
Elysium: The Divine System

What happens when an angel whose task is to protect humans has no understanding of the very people he needs to protect? You turn him into a human and make him live as one. The only way he can return to his home is by reaching level 100 and completing the tasks assigned to him by a system you created to teach unruly angels a lesson. This story takes place in two different "worlds" and involves a system. If this is something that interests you or you are simply curious, please give it a read. *The cover is from pinterest so please support the author there."

NkSchan · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Archive 18: Don't judge a book by its cover.

Selphyn stood in front of the grey gates that surrounded the Caesrus estate. 

She hadn't been back here in quite some time and coming back here and seeing the sight before her brought back some mixed feelings. On one hand she was relieved to see that nothing had changed at least from the outside. The home was large in size, looking ever so dark and majestic. Unlike most nobles who liked the "big white houses" that screamed their bourgeoisie lifestyle, the Caesrus home opted for a much more unique approach. Instead of looking warm and inviting, it made you hesitate to enter, as if stepping one foot into the gates would seal your fate.

She remembered when she was younger how scared she was to enter the first time, but now that she was grown up, the house wasn't scary but it was still intimidating. Selphyn avoided coming here if she could help it, but since she had been summoned by her master and she couldn't refuse him, she didn't have a choice. She took a deep breath and made her way into the estate. There waiting for her by the steps was her master whom she hadn't seen in three years. She missed him greatly and didn't hesitate when she ran towards him, jumping into his arms. 

"Master!" She yelled in glee. 

The man in question wrapped his arms around her accepting her embrace. He also hadn't seen his little disciple in a while and was glad to see her in such high spirits. 

"How have you been?" Pollux asked. 

"I've been doing well. I recently got recruited by a guild and have been tasked to help them out for a mission in the next two months." She gushed enthusiastically. 

"That's good to hear. I'm glad you're doing well for yourself as a wanderer." 

"Yes I know you were worried about my sudden decision but it's something I've been wanting to do for a while. Plus you get more experience in the real world as a wanderer." She argued. 

"Yes I understand. I only worry for you because I care. Now you know why I called you here right?" Pollux asked her while they both entered the home. 

"Yes, apparently the youngest master is in need of someone to help with his training. I'm gonna be honest master but I don't know why I'm here. I thought the kid wasn't interesting in martial arts. Plus isn't he weak? You can't practice the sword with a weak body." 

"That might've been true before but it isn't the case now. Young master Alastor has changed quite a lot since you've left." 

"That timid boy has changed? Seriously? I still remember the day I met him for the first time and he was trembling like a leaf when I spoke to him. I wasn't even that strong then and I made sure to keep my energy to a minimal and he still fainted afterwards. You're telling me that boy really wants to learn how to fight?" She asked not sounding convinced. 

"Well, wait until you see him. I'll let him know you are here. He is currently in the training room as we speak." 

"No need. I'll go to him. It'll be easier that way." She said.

She then turned and made her way to the training room. While looking around, she came across another painting that wasn't there when she was here in the past. The one she was observing was the painting with the woman and the two ghostly figures. 

"He added more of those creepy paintings?" She spoke to herself.

Selphyn never understood the Duke's strange taste of art. She found them unsettling and only made the atmosphere of the home more sinister. She shook her head and slowly made her way downstairs, where the training room was located. 

 Even if it's been awhile since she's been here, she was still very familiar with the layout of the place since she would come to train here her master as well as had a few spars with both young master's. Thinking about it made her smile. She missed the both of them dearly.

While arriving near the training room, she heard the familiar sounds of a wooden sword hitting a wooden dummy. She didn't think that Alastor was at a level where he could already hold a sword and so she wondered who else might be here. When she arrived the sight before her shocked her greatly. 

The young master was currently training rather intensely, swinging his sword around in what looked like an intricate pattern. Selphyn stood there in awe, not believing what she was seeing. Was he seriously the young master?! He had grown so much over the years but not only that, the energy around him was distinct and nothing compared to before. He was almost unrecognizable. Sensing her presence, Alastor turned to face the intruder. He looked at her, clearly on guard waiting for her to make her move. 

"Um-" she was brusquely cut off by the young master. "Who are you?"

He asked his tone indicating the lack of room for discussion. He looked like he was ready to swing at her with that wooden sword. This shocked her even more.

