
Elite leader

DaoistbVl9vK · Fantasy
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4 Chs


The years passed, since the princess had been kidnapped there was a big war who was started by the fire king. For 15 years the communities was all fighting against the fire king dominance but some of them were too weak and got under his control.To protect their child the families put them under the ice Kingdom protection cause they had a better defense.

Stolen princess has grown up in the fire kingdom with the fire king's son Lucas. they both had been raised as soldiers them and other kids. They were trained really hard they have to improve ever day if not they punished or other things. The baby girl was named Milagre, her and Lucas was very close they were always there for each other. Lucas was 3years older then her and protect her at all cost. They both were the best student but they were always in fight to know how will be first.

One day like any other day they were on a formative mission in the woods. Milagre and Lucas was pair against other teams. On the mission Milagre got lost in the woods, Lucas search for her but the time was already over. She went far so far to reach the ice Kingdom's door. Some Guards saw her on surprised by her anormale hair color. They lost any second and caught her. she was defending herself but they were stronger. The broth her to main hall were they saw the queen and 3 other boys discussing. After some time they noticed the guards and the purple haired girl.They all were first shocked but the Queen realized something and her eyes got teary by the sight in front of her.

"it's impossible"she thought..