
Elysium: The Divine System

What happens when an angel whose task is to protect humans has no understanding of the very people he needs to protect? You turn him into a human and make him live as one. The only way he can return to his home is by reaching level 100 and completing the tasks assigned to him by a system you created to teach unruly angels a lesson. This story takes place in two different "worlds" and involves a system. If this is something that interests you or you are simply curious, please give it a read. *The cover is from pinterest so please support the author there."

NkSchan · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Archive 29: A man's home is his castle I.

The hinterlands in the southern border were dark and devoid of any life. 

The land that was once plagued with demonic beasts and the like was now empty and lifeless. The screeches and ear piecing howls of the creatures of night were gone and replaced with silence. Every knight present could now breathe easier and felt relief for the first time in months. 

One knight who stood out from the rest sauntered through the night. His pace was neither fast or slow, he walked leisurely as if he was taking a stroll. It looked like he was walking aimlessly with no destination in mind but that was the furthest from the truth. He had a goal, a purpose and a destination and was determined to reach it, even if it took him all night. 

The wind blew the knight's silvery hair and the moonlight made his already pale skin look translucent. Despite his uniform being dirty and in tatters, he still looked refined. His once cold eyes gained their warmth when he caught sight of his target. 

Yes. The man was looking for someone.

As soon as he took down the last demonic beast in the vicinity, he lost sight of the person he was looking for. This made his heart pound and his body that was once burning with heat, turned cold. He looked around, scanning the area but could not find the person he was looking for. 

The man did not bother asking the one's next to him, and despite the pain and fatigue he was feeling, he made it his mission to find that person. He would not rest until he did. 

The man had been walking for thirty minutes, and those thirty minutes were too long for him. Had he been in his best shape, it would've taken him five minutes to find them.

He frowned at his ineptitude. 

This behaviour was unworthy of a knight of Ceros. And as he kept reprimanding himself, he sighed in relief when the person he was looking for was found. 

The man sitting on top of large hill overlooking the barren land was deep in thought.

His obsidian hair flowing gracefully in the wind, his piercing ruby coloured eyes held so much depth, you couldn't help but wonder what the person was thinking so intently about. 

The air around him unlike before was light, less cold and menacing then earlier on the battle field. The knight could not help but admire the person he served, his heart trembling in reverence.

Sensing the presence of another person, the man in black turned his head and faced the person who dared to disturb his peace. When he saw who the person who had the guts bother him his once fierce expression soften a little. 


The master in question got up and turned his attention back to the night sky that would turn into dawn soon. 

"What is it Alcyone?" He said, his voice soft yet domineering. 

"The knights have finished clearing the area and are preparing to set out. We are ready to leave on your command." He said. 

"I see. Good work..." He said staring up at the sky. "I guess it's about time to head home." He mumbled to himself. 

Although he was speaking to himself, Alcyone heard everything that was said and smiled a little. His master although cold and withdrawn, seemed to like going back home. It was unclear to him whether or not he liked going back to his warm mansion or going back to see his family.

Despite being with his master for ten years, he still didn't know how he felt about his family. From what he could see, they seemed distant, almost estranged. He hadn't spoken to his sons in almost a year. But Alcyone knew he didn't hate his wife or his children. 

He sighed in his heart. They had been apart for a long time now. He hoped things would be different this time. 

Alcyone thought all of this while making his way back to camp with his master. The large back he was looking at seemed so lonely to him. 

He quickly ceased his intrusive thoughts upon arriving at the camp and went back to being his usual self. He gave the rest of the knights instructions and let them know they would be departing. 

It would take them five days to get back home. 


The following morning could be described as pure and utter chaos. 

The whole house erupted in a cacophony of sounds varying from yells, screams and wails.

Everyone was busy getting the house in order and making sure everything was perfect in time for their master's arrival.

Every servant, maid and attendant in the house knew about their master's particular taste, and how much of a clean freak he was. Nothing could be out of place or else they would be hearing from him, which was something everyone wanted to avoid at all costs. 

Their master was a terrifying man with a small percentage of benevolence. He did not tolerant nonsense.

The servants weren't the only one's under a lot of stress, both Pollux and Esmeralda looked like they would have a full on heart attack if anything went wrong. 

While everyone was scrambling around doing work, Apollon was leisurely laying on the couch of the playroom with a book in hand. 

Aurore who had been frantically looking for his brother ran into the playroom and froze in his steps upon seeing the sight before him.

His younger brother was sprawled over the couch without a care in the world, free as a bird. Aurore's usual calm demeanour changed in an instant. His face went from shock to seething anger in two seconds. 

"Are you kidding me!" He yelled while throwing his energy at his brother causing the latter to jump three feet in the air and fall on his behind. 

Apollon got up in mere seconds ready to seek vengeance on the person who attacked him, when he came face to face with a very angry Aurore. 

He swallowed his saliva unconsciously. A shy smile forming on his face. 

"B-big brother... when did you get here?" He asked using an affectionate way of addressing his brother, reserved only for moments like this. 

"Don't think you can get away with this just because you called me like that. Do you know how long I've been looking for you?! How can you be playing around like this when everyone is working so hard?" 

"I wasn't playing!" He defended himself.

"I was catching up on my readings, for school. He said waving his book in front of Aurore. 

Aurore who had perfect vision and sharp reflexes caught sight of the book. His already cold expression turned into ice. 

"The villainess falls in love with the hero is what your reading in school?" He sneered, his voice dripping with venom. 

This made Apollon flinch.

He had forgotten how scary his brother can be. 

Shit, he thought to himself. How the hell am I going to get out of this one? 

Just as Apollon was about to lift his hand again and send his idiot brother flying, a soft voice came from behind them.

"Brothers?" Alastor called out, yawning while rubbing his eyes and looking at the both of them. 

Their cute little brother looked absolutely adorable in his formal assemble that the once glacial air thawed out immediately and was replaced with the comforting warmth of the sun.

Apollon who was looking at his little brother but still keeping an eye on Aurore sighed silently in his heart. 

Your timing is impeccable little brother, you really saved me. 

Altough he didn't say it out loud, Alastor could tell what he was thinking and gave him a smile in response. 

Aurore who had now calmed down still eyed his idiotic brother but let it go. He quickly went to his little brother's side and lifted him in his arms. 

"Good morning Alastor. Why are you up so early? You could've slept a little more." Aurore asked him. 

"Good morning big brother Aur. I woke up because of the noise and couldn't go back to sleep."He said half awake. 

Aur? Did he just call me big brother Aur?! This made Aurore's heart trembling.

Adorable! He screamed internally yet his face reassembled a stone figure.

"We are sorry for the noise, preparations are being made since father could arrive at any minute now. I was just telling your brother for some help. Sorry for worrying you." 

"So you're not bad at brother Apollon?" He inoccently asked. 

Altought he was still furious with him, he decided not to make a big fuss and let the issue go. He would deal with him later. 

"No I'm not." He smiled lightly. This also made Alastor smile. Good he thought to himself. Siblings shouldn't fight amongst themselves too much. Magnus thought to himself. 

"Why don't we head downstairs now?" He turned to Apollon who was putting his book away. 

"You too. You might as well make yourself useful." He then turned and made his way downstairs, his brother still in his arms. 

Apollon who was left in the room himself could only sigh and follow him dejectedly. 

"This day is going to suck, I just know it." 

A new character has been unlocked!

Alcyone: (Al-key-own-eh)

Super devoted type who is willing to do anything for his master.

His backstory will be presented soon.

If you’be made it this far, add this story to your library!

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