
Embracing Desires (HP)

A soul reincarnates as Harry Potter. . . . . . . Warning! (incest, netori, smut, dark)

castormed378 · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


As the trio of students stepped off the Hogwarts Express onto the bustling platform of Hogsmeade station, they were greeted by the sight of Professor Minerva McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts. She stood tall and regal, her emerald-green robes billowing around her as she surveyed the scene with a keen eye.

Harry's gaze lingered on Professor McGonagall, his heart quickening at the sight of her. There was something about her presence, something commanding and powerful, that stirred a primal desire within him. He felt a surge of lust coursing through his veins as he took in her elegant features and piercing gaze.

As the students approached, Professor McGonagall greeted them with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling with amusement. She welcomed them back to Hogwarts and offered a few words of encouragement for the coming school year.

Harry couldn't tear his eyes away from her, his mind filled with fantasies of dominating her and making her submit to his every desire. He added her to his ever-growing list of conquests, relishing the thought of bringing such a formidable woman to her knees.

As they made their way towards the castle, Harry couldn't shake the image of Professor McGonagall from his mind. He knew that he would stop at nothing to make her his, to claim her as another trophy in his dark and twisted game of conquest.

**Harry's POV:**

Entering the Great Hall, I felt a surge of excitement mixed with anticipation. The towering ceilings and glittering candles cast a magical glow over the room, while the murmurs of students filled the air with an electric buzz. Daphne and Hermione flanked me, their expressions a mix of curiosity and nervousness.

As we waited for the sorting ceremony to commence, I couldn't help but steal glances at the other students around us. Some looked eager, others apprehensive, but all shared the same sense of wonder at the prospect of what lay ahead.

Beside me, Daphne's hand tightened on my arm, and I offered her a reassuring smile. Hermione shifted nervously on her feet, her eyes darting around the room as if trying to take in every detail.

**Professor McGonagall's POV:**

Standing at the front of the Great Hall, Professor McGonagall surveyed the sea of eager faces before her. Another year, another batch of young witches and wizards ready to embark on their magical education. It was a sight that never failed to fill her with pride.

As the students settled into their places, Professor McGonagall's gaze fell upon the group of first years gathered at the front of the room. They looked nervous but excited, their eyes wide with anticipation as they waited for the sorting ceremony to begin.

With a sense of purpose, Professor McGonagall stepped forward, her robes swishing around her as she addressed the assembled students. Her voice rang out clear and authoritative, cutting through the chatter and drawing all eyes to her.

**Sorting Hat's POV:**

Perched atop its ancient stool, the Sorting Hat waited patiently for the ceremony to begin. It had been dormant for far too long, its fabric itching to be placed upon the heads of the new students and sort them into their respective houses.

As the first years lined up in front of it, the Sorting Hat felt a surge of excitement. Each new student brought with them a unique set of qualities and traits, and it was the hat's job to determine where they belonged within the Hogwarts community.

Taking a deep breath, the Sorting Hat launched into its familiar song, its voice filling the Great Hall with its melodic tones. With each verse, it delved into the minds of the students, searching for the qualities that would define them and guide its decision.

As the song came to an end, the Sorting Hat fell silent, its brim twitching as it prepared to make its first decision of the school year.

**Harry's POV:**

As the sorting hat was placed upon my head, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. Slytherin, it declared, and a smirk tugged at the corners of my lips. This was where I belonged, among those who prized ambition and cunning above all else.

Glancing at Daphne, I saw the fire in her eyes, a reflection of the determination burning within me. We shared a silent understanding, a bond forged by our shared desires for power and dominance. I could sense her submission towards me, a willingness to follow wherever I led, and it only fueled the fire burning within me.

Beside her, Hermione's sorting into Ravenclaw was met with a sense of satisfaction. She may not have realized it yet, but she was already under my spell, her love for me growing with each passing day. And as for Daphne, her submission towards me only served to heighten my desire for her.

**Daphne's POV:**

As the sorting hat pronounced Slytherin, I felt a sense of exhilaration wash over me. This was where I was meant to be, among those who valued ambition and cunning above all else. And beside me, Harry shared in that ambition, his eyes gleaming with determination.

I had long since fallen for him, captivated by his charisma and power. His manipulation was like a siren's call, drawing me ever closer to him. I longed to submit to him completely, to bask in his dominance and revel in his darkness.

And as I watched Hermione being sorted into Ravenclaw, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. She may love him as well, but it was I who would stand by his side, I who would share in his triumphs and his conquests.

**Hermione's POV:**

As the sorting hat placed me in Ravenclaw, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. This was where I belonged, among those who valued knowledge and intellect above all else. And yet, as I glanced at Harry and Daphne, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of my stomach.

I knew they loved him, perhaps even more deeply than I did. And though I longed to be by his side, to share in his triumphs and his conquests, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever truly be enough for him. But as I watched him smirk with satisfaction, I vowed to prove myself worthy of his love, to stand by his side no matter what challenges lay ahead.

**Harry's POV:**

As the murmurs and whispers filled the Great Hall, I couldn't help but revel in the attention. All eyes were on me, their gazes filled with curiosity and awe. It was a familiar sensation, one that I had grown accustomed to in my past life, but it still sent a thrill of excitement coursing through my veins.

I caught Draco's eye from across the room, and a smirk played at the corners of my lips. He may have revered the "boy who lived," but now he would learn to respect the man who stood before him. And as for the others, their reactions ranged from admiration to envy, each one a testament to my power and influence.

