
Embers Of Desire~

SNARKY. ARROGANT. MISCHIEVOUS Edwin Rodriguez. He caged all his emotions in his heart, faking every expression shown to the world... until she entered his life. She became his key, unlocking the emotions he had long buried. He fell hard for her, changing himself entirely because her parents insisted she date and marry a perfect man. Despite opposing his own parents and pursuing his passion as a famous photographer, he willingly abandoned his beloved profession and dreams for her, assuming the role of CEO in his father's company. He despised himself for loving her so deeply, knowing that even though he transformed, he remained that same snarky, arrogant, and mischievous guy in her eyes. Eventually, he resigned as CEO to chase his dreams anew, urged on by the very woman who inspired his transformation. AMBITIOUS. ALLURING. COOL Everett. Laden with lofty expectations from her adoptive family, she ascended to the position of CEO within their company. Yet, she felt like a puppet whose strings were manipulated by her parents at every turn. All she yearned for was a modicum of freedom. Edwin's arrival in her life created chaos, but it was a chaos that led her to trust him and herself, to smile genuinely, and to crave his love. He became the embodiment of the freedom she had always desired, her first and last love. BUT, everyone carries a past. Despite believing we've escaped it,The truth is that it still haunts like a shadow which never leaves us even at the darkest nights Hello, dear readers, This is my first book. I hope you enjoy it and leave comments so that I can improve and provide even more fantastic content for you to read. Please remember that this is all fictional and the result of my hard work; therefore, do not plagiarize it. You can also find this book on Wattpad—please check it out. ID: christelreadzz

christelreadzz · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs


I found myself under the spell of a captivating woman, her dominance leaving me strangely willing to surrender again. But as I arrived at the venue, I pushed aside thoughts of her and focused on the task at hand.

Once inside, I met with Mr. Edwin, the manager in charge, who informed me that everything was ready.

"Thank you, Mr. Edwin, for accommodating the sudden change in plans," he expressed his gratitude.

"It's no problem at all, Mr. Colton," I replied smoothly.

"This time, the CEO is here in person to see you," Mr. Colton continued, gesturing towards a figure I immediately recognized - Austin Parker. Fate seemed to be at play, orchestrating this unexpected reunion.

"Hello, Mr. Austin Parker. It seems fate has brought us together once again," I greeted him warmly.

"Indeed, Mr. Edwin Rodriguez, it appears so," Austin replied with a hint of amusement.

"Do you two know each other?" Mr. Colton asked, curious about our connection.

"Yes, we met earlier on the metro train and exchanged some thoughts on life," Austin confirmed, prompting my agreement.

"Shall we get back to work, Mr. Colton?" Austin redirected the conversation, signaling our departure to the studio.The reason I had chosen this project was its fundraising aspect for stray dogs, a cause close to my heart. After three hours of diligent effort, my work was finally complete.I approached Austin's office, knocked twice, and heard his invitation to enter.

"How does my work fare, Mr. Austin?" I asked eagerly.

"It's wonderful and impressive. Would you consider joining us as a full-time employee for a while? I understand you're on a break until your next exhibition," Austin proposed.

"I must decline your offer. I accepted this opportunity out of curiosity about your company, and today's experience has been invaluable. Besides, my dream lies elsewhere - with the KL Company," I explained my decision.

"That's quite a lofty aspiration, Mr. Edwin. I sincerely hope your dreams come to fruition," Austin responded graciously.

"Thank you, Mr. Austin."

"Perhaps we could be friends?" Austin ventured, catching me off guard.

"I'm afraid I must decline, but you may call me Edwin ," I offered with a smile.

"It's fine, but you can just call me Austin," he suggested, his demeanor friendly.

"By the way, may I ask you a question?" I ventured, my curiosity piqued.

"Why did you take the metro when you have a car at your beck and call?" Austin smiled, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Sometimes, I ride the metro to let off some steam and clear my head," he replied.With a sense of satisfaction and determination, I left Austin's office, knowing that paths, once intertwined, could diverge yet again.

I lay on my bed,recalling the whole day.recalling the events of the day. Guilt still gnawed at me for rejecting someone who wanted to be my friend. It's a pattern in my life—pushing people away because I'm afraid of hurting them or myself.

Yet, the day seemed more beautiful when I remembered the intriguing stranger I met. My thoughts paused at the moment I shared with her. She's so mysterious, making me curious and eager to know more about her.I

have a keen interest in hacking. Recently, I befriended someone who doesn't pry into my personal life but is genuinely nice to me. We became friends effortlessly. I asked him to help me find details about this enigmatic stranger using a picture I had.

Even though she deleted it, there's always a way to retrieve deleted data. To my surprise, no one could uncover even the tiniest detail about her. She's incredibly elusive, but I am determined to find her, no matter how long it takes or how much it costs.

Just as I was drifting off to sleep, an email notification jolted me awake. I opened my inbox to find a reply from the KL Company. They were ready to give me a chance at their company! I jumped and yelled with joy, feeling like a little boy who had just found his long-lost toy. "Fortune favors the bold," I thought, as the email mentioned that I had an interview scheduled for tomorrow, filling me with excitement and anticipation.