
Eldritch-Touched Cultivator (ATG)

A guy finds himself reincarnated into a world he has no idea about, he only knows that it's a cultivation world. What will he do? ----------------------------- I own nothing but my original characters and plot, everything else is owned by their respected owners. ----------------------------- A general warning: This fic was made for me to satisfy my need to see a certain girl get romanced since I haven't seen any ATG fic about it. I'm also a slow writer so you won't get updated every day, but I'll upload when I'm done with the chapter. ---------------------------- If you wish to talk with me on Discord, I'm in these following ones https://discord.gg/ncrYddTrH8 - LuminouShadow novels https://discord.gg/ZMUGNKNUZA - The Den of Fanfics https://discord.gg/wd3tUYWVCd - Shiro's Gaming Omniverse

Don_Fluffles · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
18 Chs

Chapter 2 : A meeting and plotting in the shadows

These last 3 years have been wild, to say the least. I've died, reincarnated, got a roommate inside my soul and I'm in a Cultivation world.

You know, those worlds where you can die because you looked the wrong way. It's also the world where someone will come up to you and say "Courting death" or "You dare!"

Though there's also a good side, I'm not alone, I have a friend. Her name is Lai Ling, she is an ancient cultivator that was ascending to godhood but got jumped by jealous people that have wronged her. She latched to my soul before she died and now she's being my roommate and my teacher, teaching me all kinds of things.

Speaking of souls and that crap, I still have no idea how I survived in that void, it's not like I'm a God. If Ling couldn't survive, then I'm not sure what my chances are.

Ling also said that my soul was strong, don't know what that means exactly, only that she couldn't probe it when she tried. It also gave her some ominous feeling, like she was losing her mind.

So, yeah, my rebirth has a lot of mysteries that I can't explain. Kind of like how I can understand everything that is spoken here.

Anyway, now's the time to change clothes because I'm going to meet the 5th Elder of the Xiao Clan, Xiao Lie. He's also bringing his daughter and his grandson. I don't remember their names.

So, I changed into a nice looking Hangfu. It's basically robes that the Chinese wear. Mine was dark blue with some black boots.

"Yun'er, are you ready?" I hear my new father's voice as I walk out of my room. My father, still feels weird saying it.

"Yeah, dad, I'm done" I say back while walking towards the front door, it seems like he was done before me.

Looking at him, I saw a big man with a handsome face, he had brown eyes and an anchor type beard. He's also muscular, but that was kind of hidden by his black robes.

"Oh? You actually managed to dress yourself? I'm impressed" he said with a grin on his face.

"Of course, I can take care of myself" I retorted with an eye roll. My father just laughed. I was a grown man, no matter how I look now, so I'd rather not have someone dress me up.

"So, you ready to go?" He extended his hand towards me.

"Yeah" I reply, going to take it. As much as I like to do things on my own, I still like these moments where I'm back to being cared for.

My parents died back in my old world. It was a road accident, they were coming back from a friend's wedding when a speeding car crashed into theirs. The experts said it was a quick death, for both parties involved.

I was only 19 at the time, but their death was crushing. I was close to my parents, we had a great relationship. After that, I fell into depression and even signed out of college- "You alright, Yun'er?"

Huh? I looked around myself. Oh, guess I zoned out when I began thinking of my old parents again. "Yeah, I'm alright" I replied to my father.

He seems to be still looking me over before deciding to drop the matter, I guess. I'm not good at reading people.

What the hell! Why did I begin to recall the death of my parents? Dammit all! Damn you brain! Or soul! I don't care which, just fuck you for making me remember these things.

Breathe in, breathe out. Think of something else while ignoring that sinking feeling in your stomach.

Yeah, I should just watch the buildings, think of them. Think of the beautiful trees, the Cherry Blossom, the nice Dove trees. Look at how beautiful that tree is, white flowers coming down from the branches.

