
Elite leader

DaoistbVl9vK · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

CHAPTER 1 beginning\1

Everything begin In an other world,a world where the air, fire, water, earth and ice live in perfect peace. Everyone one getting along no war no fight. Every element have hi community and this community was lead by a family. the family was composed of a queen a king and a prince but never a princess.

One day in the ice Kingdom the queen had given birth to a baby girl,the first I million of centuries. Everyone was stunned by the birth of the baby it was a leaving miracle due her name Wunder. she grew up like a normal kid living a peaceful life.At the age of 10 she was going to reveal her strength like every royal kids does. To the shock of everyone she could control more then the ice she could control all of the elements.Anyone ever had this ability she was the first.

Will growing she was very powerful but little did her power began heavy. By that time the 5 kings tried helping but in vain more years past and more she was dying. One day due to heavy and painful power. The day she died everyone was sad cause Wunder was Loved by everyone and her sudden death affected everyone.

Generations and generations passed and the elements were little by little losing their power without any one noticing. Anyone ever had a girl for princess until one day in ice Kingdom the queen was going birth to her second child to the surprise of everyone it was a girl again after centuries but something was wrong with the baby. She wasn't like her brother nor other ice baby, she had the white icy eyes and anormale but beautiful white purple hair. Everyone was mesmerized by her the second she was in her mother's arms a mark appeared on the side of her collar bone, the mark uses to show the sign of your element but her mark was incomplete make everyone more stunned.

The girl was loved of everyone mostly her brother. He never let anyone take her they were always stuck together. One year had passed until the Union ceremony were the communities and there leading family meet to see the children's strength. They arrived all together the ice family presented there new born baby girl to everyone. The time want on when suddenly all the lights went off and on,to everyone shock the fire king was on the scene with two kids with him, his son and the princess. The ice family was extremely worried for their baby. After some silence the fire king spoke.

_ What a great surprise we have here, a princess finally after centuries.

_ What do you want.

Queen said worry on her face.The fire king darkly chuckled

_ Simple I went all of your element all and this little girl is the key.so give me what I want.

The were all frozen but the queen spoke.

_ Are you crazy we will never.

_Fine but you won't see her every again..