
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
42 Chs

Deep inside the Dark

The group gathered in a secluded corner of their camp, their voices hushed as they exchanged concerned glances. Darkness, clad in her armor, engaged in a lively sparring session with Jack a short distance away, their swords clashing with a resounding echo.

Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and Chris sat in a circle, their expressions reflecting a mixture of curiosity and worry. They had all noticed the shift in Jack's behavior, the intensity that now radiated from him. It was a topic that couldn't be ignored any longer.

Kazuma, ever the straightforward one, voiced his concerns first. "Something's different about Jack," he began, his voice tinged with apprehension. "He used to be gentle and merciful, but now he seems... darker."

Aqua nodded in agreement, her brow furrowed. "I've known Jack for a while, and this change in him is disconcerting," she added. "He's always been kind-hearted and compassionate, but lately, he's been displaying a level of determination and ruthlessness I've never seen before."

Megumin, typically reserved, chimed in. "It's as if a fire has been ignited within him," she said, her eyes fixed on the ongoing sparring match. "He's willing to push himself to the limit, to embrace darkness if it means protecting us. But I can't help but wonder what sparked this change."

Chris, who had been quietly observing the conversation, finally spoke up. "I've been watching Jack closely," she admitted, her voice calm and measured. "There's a newfound strength in him, a desire to protect and fight for his friends. But with that strength comes the risk of losing himself to the darkness he's seeking to conquer."

Darkness and Jack's intense sparring session had come to an end after Jack kicked her in the ribs. While she gasped for air, he looked as if he wanted to order her to stand up again but barely stopped himself and just walked away.

Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin, and Chris observed the aftermath of the spar, their eyes following Jack's retreating figure. Darkness, though momentarily taken aback by the force of Jack's kick, joined the others while cradling her abdomen.

"Darkness, are you alright?" Kazuma asked, his eyebrows furrowing with concern. "I noticed Jack's training has become more intense lately. Did he go a bit rough on you?"

Darkness chuckled, brushing off any worry. "Oh, Kazuma, you needn't worry about me," she replied, a glint of excitement in her eyes. "In fact, I thoroughly enjoyed our spar. Jack's training has made him fiercer, and I'm more than willing to match his intensity."

Megumin, who had been observing the interaction, added, "While it's true that Jack has become rougher during training, I think he knows that Darkness is more than capable of handling it. They've always had a unique dynamic."

Kazuma sighed, realizing that his concern may have been unwarranted. "I suppose I should trust Darkness to handle herself," he conceded. "After all, she's proven time and time again that she can handle anything thrown her way."

As Jack sat alone, deep in thought, his surroundings seemed to shift. Dark silhouettes emerged from the shadows, forming an eerie circle around him. These were not physical beings, but illusions created by his own troubled mind.

The silhouettes whispered to Jack, their voices echoing with a sense of reproach. "It was your indecision, your fear of conflict, that allowed harm to befall Kazuma," one of them murmured, its voice laced with accusation.

Jack's gaze hardened, his jaw clenched with determination. "I know," he replied, his voice filled with a mix of guilt and resolve. "I failed to act when I should have. I let my fear consume me, and it cost us dearly."

Another silhouette chimed in, its tone filled with frustration. "You have the power to protect them, yet you hesitate. How many more must suffer before you find the strength to act?"

Jack's fists tightened, his mind grappling with the weight of responsibility. "No more," he vowed, his voice steady. "I will not let my fear hold me back any longer. I will protect them, no matter the cost."

The silhouettes seemed to waver, their voices fading as Jack's determination grew stronger. "Remember, you hold their lives in your hands," one of them whispered, its voice almost a plea. "Do not falter when the time comes to make difficult choices."

Jack nodded, his eyes burning with a newfound determination. "I won't," he affirmed, his voice resolute. "I will face the challenges ahead, confront the dangers that threaten us, and protect my friends, no matter whose blood i have to spill."

The silhouettes began to fade, dissipating into the darkness from which they had emerged. As they vanished, Jack was left alone with his thoughts, the weight of his past mistakes heavy upon his shoulders.

The image of Kazuma rising from the dead, yet bearing the scars of his ordeal, lingered in Jack's mind. He imagined the pain and anguish that Kazuma must have endured during the brief moments of uncertainty when the resurrection spell was cast.

The image of Kazuma, rising from the death, yet bearing the scars of his ordeal, lingered in Jack's mind. He imagined the pain and anguish that Kazuma must have endured during the brief moments of uncertainty when the resurrection spell was cast.

As Jack reminisced on Kazuma's haunted gaze and the emotional burden he must have carried after being resurrected, another memory surfaced in his mind. It was the moment when Kazuma, in an attempt to divert attention from his own inner turmoil, had engaged in a heated argument with Aqua.