The houses are also nice, they are done in a Chinese way. Strong foundations in the ground (kind of symbolic in a Cultivation world) with some houses having an extra floor or two. Really, it depended on the family and how rich they were.

Our house only had one floor because it was only me and my father, despite being rich.

Speaking of rich, I didn't know this until a bit after I was reborn, but apparently, we're rich, like one of the wealthiest families in the city, rich.

Why were we rich? Because my father is a hunter. He hunts beasts that have begun to cultivate, meaning that no ordinary man could take them on.

Of course, since he doesn't need a lot of their corpses, he sells them to Uncle Hongyi, the biggest merchant of this city, who later sells them to bigger cities.

If I had to take a guess on where we stood in the ranking of the wealthiest people? I'd say we're probably just behind the Xiao Clan, who get most of their funding from their main branch, and the Xia Clan, because they were the biggest merchants in this city.

So, yea, I'm a young master, fear me.

But in all honesty? I think I'm blessed to have a life like this. People that love me are surrounding me. I have a dad that loves me with all his heart, an Uncle and an aunt that always takes care of me when dad is away hunting. Their children whom I've come to love, and consider friends, no matter their age.

— — — — — — — —

It took a good 10 minutes of walking before we reached the Xia manor, the place where we'll meet the Xiao elder, his daughter and his grandson.

When we reached their manor, we were escorted in by a guard. We didn't really need that but it was more of a formality than anything. People here liked their formality and 'giving' face.

It's tiring but like they say, when in Rome…

We walk for like a full minute before we are before the main hall in the Xia manor, this place is that huge. It's mind-boggling for me, someone who came from a middle-class family in my old world, to see people being so extravagant.

I know that there were people like that in my old world too, don't get me wrong. It's just that I didn't know people like that, people with loads of money. So while I saw them on the internet, it was never something that I experienced first hand.

I only got to explore this whole manor a year ago, when I had good enough balance to not fall after 10 steps.

We reached the door and the guard knocked because we weren't allowed to. A maid soon opens the door for us.

She bows to us before inviting us in.

I walk in and notice that not everyone from the Xia family is here. Aunt Dongxue and Qingyue aren't here yet it seems. Though Uncle Hongyi was already sitting with Yuanba.

This hall we were in was huge, it could probably fit 50 people with room to spare. It had chairs on the sides with tables in front of them with one chair sitting in the middle towards the end. That chair is where usually the clan head sits when meeting important people who come to visit.

Right now both Uncle Hongyi and Yuanba were sitting on the right side, probably waiting for us.

"Hey, Uncle Hongyi, Yuanba" I greet them "How are you doing today?"

Yuanba looks at me before sprinting towards me, he doesn't make it far before he falls, though. I quickly make my way towards him so I can lift him up.

"Are you okay, Yuanba?" I'm not surprised that he fell, he kind of does it all the time. Though, he is tough. I think it has something to do with his physique. At least that is what Lai Ling said.

I'm also not sure how either but ever since I met the Xia family, I've had this weird feeling about them. Not Uncle Hongyi though, he feels 'normal' to this new sense of mine.

I think it has to do with this being a Cultivation world. I've read some back in my old life, and they all had that physique nonsense.

Now what does that mean for me? Nothing much. I'm not involved in this so I don't think I'll have any trouble coming to me, but that doesn't mean that it wouldn't be a problem for the Xia family.

I'll be honest here, I like the Xia family, they are a second family for me. After all, they have always taken care of me when my dad goes out hunting. So, that means that I would be more than willing to protect them if the time comes when someone comes and tries to either take them away for some weird ritual or to do anything else.

Focusing back on Yuanba, I helped him stand up. Looking up, I see that Uncle Hongyi is walking towards us with an amused smile on his face. Yeah, yeah, I get it, I'm the mother hen here.

"Well, I'm doing fine, Yun'er" Before neither of us could say anything more, the door opened and in came the rest of the Xia family. Xia Dongxue and Xia Qingyue.

