
Elysium: The Divine System

What happens when an angel whose task is to protect humans has no understanding of the very people he needs to protect? You turn him into a human and make him live as one. The only way he can return to his home is by reaching level 100 and completing the tasks assigned to him by a system you created to teach unruly angels a lesson. This story takes place in two different "worlds" and involves a system. If this is something that interests you or you are simply curious, please give it a read. *The cover is from pinterest so please support the author there."

NkSchan · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Archive 15: Let come what comes, let go what goes.

After breakfast per my mother's instructions, I got changed for training.

Since I had already done my morning stretches and core exercises, I decided to get cardio out the way.

The training room was large in size and there was a section made specifically for running. It also included a rack of wooden swords, dummies for sword practice and various obstacle courses for training purposes.

Overall, it was well equipped and had everything a beginner would need to build strength. 

Magnus didn't waste any time and started running laps around the training hall. Since he was just starting, and he knew this body had limits, he only ran three laps. By the time he was done, he was panting and sweating profusely. 

"This body really is weak." He thought out loud. 

He looked around.

There was no one in sight and this pleased him. He managed to convince his brothers to let him train alone for the time being and if he ever needed help, he would ask. After resting for five minutes, he got up and made his way to the racks of wooden swords. Curious, he picked one up.

In his original world, Magnus didn't make it a habit of sticking to a single weapon and tried using everything at his disposal, wether it was lances, javelins, spears or daggers, he didn't discriminate.

But, if he had to pick his favourite weapon, it would be the sword, he loved how versatile it was and how much of an impact it had on him. It was however his first time seeing a sword made out of wood since all angels regardless of rank were born with the ability to wield weapons easily. This concept was new to him, but he wasn't displeased in the slightest. 

"Humans have interesting ways of doing things." He thought out loud. 


[They believe that everything has an order. Before fighting with a dangerous weapon such as the sword, one must first learn how to wield it, they need to know the correct stances and practice footwork. You need training even more wielding a wooden sword.] 

"Footwork huh?" 

Magnus took a step forward, stretching his limbs. He started to move his feet around, forming a pattern.

To onlookers, he looked like he was dancing, but in reality, he was performing one of the infamous' style of moving you feet in the Heavenly Realm. He felt nostalgic doing this since it's been awhile. 

[Your form is good, however this form is nothing like the kind of footwork in this world. You will have to find a master to teach you, lest you want to be exposed for not being from this world]

The system remarked. 

This made Magnus stop what he was doing. The system was right. He couldn't start fighting like he used to. He needed to learn how humans fought in this world. 

"System, are there any instruction manual for beginner when it comes to practicing the sword? Before I even think about finding a master, I must at least know the basics." 

[There is, if you open your window and look under the section tools, you can find a list on manual's pertaining to that subject. These manuals are free of use and do not require any form a payment because they are basic.] 

"Good, I thought I would have to pay. Please make the purchase." 

[Purchase has been made, manual can be accessed right away.] 

Magnus spend the next twenty minutes browsing through the manual, taking in all the concepts and information and memorizing them. After he was finished, he started with the first steps as intructied the book. By the time the afternoon had hit, Magnus was already half way through the book and had all the steps down. 

[Impressive as always. You are almost through with the book.] 

"Well, this much should be easy for me, I was voted one of the smartest angels in the Heavenly Realm for a reason." He boasted.

Right after that, Pollux came to fetch him letting him know that lunch was ready. Feeling satisfied with the amount of things he got done today, Magnus didn't argue and followed Pollux. 

"How was your training young master?" Pollux asked curiously. 

Magnus smiled lightly. "It was great Pollux, thanks for asking." This response made Pollux smile. He was glad his young master was doing well. Especially given his childhood.

He used to be so timid and soft spoken never speaking more than necessary. 

This change was a good thing he thought to himself. 


Affection: 40/1000 

Keep the affections going up and build closer bonds with those around you! 

The system commented. 

This made Magnus roll his eyes. At this rate, his affection levels would be fulfilled by the end of the month, he thought. 

Well, he wasn't complaining, all of this was necessary for him to go up a level which he was grateful for. It was kind of a bother needed to gain the affection of humans, but if this was what was needed for him to leave this place, he would do it. 

He was starting to miss the Heavenly Realm, his home, his peers and his best friend. 

Uriel, wherever you are I hope you aren't worrying too much about me.

I will do everything I can to get back home.

I promise. 

Nothing important to note here.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter nonerheless and look forward to the next one!

NkSchancreators' thoughts