
strive is painful

I've been playing guilty gear strive for hours, and finally reached the 9th floor.

Then I remembered this.

Now, potemkin for the win, but onto this shit show.

The chapter starts off pretty much where it left, with Alexia facing off against zenon who reveals that he funded this entire facility. Shocking I know. Being the obligatory villain, zenon hints at the cults goal of the demon kings revival and that he would need alexias blood for it.

This might be mysterious or Intriguing had cid not guessed it within the very first chapter. Which i didn't say much on, but from a narrative perspective, it's an awful decision because it removes any mystery or intrigue as its laid out the villains goal at the very start.

But back to the scene, zenon injures alexia saying that as long as her blood is safe, it doesn't matter. Alexia gets annoyed and asks why her blood. We know so I'm not gonna explain, but zenon reveals that he'll attain the position of knights of the round if her returns with alexias blood and the research results.

Knight of the round is clearly a reference to the Arthurian round table, which is really unfitting for the villains of a fantasy world. With something like code geass, that worked because they were British. But for this, its just out of place.

Zenon goes onto say the twelve knights supporting the round table. Really? Twelve? You've just revealed how many potential suspects there are. But he says they have the greatest wealth, fame and power. And here's my issue.

Number one: he already had it. He was an instructor at the foremost magic academy, and directly under princess iris, the greatest swordsman in the country.

Number two: the cults goal is the demon kings revival. If that is to occur, all wealth, fame and power would go out the window. Because the demon king would just eradicate humanity.

Number three: this isn't as related, but he says so long as he has her blood, he'll get the results. So why didn't he drain all of her blood the moment they got to the facility?

But zenon being a stereotypical villain, essentially gloats that he would've preferred princess iris' blood, but then brings up that she hates being compared with her sister. Battle ensues, and zenon taunts her saying she's mediocre. So Alexia imitates her sisters technique and cuts his cheek.

To be honest, you'd just be best off fighting dirty. But if it works, it works. Zenon says he'll show her the swordsmanship of a future knight of the round.

And immediately uses nothing but brute force to shatter her blade.


Somethings not right about that.

Alexia is reasonably upset as zenon insults her saying that she'll never be her sister.

And now the worst written protagonist ever appears. Hmm, I can't seriously say that because mash burnedead exists. But as we know, the living garbage called shit kagenou appears.

Cid speeds past the fodder, asking where the main force is. Now, for some reason the author calls cids swordsmanship mediocre. Saying that its based on an endless amount of effort.

So that's complete bullshit. At the age of 10, he was murdering full grown men, and at the age of 15, he's going toe to toe with someone that simply has greater experience and since he's older, has put in more effort. So no, it's not mediocre.

Its likely cid is just a genius. When it comes to combat. Anything else, he's genuinely got intellectual disability disorder. In short, people with less than 70IQ have this. Now, for some reason alexia idolises this kind of swordsmanship.

I get it, due to whats been established. But its a blatant misunderstanding as cids swordsmanship isn't mediocre. Its just easier to say he mastered the basics. Now, rey, sorry cid. They're very similar, but cid says an edgy line that we've already heard before in response to zenon asking why he hides in the shadows.

Because he's a moron is the answer.

Now, just like the first fodder villain, zenon dopes on the same drugs saying those who are strong enough will evolve. Cid calls him pathetic as borrowed power is not true power.

My guy, you are wearing a slime suit. By that logic, the very slime suit you're wearing is borrowed power.


Cid proceeds to use his awfully named ultimate, "I am atomic" and casually murders everyone nearby including alexia.

Except he doesn't because plot.

And the narrator says that to avoid a nuke, you become the nuke. Calling the blast a power of atomic level. Sure, not like there's no radiation and somehow the entire city isn't dead.

Iris finds alexia on a completely preserved platform, likely protected by cid. But there should still be civilian casualties. Iris hugs her sister, Alexia returning it with a smile.

The scene then cuts to Alexia telling cid he isn't a suspect anymore. Now, Alexia explains she likes her swordsmanship now, and then asks to keep their relationship the same. Shyly of course, so that cids rejection is all the more surprising.

Spoiler alert, it isn't surprising! Oh my god! But how?! This was totally unexpected.

Now cid says hell no and insults her, calling her a wicked princess. So Alexia slashes him and makes a knew school legend "the murder without a corpse".

If I was lucky, that's where the entire story would be over.

But no.

Anyway, that shits done. You ain't getting another chapter at midnight though.