
Elysium: The Divine System

****CANCELLED (I am dropping this story therefore it will no longer be updated until further notice.) What happens when an angel whose task is to protect humans has no understanding of the very people he needs to protect? You turn him into a human and make him live as one. The only way he can return to his home is by reaching level 100 and completing the tasks assigned to him by a system you created to teach unruly angels a lesson. This story takes place in two different "worlds" and involves a system. If this is something that interests you or you are simply curious, please give it a read. *The cover is from pinterest so please support the author there."

NSchan · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Archive 7: Misery loves company.

Magnus was woken up due to a sharp pain he felt on his head.

This pain confused him a little since he was an angel and therefore wasn't suppose to feel any pain. He then remembered that he was currently in his human form and there was nothing he could do to alleviate the pain. He was met with darkness and couldn't see anything in front of him.

He squinted his eyes in an attempt to adjust to the absence of light wherever he was but to no avail. It felt like he was in a state of perpetual darkness.

When he tried to wave his hand in front of him, he couldn't even make out the outline of them. He sighed in frustration. How could something like this even happen, he thought to himself.

And why was he the only one that was ejected from the trajectory?

There were so many questions he had but no one to answer them.

He knew he couldn't just sit there and do nothing, so he tried to get up but even that was a struggle. If felt like his body was made of led, and he found it difficult to move as he wanted.

But of course this didn't stop him, he tried again and again until he could stand upright without feeling like he was being pushed down.

He started to walk around trying to get a feel of the place, seeing if there was anything he could feel or make out. But the more he walked, the more empty and dark it got. 

"I really wish I had access to Eib right now." He thought out loud.

She would've given me at least a hundred different ways to get out of this situation. Just then, Magnus heard a faint dinging sound. A dinging sound?

That can't be right. 


This time, the sound was much more distinct. He knew that he didn't hear incorrectly.

Sometimes when someone is trapped in a dark room for long periods of time, they start to hear things that aren't really there. It's the minds way of tricking humans, and since he was in a humans body, he thought this could be a possibility. But this time he knew he heard correctly.

This was the same sound he would hear whenever Eib was activated.

Magnus couldn't help but feel a little hopeful, even though he knew what he was about to do was foolish and the chances of it actually being Eib were slim, his human brain couldn't stop himself from hoping for the impossible. 

"Eib?" He asked tentatively.

He waiting in silence for a couple of seconds before trying again. 




An automated system said. 

Welcome? This is definitely not Eib speaking right now. 

"Hey, who are you? What is this place? How did I end up here?" 

[Welcome to the Simulation Realm. I am your divine system.] 

"Come again?" Magnus said not believing what he just heard.

The Simulation Realm?!

How was this even possible. This place shouldn't even exist let alone be open. He had heard rumours about the Simulation Realm before and knew what the place was, but its existence was never confirmed.

Long ago, before the creation of the earth we know today, there existed another Human Realm, it is said that we was used as a test to see wether or not the humans our Master intended on creating were compatible with this new Realm.

Unfortunately, things didn't end well for, let's call it earth A, because humans quickly became corrupt with the infinite amount of power our master had bestowed upon them.

The earthlings who were suppose to be wise, kind and look out for one another, started to become greedy with power, turned on each other and created chaos.

Humanity was on the brink of total annihilation and Master knew that things could not go on this way.

Earth A was destroyed and Being X had to start all over again. This time learning from his previous mistake, he created a more levelled and equal world, where humans weren't born with powers, and were regular mortals. It looked like this time around, human were much better.

Now even though Earth A was "destroyed" the place itself still existed. Now no one knew the exact reason why it was never completely destroyed, but some speculated that Being X didn't want to let go of it just yet, it was after all his very first creation. 

The Realm was left empty, but there were rumours that an angel was currently using it, not to create a real world, but a simulation of a world, an ideal world, the world Being X had originally intended. But these were just rumours, and they had never been confirmed, nor been seen so everyone believed the stories were untrue.

So you could imagine Magnus' surprise when this unknown system told him that he was now currently in a Realm that didn't technically exist. 

"Are you sure that the place I am currently in is the Simulation Realm?" He said in disbelief.

He couldn't help but look around him. There was nothing here, it looked like a never ending abyss. 

The system could tell what Magnus' was thinking without him having to say anything. It dinged once again and started to speak to him. 

[Yes, this is the Simulation Realm but it is only a part of it. You could say that the place you are currently in is but a mere gateway or starting point. Once you have selected one of the location I have listed to you, you will be propelled out of the "starting point" and move on to the next scene.] 

Starting point? Scene? This was starting to sound just like a game.

Would there really be a way out of this place if he decided on a location?

He didn't like relying on things he didn't know and he most certainly did not want to rely on this so called system. But he didn't have much of a choice here, if he didn't decide on something right now, who knows what might happen to him. He is currently in a human body, and a human body cannot live without food or water for long periods at a time. He sighed to himself and decided to swallow his pride. 

"So what are these options then?" He asked begrudgingly. 

[This part is simple. All you must do is select one of the following options. Location A, location B, location C and location D. Once you have selected your option, you cannot reverse your answer. You will not get a second chance so please choose carefully.] 

What is with these options Magnus thought to himself. This is basically asking him to choose blindly! This system didn't provide him with any description on these so called locations, it didn't even bother to give them a proper name. It could pick a random location and end up in a horrible place where he would have no means to defend himself.

Either way, he knew that he would be put at a disadvantage no matter what option he choose. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. 

[You have one minute to decide.] 

Oh so you're giving me a time limit too? What's with this thing. 

"What happens when the allotted time runs out?" He hesitantly asked. 

There was silence for awhile.

Magnus started to question wether or not the system had heard him and just as he was about to ask again, he heard the ding once again. 

[I do not have the answer for that. This is the first trial of the Simulation Realm, therefore no one knows, not even I know what would happen to you. However, it would best if you did answer before the time runs out. ] 

Magnus grew extremely nervous upon hearing this.

No one knows what would happen? That answer was far worse than what he had imagined. 

[Your time will start in ten seconds. Please choose wisely.] 

A huge countdown thing appeared out of thin air and it starting to count down from 10. An automated voice starting the countdown. 


There was a salit second of silence, then the system beeped once again.

[Timer starting now] 

Well, I guess I don't have a choice. Magnus didn't want to waste his time going through all the possible scenario's of picking the wrong location in his head. There's nothing he could do and even if he did have more time to think about, he wouldn't lead to much results. His feeble human brain wouldn't be able to handle it.

So when all hope is lost and when you get rely on your own understanding, the only thing an angel stuck in a human body could do was leave it to fate. He picked the first option that came to mind. 


 [Your time is up, what have you chosen?]

The system asked him. 

Magnus took a deep breath and hoped that the one he picked wouldn't lead him to his own death. 

"I choose location B." 

Wow, this system isn't really giving him much options huh?

Finally the realm that shan't be named has been revealed. (It was revealed rather earlly, how anticlimatic lol)

Welp this is where the story really starts. This novel will be taking place in two different realms but there will be times where other realms will come into play so please make sure if you're still following the story to remember them.

I sincerly hope you guys enjoy!

NSchancreators' thoughts