
Embracing Desires (HP)

A soul reincarnates as Harry Potter. . . . . . . Warning! (incest, netori, smut, dark)

castormed378 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
13 Chs

Hogwarts Express (3)

As night enveloped the Hogwarts Express in a shroud of darkness, I felt the familiar stirrings of desire coursing through my veins, urging me to seek out new pleasures in the arms of willing companions. With Daphne and Hermione nestled in peaceful slumber, their soft breaths mingling with the rhythmic rumble of the train, I knew that the time had come to indulge my darkest desires.

Leaning in, I pressed my lips to Daphne's with a hunger that bordered on desperation, savoring the taste of her soft, yielding mouth. She responded eagerly, her hands tangling in my hair as she returned my kiss with equal fervor. Beside her, Hermione stirred, her eyes fluttering open to meet mine with a mixture of surprise and longing.

Drawing her into our embrace, I reveled in the sensation of their bodies pressed against mine, their warmth seeping into my skin like a balm against the chill of the night. With each touch and caress, I felt the flames of desire igniting within me, driving me to new heights of ecstasy.

Summoning Emily and Lily to my side with a silent command, I watched as they materialized before me, their forms bathed in the dim glow of the moonlight filtering through the window. Their eyes met mine with a mixture of anticipation and devotion, their bodies trembling with a hunger that mirrored my own.

With a predatory smile, I motioned for them to join me on the plush seats of the compartment, where the air was thick with the heady scent of arousal and anticipation. As they drew closer, their hands trembling with anticipation, I felt a surge of primal satisfaction coursing through my veins, fueling the flames of my insatiable lust.

With practiced ease, I guided them into my embrace, their bodies melting against mine in a symphony of desire and submission. Their soft sighs filled the air as I trailed kisses along their necks and shoulders, igniting a fire that burned hotter with every passing moment.

As the night stretched on, we lost ourselves in a whirlwind of passion and pleasure, our bodies moving in perfect harmony as we explored the depths of our darkest desires. With each touch and caress, I felt a sense of euphoria washing over me, driving me to new heights of ecstasy.

And as the first light of dawn began to peek over the horizon, casting its golden glow upon our entwined forms, I knew that this night would be etched into my memory forever. For in the darkness of the Hogwarts Express, amidst the whispers of the night, I had found a kind of solace and satisfaction that transcended the boundaries of reason and morality. And as we drifted off to sleep, entwined in each other's arms, I knew that our journey together had only just begun.

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the windows of the Hogwarts Express, bathing the compartment in a soft golden glow, I stirred from my slumber, my mind still reeling from the intoxicating pleasures of the night before. Beside me, Daphne and Hermione lay entwined in each other's arms, their faces serene in the gentle light of dawn.

With a satisfied smile, I watched as they slept, their breathing slow and steady, their bodies still warm from our shared embrace. In that moment, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me, a fleeting respite from the darkness that always seemed to linger at the edges of my consciousness.

Summoning Emily and Lily to my side with a silent command, I reveled in the sight of their beautiful forms bathed in the soft morning light. Their eyes met mine with a mixture of adoration and devotion, their lips curved in knowing smiles that spoke volumes of the pleasures we had shared.

Rising from my seat, I stretched my limbs, feeling the tension of the night's exertions melting away with each movement. With a sense of purpose coursing through my veins, I knew that our journey was far from over, that there were still many pleasures to be explored and conquests to be made.

As the train rumbled steadily onwards towards our destination, I found myself lost in thought, my mind filled with visions of the adventures that lay ahead. For in the hallowed halls of Hogwarts, amidst the whispers of ancient magic and the laughter of fellow students, I knew that my true destiny awaited.

And as I gazed out at the rolling countryside flashing by outside the window, I felt a sense of anticipation building within me, a hunger for the challenges and triumphs that awaited me in the days and weeks to come. For I was Harry Potter, the master of my own destiny, and nothing would stand in the way of my desires.

As Daphne stirred from her slumber, her eyes fluttering open to the soft light filtering through the compartment, she found herself met with the sight of me standing over Emily, the air heavy with the scent of indulgence and desire.

With a gasp, she took in the scene before her, her gaze flickering between Emily and me, her expression a mix of shock and fascination. I met her eyes with a smirk, my own gaze dark and unreadable as I reveled in the knowledge of the power I held over her.

Without a word, I gestured for Daphne to join us, my voice low and commanding as I beckoned her closer. With hesitant steps, she approached, her movements tentative as she took in the sight before her.

As she drew near, I reached out a hand to caress her cheek, my touch gentle yet possessive as I guided her towards Emily. With a whispered command, I urged her to join us, to surrender herself to the pleasures that awaited.

And as Daphne knelt beside Emily, her eyes wide with anticipation, I knew that she was mine, body and soul, bound to me by the irresistible pull of my darkness and desire.

Together, we would revel in the ecstasy of our depravity, lost in a world of pleasure and indulgence that knew no bounds. For in the darkness of our desires, we found freedom, a liberation that transcended the confines of morality and reason.

And so, as the Hogwarts Express hurtled onwards towards its destination, I knew that our journey had only just begun, with untold pleasures and conquests awaiting us in the days and weeks to come. For we were bound by more than mere flesh and blood – we were bound by the darkness that dwelled within us, a darkness that knew no mercy and recognized no limits.

