
Elysium: The Divine System

What happens when an angel whose task is to protect humans has no understanding of the very people he needs to protect? You turn him into a human and make him live as one. The only way he can return to his home is by reaching level 100 and completing the tasks assigned to him by a system you created to teach unruly angels a lesson. This story takes place in two different "worlds" and involves a system. If this is something that interests you or you are simply curious, please give it a read. *The cover is from pinterest so please support the author there."

NkSchan · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Archive 37: Seek and you will find.

"What was that?" Esmeralda yelled while storming into Helio's study. 

Helio who had been focused on his paperwork was startled slightly by her abrupt entrance. He looked up at the angry woman who had disturbed his peace frowning slightly. 

"What is it now?" He sighed. 

"Don't give me that. You know exactly why I am here. I specifically requested a peaceful dinner and here you are causing problems."


"I am the one causing problems?" He asked raising his eyebrows. 

"Yes you are. Why can't you ever get along with your sons? I never understood why?" She asked sincerely. 

Helio who had been prepared to ignore her outburst, looked up at Esmeralda upon hearing her question. 

".... Never mind that, I am the one who is quite curious with the sudden change of attitude. You've never had problems with the way I chose to parent my children so why now?" 

Esmeralda stumbled back a little bit, surprised by the question. Her angry expression turned to one of sadness. 

"I-I had a change of heart… after seeing Alastor… I was scared of what could happen to him and couldn't stomach the thought of losing him after treating him the way I did. Maybe the fact that I suddenly grew a conscience seems weird and out of nowhere to you, but I've always loved Alastor I just never expressed my love for him out of fear." 

"…fear of what?" Helio asked his face turning dark. 

"Fear of upsetting you." She replied in a low voice. 

Helio's expressionless face crumbled right then and there. Looking at his wife's saddened expression hurt him more than anything he had ever experienced. Even being pierced by a sword hurt a lot less than what he was faced with at the moment. His entire body trembled out of anger towards himself. 

For the first time in his life, Helio had come to regret his actions. He even started to doubt his methods of caring for his family. He grew up in a household devoid of any affection and so he never once questioned the way he treated his family. He thought it was natural, that love didn't need to be expressed through words and tender affections. He now realized that he was wrong. 

He reached out his trembling hands to touch Esmeralda, something he hadn't done for a long time. This act startled Esmeralda making her flinch unconsciously. This reaction pierced through his heart and he instantly pulled his hand back in a panic. His face morphed into pain. 

"I see." Was all he could muster to say. 

"A-as long as you understand. I'm going out for some air. Don't wait up." She said before leaving. 

Helio was left in the room alone with his thoughts. He slumped down on his chair the air around him turning dark and heavy. Before he could sit there and wallow in his own misery, he called out one of his shadow knights. 


Not a second later, a tall man with pale lilac coloured hair and caramel skin dressed in black emerged out of thin air. 

"Yes sir." Zuri answered bowing his head, his long hair acting as a curtain covering his face, awaiting for his master's instructions.

"The duchess has left the house and won't be back for awhile. Send out three of your knights to watch over her. Don't let her out of your sight." He ordered.

"I will send out team onyx for the job." 

Helio didn't answer for a few seconds, thinking over Zuri's decision. He then nodded his head in agreement. 

"Thank you. You may go now." He said in a low voice. 

Zuri who wasn't used to being thanked by his boss so effortlessly was taken aback but didn't let his surprise affect his outward appearance. He simply said his last greetings and left Helio alone once again. 

He was glad he didn't have to stay in the room considering how heavy the air around his master was. He could tell instantly that he was in a bad mood. 

"He must've fought with the duchess." He thought to himself. 

Zuri didn't waste a single second and quickly notified the knights from team onyx to get ready to head out and look after the duchess. 

"Xion, Duriek and Syvonne get ready to move. Formation B always, don't lose sight of her ever. I am putting you in charge Syvonne, don't let me down." He said sternly. 

The three knights dressed in black nodded their heads and set out quickly. 

As soon as they left, Alcyone who had been listening from a distance appeared by Zuri's side. 

"You have to stop doing that. It's bad for my heart you know." Zuri exclaimed but his face didn't show any signs of being startled. 

Alycone rolled his eyes. "You knew I was there." 

"Still, its unsettling." 

Alcyone ignored his comment looked towards the direction the three knights ran to. 

Since it was late in the evening and the sun was starting to set early due to it being almost winter, the colour of the sky had an almost pinkish grey hue which seemed to match Alcyone's energy. His cold and expressionless face gave him an almost tenebrous air and his alabaster skin glistened even more in the light making him look almost translucent.

In contrast, Zuri's caramel coloured complexion glowed beautifully in the light. His entire being radiated warmth making the two standing there side by side look eye catching. Of course this was from an onlooker's perspective. But to Zuri, his entire attention was on the man beside him. 

He looked surreal standing there deep in thought that Zuri was tempted to reach out and touch him just to make sure he was a real and an illusion. Sensing Zuri's gaze, Alcyone turned his head to look at Zuri giving him a 'why are you staring' kind of look. 

This made Zuri smile a little which confused Alcyone even more. 

"Don't worry so much. She will return safely." He said. 

"Are you sure it was right to send them? And putting Syvonne in charge for something so important for the first time-" 

"Hey, are you questioning my judgment?" 


"Syvonne will do just fine, she is more than capable. Plus she has Xion and Duriek with her, they are reliable as well. How are they suppose to learn if they are never sent out on these kind of missions?" 

Alcyone was silent for awhile. His cold face seemed to thaw just a little. 

"I never questioned your judgment Zuri. I was just-" Zuri quickly cut him off. 

"Worried? That's why I told you to stop doing that. I get that you are obsessed with this family and would die for them, but you forget that lady Esmeralda is strong. Besides Duke Helio, she is the strongest in the family. She can take care of herself." Zuri assured him. 

"I am aware." Looking at Alcyone, Zuri could see his crestfallen face. 

He reached out and patted Alcyone on the shoulder. 

"How long do you think I've known you?" He sighed to himself. 

"What you're thinking won't happen again. You shouldn't beat yourself up about it. It wasn't your fault." 

This made Alcyone glare at him. 

"Don't give me that look. It wasn't your fault and deep down, you know it too." 

Hello everyone, thanks for reading this week's chapter!

Name of the week: Xion (pronounced like Zion)

NkSchancreators' thoughts