**Daphne's POV:**

As the whispers swept through the Great Hall, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in my chest. Harry had been sorted into Slytherin, just as I had hoped, and now he would be by my side, guiding me on the path to greatness. I glanced around the room, taking in the reactions of my fellow Slytherins, each one filled with a mixture of respect and admiration. Harry had proven himself worthy of their allegiance, and now we would rise together, our destiny intertwined.

**Hermione's POV:**

As the sorting ceremony came to an end, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for Harry. He had been sorted into Slytherin, just as I had expected, and now he would have the chance to prove himself among his peers. But as I watched him bask in the attention of his fellow Slytherins, a pang of jealousy tugged at my heart. I longed to be by his side, to share in his triumphs and his conquests, but I knew that would never be possible. And so, I resigned myself to watching from afar, silently cheering him on as he embarked on his journey to greatness.

**Dumbledore's POV:**

As the sorting hat placed Harry Potter into Slytherin, a myriad of thoughts raced through my mind. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment, knowing that my hopes for a different path for the Boy Who Lived had been dashed. Yet, underlying that disappointment was a sense of intrigue. Slytherin House would offer Harry unique challenges and opportunities for growth, and perhaps, in time, he could find redemption within its walls. I resolved to keep a close watch on him, to guide him towards the light even as he walked in the shadows.

**Snape's POV:**

The sorting of Harry Potter into Slytherin sent ripples of conflicting emotions through my soul. On one hand, there was a flicker of satisfaction, a sense of validation that the boy had been sorted into the house of cunning and ambition. Yet, beneath that satisfaction lay a deeper turmoil, a reminder of my own past and the choices that had led me down a dark path. I couldn't help but wonder what fate awaited Harry in Slytherin, and whether he would succumb to the same temptations that had ensnared me.

**Professor McGonagall's POV:**

As Harry Potter was sorted into Slytherin, a pang of regret pierced my heart. Gryffindor had lost one of its brightest prospects, a young boy who had faced unimaginable trials with courage and resilience. Yet, even as I mourned the loss, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in Harry's bravery. He had faced the sorting hat without flinching, a testament to his strength of character. I made a mental note to keep a close eye on him, to ensure that he didn't lose sight of the values that truly mattered.

**Filius Flitwick's POV:**

The sorting of Harry Potter into Slytherin filled me with a sense of foreboding, a fear that the boy might be led astray by the darker influences of his new house. Yet, even as I worried for his future, I couldn't help but admire his resilience and determination. Harry had faced adversity before and emerged victorious, and I had faith that he would do so again. I resolved to offer him whatever support and guidance he might need in the days ahead.

**Slytherin House's POV:**

The sorting of Harry Potter into Slytherin was met with a mixture of pride and anticipation among the Slytherins. Here was a boy who had faced the darkest of evils and emerged unscathed, a true survivor with the cunning and ambition to succeed. Many saw him as a potential ally, a powerful addition to their ranks who would help them reclaim their rightful place at the top of the wizarding world. Yet, even as they celebrated his arrival, there were whispers of caution, reminders of the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

**Gryffindor's POV:**

The sorting of Harry Potter into Slytherin sent shockwaves through the Gryffindor table, shattering their illusions of heroism and bravery. Here was the boy who had defeated the dark lord, now consorting with the very house that had spawned him. It was a bitter pill to swallow, a reminder that the line between good and evil was not always clear-cut. And yet, even in their disappointment, many Gryffindors couldn't help but feel a grudging respect for Harry's courage and determination.

**Ravenclaw's POV:**

The sorting of Harry Potter into Slytherin was met with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation among the Ravenclaws. Here was a boy who had defied expectations at every turn, a puzzle waiting to be solved. Many wondered what secrets lay hidden behind his emerald eyes, what mysteries lurked beneath his scarred forehead. They watched him closely, eager to unravel the enigma of Harry Potter and discover the truth that lay within.

**Hufflepuff's POV:**

The sorting of Harry Potter into Slytherin was met with a sense of disappointment among the Hufflepuffs, who had hoped to welcome him into their warm and welcoming house. Yet, even as they mourned the loss, there was a sense of understanding, a recognition that Harry's destiny lay elsewhere. They wished him well in his new house, hoping that he would find the acceptance and camaraderie that he sought.

**Most Beautiful Females' POV:**

The sorting of Harry Potter into Slytherin ignited a firestorm of desire and intrigue among the most beautiful females of Hogwarts. Here was a boy who exuded power and confidence, a magnetic presence that drew them in like moths to a flame. As they watched him take his place among the Slytherins, many couldn't help but imagine themselves by his side, basking in his dark charisma and dominance.

**3rd person PoV:**

As Harry and Daphne made their way towards the Slytherin table, a hush fell over the Great Hall, all eyes following their every move. Harry walked with a confident stride, his dark gaze sweeping over the assembled students with an air of dominance. Beside him, Daphne followed obediently, one step behind, her posture a silent declaration of her submission and devotion to him.

The Slytherin students watched with a mixture of awe and respect, recognizing in Harry a kindred spirit, a leader who commanded loyalty and admiration. They parted to make way for him, their whispers of excitement and curiosity barely audible over the din of the hall.

As they reached the Slytherin table, Harry took his place at the head, Daphne settling gracefully beside him. The rest of the Slytherins greeted them with nods of acknowledgment and murmurs of approval, their eyes alight with anticipation for the days and years to come.

At that moment, Harry felt a surge of satisfaction coursing through him, a sense of fulfillment at having found his rightful place among his peers. He glanced at Daphne, her eyes shining with adoration, and felt a flicker of something akin to affection stir within him. But he quickly quashed it, reminding himself of the darkness that lurked within him, the insatiable hunger for power and dominance that drove him onward.

For Harry Potter, the journey was only just beginning, and he was determined to seize every opportunity that came his way, no matter the cost.