
Elysium: The Divine System

What happens when an angel whose task is to protect humans has no understanding of the very people he needs to protect? You turn him into a human and make him live as one. The only way he can return to his home is by reaching level 100 and completing the tasks assigned to him by a system you created to teach unruly angels a lesson. This story takes place in two different "worlds" and involves a system. If this is something that interests you or you are simply curious, please give it a read. *The cover is from pinterest so please support the author there."

NkSchan · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Archive 6: Know thyself, know thy enemy

Just like the empyrean tubes, the portal was an invention our renowned engineer created in order to make travelling across the different realms more convenient.

Before its invention, angels who needed to go down the human realm would fly down, which contrary to your expectation took some time.

It was like travelling across different planets, let's say you were travelling to "space" on a mission, I think the term is known as space travel, you would need some form of space vessel or machinery to get you there of course.

It was the same the principle when it came to travelling in different realm in our world. It took time and effort, but it wasn't impossible for angels due to our enormous wings that allowed us to fly long distances quickly.

However it was extenuating and so the Heavenly Engineer came up with a method that was quick and easy, and full proof. So far there has never been any malfunctions or incidents with the portal.

Everyone who's had the pleasure of using it were sent to their destinations safely. And this included Magnus. This wasn't his first time using it, since he's had to travel to other realms for missions before.

He had complete trust in it, and never suspected for a second that anything could go wrong. 

So you could believe his surprise when the very thing he thought would never happen, did in that moment.

It didn't even take a minute for them to enter for things to start going very wrong. The same around them started to expand then contract.

The biggest problem Magnus was facing at the moment was the feeling of being pulled. It felt like the portal was rejecting him for some reason.

His instincts told him that there was very good chance he would be thrown out, or brought somewhere else. He looked at his soldiers that were in a bit of a panic. He took a deep breath in order to clear his mind. He was their leader and his soldiers needed him. 

"Listen everyone. There's a high chance the portal is rejecting me, I don't know the reason why, but in the off chance something happens to me and you guys make it to the Human Realm safely, do your jobs properly. You guys know what to do and I am sure you will be fine even without me." He said in a grave tone.

He then turned and made eye contact with each captain that he had carefully selected. He knew he could count on them and trusted them completely considering how he had trained them personally. 

"Cassiel, Anneliese, Zerachiel, Herys and Israfel. I trust you guys know what do to." The five of them all nodded their faces looking determined and ready for anything. 

"Yes Boss!" He smiled.

He hated being called boss more than anything but considering the situation they were in, he let it slide. 

"Right. Take care of yourselves. May Being X be with you all."

As soon as he finished his last comment, Magnus closed his eyes, and could feel himself being pulled out of the trajectory of the portal.

The last thing he saw was the sombre look on his soldier's faces. 

He prayed that they would at least get there safely. 

Back in the Heavenly Realm… 

Demetrius was making his way to the … room where he was suppose to start his task for the day.

Today was the day they needed to the daily maintenance of all the equipment, weaponry and heavenly tools. He entered imbued his energy into the keypad and was then allowed in. Upon entering he heard the automated voice. 

[Welcome back Demetrius.] 

This startled him a little since he was lost he thought. "Right, I'm back Bruunhilde." He said while sitting down at his desk.

He opened the Air Portal and logged his information in. He then went through the list of things he needed to check on that was sent to him by Raziel. He didn't waste a single second and started to get to work.

"Bruunhilde, can you send me the blueprints for the Empyrean Tubes?" 

[As you wish. Please give me a couple seconds to do so.] 

"No problem, take your time." Its not like I have an unlimited amount of time, he said to himself. 

[Here are the blueprints you requested. Would you like a 3D model of the plans or digital?] 

"Digital please." He replied back absentmindedly. 

[The digital copy has been sent been sent. Is there anything else you need?] 

Demetrius opened up his messages to confirm the digital prints were sent to him. "Yes, thank you, that'll be all." 

Demetrius was then engrossed in his work, studying the plans and making sure they were up to code.

When he was about to ask Brunnhilde for the 3D model of the plans, he suddenly got an alert. He turned to look into the cause of the alert. His smooth forehead started to form creases and the corners of his mouth started to twitch from agitation. 

"What is going on?!" He couldn't help but exclaim.

Upon checking his report, it seemed there was a malfunction with the portal. He remembered that the portal was suppose to be used today by Magnus' team for an important assignment and everything seemed to be fine with the portal the day before.

His frown deepened even more. He called Raziel in order to make sure the team had gone through safely. 

"Hello, Raziel, yes I am calling to confirm if Magnus has been sent out already." 

"Yes he has not too long ago. What's the problem?" Raziel asked. 

"Well I just received in alert from the portal that there was a malfunction." He said in a panic. 

"What kind of malfunction?" "Apparently the trajectory changed, it seems like they might've gone off course." Demetrius was now in a full on state of panic because something like this has never happened before.

Raziel could feel his worry over the phone and told him to calm down. 

"Listen, does the alert indicate the exact location?" Demetrius didn't waste a single second and called for Bruunhilde. 

"Bruunhilde, I will send you the following coordinates, please track and pin point its exact location." He said in a rushed voice. 

[Pin pointing the location of the coordinates. Please allow me a couple of seconds to do so.] 

On the other line, Raziel was waiting patiently, while also relaying this message to the other Thrones.

A couple of seconds later, Demetrius heard a ding and impatiently waited for Brunnhilde's results. 

[According to the coordinates you sent me, it seemed that the portal was sent to *****.] 

Both Demetrius and Raziel stopped breathing for a couple of seconds.

Demetrius who has been pacing back and forth, stopped dead in his tracks. 

"What did you say?" 

[The portal was sent to ****.] 

"Okay, this situation is much worse than I had suspected. I will be reporting this immediately to the higher ups. In the meantime, go about your work as usual, I will contact you later."

And with that Raziel left. 

Demetrius slumped into his chair and ran his fingers through his periwinkle hair. The corner of his lips formed a scowl.

Go back to work as usual he says? How was he suppose to do that? If anything were to do wrong because of his negligence, he would be in serious trouble.

Not only has he put his fellow colleagues in danger, but he has possibly jeopardized the mission as well. He could only pray that everyone made it safely and that this was simple an error. 

Because if someone was really sent to that place, there was almost no hope in getting them back. 

Looks like someone f'd up on the job? Or many it was intentional? Who knows but it looks like our MC is in a bit of a pickle this time lol.

By the way, each angel is assigned their own "Alexa" hence the different names. I don't think I'll be introducing any other virtual assisants besides Eib and Brunny (at least not right now).

Bruunhilde: B-roo-n-heal-day (the "roo" has the same sound as the "roo" in the word "root", the "hil" has the same sound as the word "heal" and the "de" is the same sound as the word "day")

*Don't judge me on my weird names, I personally love them. This name is heavily inspired by the anime: "Record of Ragnorok".

NkSchancreators' thoughts