
Elysium: The Divine System

What happens when an angel whose task is to protect humans has no understanding of the very people he needs to protect? You turn him into a human and make him live as one. The only way he can return to his home is by reaching level 100 and completing the tasks assigned to him by a system you created to teach unruly angels a lesson. This story takes place in two different "worlds" and involves a system. If this is something that interests you or you are simply curious, please give it a read. *The cover is from pinterest so please support the author there."

NkSchan · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Archive 41: A burnt child dreads the fire.

Three years had gone by since then. 

Magnus. an elite angel who had the highest status in the Heavenly Realms was now reduced to a small, weak and powerless boy. The only way he could even hope of getting back home was by levelling up, getting stronger and defeating the system that brought him in this accursed world. 

Alastor had been stuck in Bellyion for three years now and never once did he stop training. He kept up with his regiment, completed the tasks assigned to him but the system, and was honing the skills he had acquired under his master's tutelage.

Alastor had grown up so much over the last years in terms of strength and emotionally as well. His relationship with the people in the Caesrus household grew stronger as well as his relationship with his family.

He still had a hard time dealing with Helio his father but he learned to ignore him most of the time which was easy considering how often he would leave the house for subjugations or political affairs.

After three long years, Alastor finally reached the age of ten, which meant that he was now due to get his baptism.

According to the system, baptism was an important rite of passage for all children in the Bellyion Kingdom. It was a pertinent step in a young child's development because it would determine their role and purpose in this world.

It is also especially important for children of noble families because they would be given holy name. 

"A holy name?"

[Yes, a holy name helps to solidify one's noble status in society. Every name holds a powerful meaning. But that is not all. Baptisms help to determine what career path would best suit a child.]

There were five careers paths in this land. You either became a holy knight which would give you power, status and fame. It was the most honorary role a person could have in Bellyon and most people strived to become a holy knight.

Once becoming a holy knight, you had the choice to be apart of the religious order, the royal order or the order of a powerful Clan like Ceros, the knight order belonging to the Caesrus family. If not that, you could become a part of a renowned guild. 

"What are the the other options?" 

[Well, if becoming a holy knight is not something you want, you can become a holy official which is another important role in the kingdom. Holy officials have a lot of authority and power over the land however, it is quite troublesome task considering the many restrictions the role imposes.] 

"I see."

[The last role would be that of a wanderer or adventurer. They have a lot more freedom compared to the others, and get to travel all over the world. It's the most freeing role but also the most dangerous because of external factors .] 

"Like Selphyn right? I believe Pollux mentioned the fact that she was a wanderer knight." 

[That is correct.] 

"Hmm… but what about the people who don't choose any of those roles? What happens to them?" Magnus asked. 

[I believe they become regular citizens, meaning they lead regular lives, not bearing any sort of responsibilities for the Kingdom. They simply live. They get to have their own businesses, regular jobs ect…] 

"I see. This world has an interesting system and there's options for everyone." 

[Yes. Although it might seem like it favours those who are of higher status, everyone has opportunities and choices they can make. Of course, it is not perfect by any means considering how there a still some who are less fortunate than others, but that is to be expected in a world that is occupied by humans.]

"That's something I've noticed a lot since coming here. They act all high and mighty despite being incredibly flawed beings. It's baffling to me." 

[Well, it is your job as a messenger to understand the beings you were created to protect.] 

"If only they were simpler, it would make things easier for me." 

[They are actually much simpler than you think. I-] 

A sudden knock was heard at the door. 

"Young master Alastor? Is now a good time?" Pollux asked behind the door. 

"Well, I guess we'll continue this conversation another time." 


Magnus quickly turned off his screen before laying back down on his bed and answering Pollux back. "Yes you can come in Pollux." 

Pollux opened the door peeking his head through saying: "I apologize for the sudden intrusion but lady Esmeralda is requesting your presence in the drawing room." 

"...I'll be there soon then." 

"Mother, you wanted to speak with me?" He said while entering the room. Upon entering, he caught sight of his mother Esmeralda who was dressed in a beautiful green dress, her hair out of its usual chignon, laying beautifully on her back. She was sitting on one of the sofa's in the room, a cup in hand.

Facing her, was a tall and handsome man with piercing eyes. They were a beautiful coral shade contrasting greatly with his light blue hair. Upon noticing his presence, the man turned to face Alastor, silently observing him.

The air around the man was tepid and soothing, resembling the calm waves of the ocean after a devastating storm. Alastor didn't feel threatened nor in danger when facing the man, but could tell that behind his soft smile lied something deeper, however he could not decipher what this feeling he got from him was. 

Esmeralda gave her son a warm-hearted smile before beckoning him. "Come, come sweetheart, sit next to your mother. I feel like I haven't seen you in so long." 

"Sorry, I've been cooped up in the library as of late. I've been focusing so much on training, that I have fallen behind on my studies." He said honestly while making his way towards her.

Alastor sat down beside his mother quietly while observing the man in room out of the corner of his eyes.

"That's fine, but make to take some rest once in awhile." She said while stroking her son's hair. 

"Right. Let me introduce you to someone important sweetie. This is Eurydice. I believe this will be the first time you guys have met since you were a baby. He is our familiy's informant, as well as the guild master of The Watchers"

"It's nice to see you all grown up young master." Eurydice smiled. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you in person. I've only heard of you through mother." 

"Yes, well I am quite busy with running my guild as well as running errands for your father, so unfortunately I haven't had the chance to meet the little master's often." He laughed. 

"Eury mind your manners." Esmeralda scolded him but she had a smile on her face while doing so. 

Alastor took the time to observe the way his mother interacted with Eurydice and could tell that they were quite close as well as the fact that his mother cared deeply for this man. 

"What is your relationship with each other?" He bluntly asked. 

This abrupt question made Esmeralda who was holding her cup jolt a little and Eurydice who was taking another sip of his tea choked a little.

The two looked at Alastor in surprise. 

We have now entered a new arc, hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter and look forward to more!

By the way for those of you who are curious, the type of swordsmanship used in this series is a little mix of East Asian martial arts (think Jianghu and Murim) as well as western martial arts. I’m not very knowledgeable in this subject hence the reason why I’ve avoided diving too much into the techniques, I’m definitely going to have to study up more on that.

Anyway, that is all for this week!

NkSchancreators' thoughts