Jack remembered the way Kazuma had forcefully shifted the focus of the conversation, trying to mask his own pain and vulnerability behind a facade of frustration and irritation. It was a defense mechanism, a way for Kazuma to deflect attention from the weight of his recent experience and the emotional toll it had taken on him.

Jack stood up after a few hours of training and went back to the camp. He looked at his sleeping companions and rested against the base of a tree, gazing at the stars. 'Even with all this cold, I can't bring myself to join them,' he thought to himself.

And so, the next week consisted of the group trying to cheer up Jack, but they had no satisfactory results. Jack always assured them that he was okay and just needed to level up more in preparation to fight the generals of the Demon King.

Aqua tried to drag him to a pub to drink together as drinking buddies. Darkness invited him to spar a few times, and while he accepted, he didn't seem happier afterward. Megumin asked him to teach her more about alchemy, but during the lessons, he was only focused on teaching her and made no effort to engage in small talk like in past lessons. Chris and Kazuma decided to observe for now.

Aqua, always one for lively socializing, attempted to bring Jack along to a pub, hoping that some drinks and camaraderie would lift his spirits. However, Jack's participation felt detached and distant, as if his mind was preoccupied with other thoughts and concerns.

Darkness, ever eager for a physical challenge, invited Jack to spar multiple times. While Jack accepted the invitations, he didn't seem to find the usual solace or satisfaction in their bouts. The spark that once lit up his eyes during their training sessions seemed dimmed, overshadowed by a sense of inner turmoil.

Megumin, seeking a way to connect with Jack, expressed interest in learning more about alchemy from him. However, during their lessons, Jack's focus was solely on teaching, leaving little room for the usual friendly banter and lighthearted moments they had shared in the past. It was as if his attention was fixed on the task at hand, with little energy left for anything else.

Chris and Kazuma, observing the situation closely, chose to hold back for the time being, sensing that Jack needed space and time to work through his own struggles.

As the week progressed, the group began to realize that their efforts were not yielding the desired results. Jack's inner turmoil remained, concealed beneath a mask of determination and focus. It became evident that a simple distraction or surface-level interaction would not be enough to alleviate the weight he carried.


Kazuma called for an emergency meeting after secretly witnessing Jack's training alongside Chris. They both saw him throwing fireballs at himself, creating blades made of energy and wind, and even manipulating rocks and ice. Jack adeptly dodged or tanked the hits, seemingly unfazed by any potential damage he might sustain in doing so.

As the emergency meeting began, Kazuma took a deep breath to address the concerned group of friends and allies gathered before him. The room was filled with a mix of curiosity and worry.

"Thank you all for coming," Kazuma began, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "I called this meeting because I think we need to talk about what we witnessed during Jack's training. It's clear that he's been pushing himself to the limit, showcasing abilities we've never seen before."

Several nods of agreement rippled through the group, mirroring Kazuma's worries. One of their trusted allies spoke up, her voice laced with genuine concern. "Kazuma, do you think Jack is fully aware of the risks he's taking? He seemed so focused during training, almost oblivious to the potential harm he might be inflicting upon himself."

Kazuma sighed, realizing the weight of the situation. "I'm not entirely sure. Jack has always been determined and driven, but sometimes that drive blinds him to the consequences. That's why I thought it was crucial for us to come together and discuss this openly. We need to ensure he's not pushing himself too far and risking his well-being."

Aqua, the lively and sometimes mischievous member of their group, couldn't resist seizing the opportunity to throw a playful taunt at Kazuma. She had noticed his deep concern for Jack and his selfless attitude towards helping others, which contrasted with his usual sarcastic and self-serving demeanor.

Aqua couldn't resist the chance to tease Kazuma, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Oh, Kazuma," she chimed in, her tone dripping with mock admiration. "Look at you, all worried about someone else's well-being. Who would've thought you had it in you? I guess even you can have a heart... sometimes."

The room filled with laughter, as Kazuma's face reddened slightly, a mix of embarrassment and annoyance evident on his features. He shot Aqua a playful glare, his retort dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, Aqua, you're right. It's such a foreign concept for me to care about someone other than myself. I must be going soft."

Aqua playfully waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, don't worry, Kazuma. We all know it won't last. You'll be back to your usual self in no time, scheming for personal gain and cracking sarcastic jokes. But hey, it's nice to see this side of you, even if it's just for a moment."

Kazuma couldn't help but chuckle. He shrugged, his tone light-hearted. "Well, don't get too used to it, Aqua. It's a rare occurrence, like a unicorn sighting. But hey, I'll admit, Jack has a way of making people curious about other people's business."


In the realm of darkness, deep within the foreboding castle, the Demon King sat upon his throne. His daughter, a young and determined demoness, approached him with a mix of confidence and trepidation. She sought a conversation, a chance to understand her father's motives and desires, and to express her own aspirations.