As Daphne's eyes widened in recognition, a tremor of fear coursing through her veins, she realized the true identity of the woman before her. Emily, the once-feared Dark Lady Voldemort, now knelt before me, her gaze filled with adoration and obedience.

With a gasp of disbelief, Daphne stumbled backward, her mind reeling with the implications of what she had just discovered. How could it be possible that the woman who had once instilled terror throughout the wizarding world now bowed before me, her master?

But as she looked into Emily's eyes, she saw no trace of the darkness that had once consumed her. Instead, there was only devotion and submission, a willingness to serve that bordered on obsession.

Unable to tear her gaze away, Daphne felt a sense of unease settle in the pit of her stomach. What had I done to inspire such loyalty in the woman who had once been the most feared Dark witch of her time?

As the realization dawned upon her, Daphne knew that she was now caught in a web of darkness and intrigue from which there could be no escape. For in the presence of the Dark Lady's newfound master, she could only watch in awe and trepidation, wondering what other secrets lay hidden beneath the surface.

As Daphne's initial shock gave way to a strange mixture of fascination and desire, she found herself drawn irresistibly towards me, the enigmatic figure who held such power over her. Despite the fear and uncertainty that still lingered in the recesses of her mind, there was something undeniably alluring about the darkness that surrounded me.

With each passing moment, Daphne felt herself falling deeper under my spell, her heart pounding in her chest as she succumbed to the irresistible pull of my presence. No longer able to resist the magnetic force that bound us together, she took a tentative step forward, her eyes never leaving mine.

In that moment, all doubts and reservations melted away, replaced by a burning desire that consumed her from within. With a trembling hand, she reached out to touch me, her fingers grazing my skin as she surrendered herself completely to the overwhelming tide of emotion that threatened to engulf her.

As our eyes met in a silent exchange of longing and understanding, Daphne knew that she had found her true place by my side. In the darkness of our shared desires, she discovered a sense of belonging that she had never known before, a sense of purpose that filled her with a newfound sense of clarity and resolve.

And so, with a whispered vow of devotion on her lips, Daphne pledged herself to me, her heart and soul laid bare before the one who had captured her affections so completely. In that moment of surrender, she knew that she had found her true master, the one who held the key to her deepest desires and wildest fantasies.

From that day forth, Daphne would serve me faithfully and without question, her love and devotion unwavering in the face of whatever challenges lay ahead. For in my embrace, she had found a love that transcended the boundaries of time and space, a love that would endure for all eternity.

As Hermione stirred from her slumber, her eyes fluttered open to find herself enveloped in the dim light of the Hogwarts Express compartment. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she glanced around, her gaze landing on me, the enigmatic figure who had captured her attention from the moment we had met.

A soft smile played at the corners of my lips as I met Hermione's gaze, my eyes alight with a quiet intensity that sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine. Despite the lingering haze of sleep, she felt a sudden surge of awareness flood her senses, her heart quickening with the realization of the intimate moment we shared.

With a gentle touch, I reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from Hermione's face, my fingers lingering against her skin in a silent caress. In that fleeting instant, she felt a strange sense of connection stir within her, as if the boundaries between us had blurred and merged into one.

As our eyes met in a silent exchange of understanding, Hermione felt a rush of warmth flood her cheeks, her breath catching in her throat at the intensity of the emotions that coursed through her. In that moment, she knew that she was not alone, that she was seen and cherished by the one who stood before her.

With a shy smile, Hermione returned my gaze, her heart overflowing with a mixture of curiosity and affection. Despite the uncertainty of what lay ahead, she felt a sense of comfort and reassurance in my presence, a feeling that whispered of a deeper connection waiting to be explored.

And so, as the train rumbled on towards its destination, Hermione found herself drawn inexorably towards me, her thoughts filled with questions and possibilities. In that fleeting moment of awakening, she knew that her journey was only just beginning, and that the path ahead held untold wonders waiting to be discovered.

As the Hogwarts Express chugged to a halt at Hogsmeade station, the excitement among the students reached a fever pitch. With eager anticipation, they gathered their belongings and streamed out onto the platform, their faces alight with the prospect of a new school year filled with magic and adventure.

Amidst the throng of students, I stood at the forefront, my gaze sweeping over the bustling scene before me with a sense of quiet satisfaction. In the cool autumn air, the scent of woodsmoke and anticipation mingled together, infusing the atmosphere with a sense of excitement and possibility.

As the crowd began to disperse, I felt a surge of anticipation course through me, my heart pounding with the thrill of what lay ahead. With each step I took towards the towering gates of Hogwarts, I could feel the weight of destiny pressing down upon me, urging me forward into the unknown.

Beside me, Daphne and Hermione fell into step, their eyes shining with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Together, we made our way through the gates and into the hallowed halls of Hogwarts, where the promise of a new beginning awaited us.

As we crossed the threshold into the castle, I felt a sense of anticipation wash over me, the familiar sights and sounds of Hogwarts filling me with a sense of nostalgia and wonder. In that moment, I knew that our journey was only just beginning, and that the adventures that lay ahead would shape our destinies in ways we could never have imagined.