
Elysium: The Divine System

What happens when an angel whose task is to protect humans has no understanding of the very people he needs to protect? You turn him into a human and make him live as one. The only way he can return to his home is by reaching level 100 and completing the tasks assigned to him by a system you created to teach unruly angels a lesson. This story takes place in two different "worlds" and involves a system. If this is something that interests you or you are simply curious, please give it a read. *The cover is from pinterest so please support the author there."

NkSchan · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Archive 35: Our biggest foe is ourselves.

As Esmeralda promised, things began to change in the Caesrus household.

Family time was reinstated or more like introduced into the home. Meals needed to be eaten together with breakfast, included and unless they had a reasonable excuse as to why they had to miss breakfast, everyone needed to be at the dinning table by nine o'clock.

There were no ifs, ands nor buts. Esmeralda's words were law and this extended to the head of the household as well. He tried to argue that such a rule was ridiculous and unnecessary to which he received the cold shoulder for a month. Helio finally caved and started coming for dinner, breakfast was a non negotiable issue considering how he had meetings and training with his knights.

Magnus still remembers the day when Helio showed up for dinner. His brothers jaws were to the floor as well as the staff. Pollux was in complete shock confirming with everyone if he truly was seeing the Duke having dinner at the dinner table. It really was a sight to behold.

After breakfast, as per usual, Alastor went to train. Today was one of Selphyn's off days and so Alastor who was instructed not to train and to rest, ignored her warnings and trained anyway. Of course this was due to the fact that he didn't have the luxury of taking a day off. He still had to fulfill his tasks assigned to him by the system.

He knew how angry Selphyn would be if she found out, hence the reason why Alastor started to train in a secluded area in the mansion away from prying eyes. It was large enough for him to do mild exercises so he didn't mind. As soon as he finished his meditation and stretches, he went on to do his daily calisthenics. The whole time he was training, he was so focused that he didn't notice that he was being watched.

It was only until he got out of the zone and finished his last exercise that he could sense the presence. His body that had only been about ten percent alert was now at one hundred and twenty. He could pinpoint the exact location of the intruder but couldn't determine their strength. He was still too weak. Looking in that direction and knowing that their cover had been blown, the intruder finally revealed himself.

From the shadows of the dark corridor, a tall man with mid length hair walked towards him. A slight smile on his face.

"You should really pay closer attention to your surroundings little one, especially when you have your back turned. That is when you are the most vulnerable. You shouldn't be complacent." The man said getting closer and closer to Alastor.

Sensing that he was not a threat to him, Magnus turned around, collecting his training equipment from the ground.

The man realizing that his presence was being ignored smiled a little. He was surprised at how indifferent the boy was despite his sudden appearance.

"Hello? I believe it's basic manners to address the person who is speaking to you right?"

Alastor turned to look to face the man standing before him.

Once his eyes came into contact with him, Alastor's usual stoic face contorted into a grimace.

The young man standing before him looked to be in his early twenties with golden hair, chartreuse eyes and olive coloured skin. His appearance was absolutely dazzling, giving people who saw him the impression that he was glowing. Alastor's eyes winced and he quickly looked away. Magnus who had been surrounded by beauty his whole creation was not unfamiliar with pretty faces and so he remained unfazed not giving him any more attention than he already had.

He simply said: " Thank you for the advice mister."

This response shocked the man greatly. Suffice to say, it was not a reaction he was expecting. His whole life he had always been the centre of attention, praised for his looks, his personality and more importantly his combat skills. No one ever dared to turn him away or ignore him. His beautiful face contorted a little.

"Ha! Mister? Well that's a first. Do you even know to whom you are speaking to little boy?"

To whom? Alastor thought. As he made his way out of the room, the man reached out to grab him but with Alastor's keen reflexes, he managed to dodge his hand.

He turned once again to face the man, looked him dead in the eyes with a look of annoyance on his face.

