

Back to zenon and his fucking moronic attempt of "saving" Alexia. His story doesn't add up and Alexia points it out.

Zenon reveals that he works with the cult and is here to take Alexia away.

Anyway, that's the entire chapter. This one isn't even 500 words, and that's because cid isn't in this chapter!

WOO, YEAH BABY, That's what I'm talking about!

Now, see ya

For the title, I forgot to cross post it. So its a bit late.