As she stood before the imposing figure, the Demon King glanced at her with piercing eyes, his voice laced with authority. "What is it you wish to discuss, my daughter?" he inquired, his tone revealing the weight of his responsibilities and the wisdom of his age.

The demoness took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation ahead. "Father," she began respectfully but firmly, "I have observed your actions and the course you have set for our kind. But I wonder, what is your ultimate goal? What drives you in your pursuit of power and dominion?"

"You know, my dear daughter," the Demon King began, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Compassion is a funny thing, isn't it? It's a trait they preach about in the heavens, but it seems utterly foreign to us, doesn't it?"

His daughter chuckled, her eyes gleaming with malice. "Indeed, Father. Compassion is a luxury we cannot afford. The heavens showed us no mercy when they cast us aside. Why should we extend any to them?"

The Demon King's expression hardened as he continued, his voice laced with determination. "We cannot allow this new champion, Jack, to continue growing in power. His potential is too great, and the heavens would not hesitate to use him against us. We must devise a plan to ensure his destruction, to cut off any hope they may find in him."

His daughter leaned forward, her eyes shining with a mix of excitement and cunning. "I have been studying Jack closely, Father. He is formidable, but he has his weaknesses. We can exploit them. Perhaps we can manipulate his past, his fears, or even target his allies to weaken him. With careful planning and precision, we can dismantle him piece by piece."

The Demon King nodded, a sinister grin spreading across his face. "Excellent, my daughter. Let us scheme and strategize. We shall forge a path of destruction that will make the heavens tremble. Together, we will show them the true power of the darkness they so foolishly discarded."

As the Demon King and his daughter indulged in their discussion, a sudden realization struck the Demon King like a bolt of lightning. He paused, his eyes narrowing with suspicion, and a name escaped his lips, "Aqua."

The Demon King's daughter looked at him, curiosity and intrigue sparking in her eyes. "What is it, Father? Why do you mention Aqua?"

The Demon King's voice grew grave as he explained his train of thought. "I have been observing the threads of fate surrounding Jack, our target for destruction. However, there are disruptions, alterations to his future that don't align with our plans. Someone has been meddling, manipulating his path."

As the Demon King contemplated the interference of the goddess Aqua and the potential complexities it introduced, a sinister smile slowly formed on his lips. The notion of turning Jack, the newest champion, against that which he had sworn to protect ignited a spark of dark amusement within the Demon King's heart.

"Ah, Aqua, you may have inadvertently given me an intriguing opportunity," he murmured to himself, his voice laced with malicious intent. "No man, no matter how noble or steadfast, can remain unfazed when confronted with the right circumstances."

The Demon King's mind whirled with possibilities as he considered how to exploit Jack's vulnerabilities, his fears, and the bonds he held dear. He envisioned manipulating events, carefully crafting a web of deception that could sow doubt within Jack's heart and lead him astray from his noble path.

"Perhaps I can exploit the cracks within his resolve," the Demon King mused, his eyes gleaming with wicked delight. "Show him a world twisted and corrupted, tempting him with power and twisted versions of those he holds dear. Make him question his allegiance, his purpose, and lead him towards the darkness that dwells within us all."

His daughter watched her father, her eyes wide with anticipation, recognizing the wickedness brewing within him. "Father, are you suggesting we can turn Jack into one of our own? To use him against the heavens?"

The Demon King turned to his daughter, his smile widening. "Indeed, my daughter. The heavens may have created him as their champion, but we shall mold him into a weapon of our own. We shall exploit his potential, his desires, and twist them to suit our purposes. It will be a delightful irony to see him become the embodiment of the darkness he once fought against."

The Demon King saw an opportunity to involve another entity in their scheme, one whose expertise and connections could prove invaluable. With a sly grin, he spoke to his daughter.

"My dear daughter, I have a task for you," he said, his voice laced with a mix of authority and anticipation. "Take this envelope to Vanir. Its contents hold secrets that will further our plan. Vanir's knowledge and connections will be instrumental in executing our intentions."

He handed the envelope to his daughter, its weight mysterious and its purpose concealed. The Demon King's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he continued, "Vanir will understand the significance of what lies within. Impress upon him the importance of secrecy and discretion. His involvement will bring us closer to our ultimate goal."

His daughter accepted the envelope, her own excitement mirrored in her eyes. "Consider it done, Father. I will deliver this personally to Vanir and ensure that he comprehends the gravity of the situation."

With a nod of acknowledgement, the Demon King watched as his daughter prepared to depart, fully aware that her mission would set into motion a series of events that could alter the course of their plan. The contents of the envelope, shrouded in mystery, would reveal themselves in due time, weaving together the intricate threads of their grand scheme.

I like turtles.

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