
Elysium: The Divine System

What happens when an angel whose task is to protect humans has no understanding of the very people he needs to protect? You turn him into a human and make him live as one. The only way he can return to his home is by reaching level 100 and completing the tasks assigned to him by a system you created to teach unruly angels a lesson. This story takes place in two different "worlds" and involves a system. If this is something that interests you or you are simply curious, please give it a read. *The cover is from pinterest so please support the author there."

NkSchan · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Archive 16: A rolling stone gathers moss.

There was a bit of chaos in the Heavenly Realm, more specifically due to a singular angel. 

Uriel stormed his way into the Holy Throne fuming with anger. He had just gotten word from a rather chatty angel that something had gone wrong with the portal.

It was quite worrying when the team sent out to the Human Realm didn't come back at the designated time. And whenever he would ask, no one would tell him anything. Fed up, he decided to visit his Master himself and get the answers he needed. 

"Uriel, you cannot just storm in here and act like this is your home. This is the Throne room please show some decorum." Rael the one in charge of the coming and goings of everyone in the Throne room scolded. 

"I am sorry, but I demand answers, why hasn't Team Alpha come back yet? What is going on?" 

"Uriel-" Just as Rael was about to send him away, Raziel came out putting a hand on his shoulder letting him know it was fine. 

"Uriel, please stop causing a commotion and come inside." He said calmly.

His calm demeanour only aggravated Uriel even more, but he did not let his emotions get the better of him and kept his composure. 

"We were just about to conduct a meeting about it so you might as well sit in."

And sure enough upon entering, at the large circular table with Being X at the head and all the thrones as well as the engineers were gathered with grave looks on their faces.

Uriel felt his chest tighten at the sight, he unconsciously rubbed the area, a frown forming on his beautiful face. 

"As I was saying…" Demetrius the head of the engineering department continued to say, "this kind of incident has almost never happened before.

Of course malfunctions are bound to happen especially when it comes to technology that has just been created, but for the portal to derail its course, and only bring one person, that… it just seems strange." 

"And where exactly did the portal go?" Asked Jeovana a Throne in charge of logistics. 

Demetrius hesitated to answer him.

He looked at Raziel as if silently asking him if it was okay to reveal what he knew. Since he hasn't said anything for awhile, Uriel grew impatient.

He couldn't resist the urge to shout: "WHERE DID IT GO?!"

Everyone in the room looked at him in shock but he could tell that everyone else was just as curious as he was.

Since angels didn't really feel human emotions like embarrassment, he was completely unfazed with the looks he was receiving.

Raziel gave him a pointed look and realizing that he had acted out of line with his Master present, he apologized. 

"I understand your frustration Uriel. You are worried for you friend but please do not let your emotions get the better of you." His Master reprimanded. 

"I understand. Apologies once again Master." 

"Demetrius, please go ahead." After receiving permission, Demetrius didn't hesitate any longer. 

"According to the data I received, it seems that the portal was brought to the Simulation Realm."

As soon as those words were uttered from Demetrius' mouth, audible gasps could be heard in the throne room. 

Uriel couldn't believe what he had heard.

"The Simulation Realm? It's still open? I thought it wasn't in use, so how could the portal have brought them there?" He exclaimed. 

"It is supposed to be closed, but it was activated due to an error by a new recruit. The Realm was supposedly shut down immediately after but I am guessing it was too late.

And from what I can tell, only one person has been sent there." He explained. 

"One person? Who— before he could finish, Raziel received a report. He quickly turned on his screen and displayed it to everyone. 

"Go ahead Neve, make your report." Neve's face was currently displayed in front of everyone.

Her long black hair was tied out of the way making her face even more dignified than usual. 

"Yes sir. Here to report that Team Alpha has arrived safely and completed their mission. There is one thing to note as well."

She spoke in a calm and timely manner, exuding an air of professionalism. 

"Yes what is it?" 

"According to the soldiers, their leader was not able to complete the mission with them due to a malfunction in the portal. They tried their best to find a way to get him back but to no avail. They are not sure of his whereabouts." She ended. 

"Thank you for letting me know Neve. Please keep this matter quiet for the time being as we figure out what to do, let the other soldiers know about this as well." 

"Yes sir." The screening ended. 

The entire room was silent. Uriel was the first to speak out. 

"Are you saying… Magnus is the one who is currently in the Simulation Realm?!" 

"That would be the case." 

"Is their any way to check if that's true? And if he is, how will he be able to get out? Isn't the Simulation Realm different compared to the others?" 

No one had the answers to his questions. So he could only turn to his Master.

"Unfortunately as you said Uriel, that Realm has a mind of its own, there is no way for me to interfere or act given its restrictions. If I were to do anything, only disaster would happen.

The only way Magnus can get out is on his own. Of course it's not an impossible thing to do because he won't be completely on his own. It will however take time." 

"The only thing we can do now is put our trust in him." Master finished. 

"Don't worry Uriel. Magnus is intelligent and incredibly resourceful, he is the brightest out of most of us. If anyone can get out of this, it's him." Raziel assured him. 

Demetrius cleared his throat, trying to get everyone's attention. 

"Even though we can't interfere directly, we can give him some guidance and help him even a little. We can modify the system in a way that can greatly benefit him.

Since he is currently in his human body, getting out alone will be difficult, but we can give him the tools and means he'll need to get stronger and beat the simulation right?" 

"That could definitely work." Agreed Jeovana.


"I think so too." Replied Raziel. 

They all turned to look at their Master. 

"What do you think Master? This could definitely save Magnus a lot of time." He pleaded. 

"I believe it's doable." With this confirmation, Demetrius didn't wait a single second and got to work. 

Get all the engineers, technicians and designers together right away. Let's bring our brother home as soon as possible." He exclaimed. 

Magnus, please be patient, we'll bring you home soon. Uriel silently prayed.