"I think the real question is if you know to whom you're speaking to. I won't say this again so listen well, please refrain from touching me."

Although Magnus spoke to the young man in a polite manner, there was a hint of disdain in his tone which did not go unnoticed to the young man. He wasn't one to care too much about manners but that didn't mean he was happy about being disrespected by a boy of unknown origin. He decided to test the boy who seemed to have a lot of guts. A wicked smile appeared on the young man's face which created an unsettling juxtaposition with the man's angelic face.

Taking a small breath, he released some of his energy which formed a ball in a matter of seconds in the man's large but elegant hands. Just as he was about to release it and give the little boy a scare he was stopped by an oppressive energy behind him.


A clear voice that didn't leave any room for negotiation resounded in the room. The energy the man known as Esdras felt was gut wrenching, sending him into a state of panic. Just as quickly as the ball of energy had appeared, it left just as quick. Esdras slowly turned his head and came face to face with an angry looking Alcyone.

Although his face remained as expressionless as a statue, continually unmoving, his cold silvery eyes were burning with anger. Esdras swallowed his saliva unconsciously.

"H-hey Alcyone." He said giving him a sheepish smile.

"That's captain to you Esdras. What are doing?"

"Right captain I—"Aren't you supposed to be training the new recruits? Why are you here?" Alcyone said cutting him off.

"Ugh, I was on break and was walking by when I came across this boy." Esdras quickly said diverting Alcyone's attention to the boy.

The boy in question remained in the same position as earlier, his face unchanging.

Alcyone turned his attention to the little boy eyeing him curiously before turning his attention back to Esdras.

"This little boy you are referring to, do you know who he is?" This time Esdras turned to look between Alastor and Alcyone, a look of confusion on his face.

"This boy? I was actually about to ask him what he was doing here since this place is off limits." Esdras nervously replied chuckling slightly.

This resulted in a glare from Alcyone.

"I deeply apologize for my subordinates behaviour young master Alastor. Please go on your way, I can promise you that Esdras will no longer bother you."

Magnus who's face remained disinterested the entirety of the conversation finally turned to look at Alcyone giving him a small smile.

"It's fine, it can't be easy keeping track of your subordinates. I also wasn't aware that this place was off limits. I'll remember that next time I decide to train in my own home."

"Right. Have a nice day young master."

"You as well." Alastor gave him one last smile before leaving the premises.

Esdras on the other hand started shaking in his pants. There were visible sweat beads forming on his pulchritudinous face.

"T-that was young master Alastor?!" He exclaimed.

"Yes you imbecile. You should know the family members of the master you serve."

"B-but people describe young master Alastor as a… loser? That's… he's different from those descriptions."

Although Esdras was an self entitled idiot, he was not wrong. Even he could sense the energy radiating through Young master Alastor's body. It was completely different from the description he got from his fellow knights. He seems bold, brave and confident and although Esdras was going to attack him secretly, even without his interference, he could tell that his attack wouldn't have landed. He had keen senses and would've dodged with no problem. Although he was considerably weaker than Esdras, he could still put up his own in a fight.

Alcyone estimated that in a year or so, Alastor could potentially beat Esdras in a fight.

I was right when I felt his energy the day we returned. As I was watching him, even from a distance, he could still sense me somewhat.

What an interesting child my master has.

As Magnus was walking back to his room, he heard the familiar ding of the system.

[That wasn't very angel-like of you.]

"…. Even if we're angels, we are not pushovers. We don't let people walk all over us. It's important for us to know who we are, and that is powerful beings blessed by our creator. Of course I'm not going to let some punk talk down to me." He said matter of factly.

[Yes, no of course. That makes sense.]

Apologies for the long wait.

I’ve finally gotten used to writing this story and things are starting flow a little better now.

I’ll now be releasing 1-2 chapters weekly every Thursday.

Thank you for your patience and please look forward to the next one!

NkSchancreators' thoughts