Xia Dongxue was called the most beautiful lady in Floating Cloud City. She had long black hair that reached her waist. She had a beautiful face with silver eyes. Not only that, but she also had a great figure that made the women cry in envy while the men cried tears of not having her as their wife.

Xia Qingyue on the other hand, was a cute little girl that would no doubt grow up to be a beauty in the future. She also had black hair, though her hair to her shoulders. Silver eyes like her mother and a cute little face.

The moment Qingyue's eyes landed on me, they sparkled. She's also attached to me, probably because I play with her and Yuanba a lot.

She quickly walked towards me, she couldn't run because the blue dress she was wearing didn't allow her to run in it.

I prepared myself for what is about to come, hopefully I won't fall. The moment she was near me, she jumped into a hug. I, of course, hugged her back.

"How are you doing, Qingyue?" I ask after letting her go.

She nods excitedly, "I'm going to have a new friend to play with!" Ah, I get it now. Both Qingyue and Yuanba have me as their play buddy. Other kids our age aren't allowed to play with us, for a number of reasons.

Firstly, we, both me and Xia siblings, come from families with high standing in the city. That means that not everyone is willing to approach us, at least for the older members in the families because they could offend us. This is a Cultivation world after all.

Secondly, kidnappers. We are still kids, even if I have an adult mind. That means it's easy to kidnap us. Not that the adults wouldn't watch us, but you don't know what can happen. So, to keep us safe, we don't get to play outside the mansion.

So, yeah, it's bad but not the worst. Things do get boring sometimes though.

Looking up, I see that Aunt Dongxue has also joined us inside the hall. "My, my, you guys look so cute together" She had this anime Milf smile when she said that, while putting her hand on her cheek.

"Of course, I'm gonna marry Yun!" Qingyue quipped.

"I also marry Yun!" Yuanba joined into the fray, making us laugh.

I patted both their heads, "Of course, I'm gonna marry both of you"

"Aren't you popular, eh Yun?" Of course, my dear old dad would never not find it himself to make a comment like this.

Before I got to say anything else, the door opened and a maid stood there. Huh, I guess our guests are here.

"Master Hongyi, Elder Xiao Lie with young master Xiao Che and Young mistress Xiao Lingxi are here" That was a lot of names, how do they keep track of them? I sometimes forget my own name.

"Of course, let them in" Uncle Hongyi walked forward, I also saw that my father picked up his posture while also walking forward with Uncle Hongyi. Seems like they respect this Elder Xiao Lie because I don't think I have ever seen father be so serious before.

The maid, I don't know her name, moved to the side and I think signaled to the guard, I think? I don't know anything about maid work but I'm pretty sure it was a signal to let the guests in.

"Alright, now stand in line kids" Aunt Dongxue walked towards us, she was also serious. Yuanba and Qingxue quickly stood by my sides while Aunt Dongxue quickly fixed Yuanba's clothes. His Hangfu had become a little messy.

Looking at the door, I heard people walking towards the hall. Soon I see them, an older man with black hair, though there seems to be some white in there as well. The kids on both his sides, one boy with black hair in a ponytail, he seemed like a doll almost. The other one was a girl, she had curly light brown hair with dark amber eyes to compliment.

Though there was something about the girl, it had me shivering a little.


How long has it been? A few million years? No, more. But that didn't matter anymore.

All that time wasted for nothing.

All of her plans, everything she had done. Everything wasted because they had decided to send an envoy. Someone who had the power to disrupt fate and destiny.

She wondered, was all her hard work for nothing?

She had never wanted to hurt anybody, just to live her life. They were the ones who came and disrupted her. They were the ones who threatened to destroy her home.

Now they send an envoy and destroy all her work.

She only had 13 years before her plan would have started but that obviously doesn't matter anymore.

An idea came to mind, however. Maybe she could use the envoy against his senders?