How brazen she thought.

Never in a million years did she expect to be treated like this by the timid little master. 

She cleared her throat, quickly getting herself out of her daze. She stood up right and extended her energy. She wanted to test how he would react. 

As soon as she leaked out even a little bit of energy, the little master was even more on guard, his face that looked annoyed suddenly became devoid of any emotion. His own energy spiked up unconsciously, and she could tell he was angry. She immediately shut it off and let out little laugh. 

"Looks like I've been found out." She sighed. 

Just then, Pollux entered the training room. "Young master Alastor, it looks like you've met your new master." Magnus' face that was once expressionless turned quickly into that of confusion. He looked at Pollux then looked back at Selphyn who was smiling. 

The stranger was a tall woman with brown skin and purple hair. She had alluring features with almond shaped eyes, long eyelashes, a pointed nose and full lips. Her exuberant smile lit her face up making her look warm and inviting. Magnus could tell at first glance that she had a charming personality. Her energy despite it being menacing earlier had a touch of warmth which let him know she didn't mean him any harm. He still didn't like her attitude just now though. 

"Oh, I see." He simply said. "I didn't realize you'd fine one so quickly." He said, relaxing his face. 

 Selphyn who had been observing from the side couldn't mask the look of disbelief on her face. Is this boy a light switch? How does he turn on and off his expression so quickly like that? More importantly how did a boy so young even learn to do that. She immediately became curious of the boy. 

"Yes, even before your request, I already had someone in mind. This is Selphyn Evangloria she is a first rate swordsman despite not being a holy knight. She was once my disciple and has since become a wanderer knight, travelling across the land. And from the looks of it," Pollux turned to examine his ex disciple, "she will be entering the peak stage soon." He said proudly. 

Peak stage? System what does this mean? He asked the system mentally. 

[As you know, there are different stages when it comes to swordsmanship. The first one being third-rate, meaning a new swordsman's or trainee. This level is given to anyone who is at the beginner and intermediate level of swordsmanship. Then there's the second-rate. This is given to anyone who has been a swordsman for at least three to five years and is well versed in energy. Second-rates can also be in charge of small groups of third-rate swordsmen as well. The third level is that of a first-rate swordsman. They have been practicing for five plus years, have enormous amounts of energy and can be considered masters. They can somewhat imbue their energy into their weapons making them a hundred times stronger. The last level is the peak which is divided into three stages: latent prowess, emerging prowess and ultimate prowess. This is someone who has reached the highest level of swordsmanship. They can fully imbue their energy into their weapons and can utilize more than one form. They are considered experts and have the highest respect. Even almost reaching the level of latent prowess is an achievement, since it is not an easy feat.] 

"I understand. What did you mean by last known?" 

[Its good that you caught on to that. There is a level that is higher than peak, however no one has ever in the history of this world actually reached it. Some have come close like your father but have never attained it fully. It is deemed almost impossible therefore, that level isn't included.] 

"What is the level called?" 

[Supreme swordsman.] 

Wow. These humans are quite impressive categorizing their levels like that. This was completely different than the Heavenly Realm. There were no levels assigned. All angels were powerful and were blessed with the ability to fight since our creation. Of course the powers had a significant edge over the other divisions but this was in terms of weaponry. We had the ability to wield multiple weapons and had mastery over all of them. Some angels were better than others but this was due to lack of practice or willingness.

It was incredible that such a young woman was this strong. She was almost at the highest level. 

As if sensing what he was thinking, Selphyn turned to look at Magnus with a sly grin on her face. 

"Oh little master, I am much older than I look." He turned to look at Pollux as if wanting confirmations 

"That's right. Selphyn is over thirty years old." He said. 

What?! She looked about the same age as his older brother Aurore, who was about nineteen years old. 

What kind of sorcery was this? 

I honestly had a bit of a hard time deciding what kind of martial arts I wanted to use for this story, and since I couldn’t decide which one, I decided to have a mix of pretty much everything. the sworsmanshil will be heavily inspired by the martial arts you see in murim novels/manhwa’s.

Anyway, we got to meet Alastor’s future master!

Selphyn: Cell-finn (Sel like the word “cellphone” and phyn like the name “Finn”$

NkSchancreators' thoughts