
Chapter 3 : Some Slice of Life and a goodbye

POV: Lai Ling

Floating in a lotus position, Lai Ling waited for Song Yun to sleep, so he could come and meet her. She had good news for him, she's recovered enough to manage making a mental connection. That way, she wouldn't need to wait for him to sleep, they could talk whenever they wanted to.

She thought about the last 4 years she spent with her new 'roommate', like Yun liked to call her.

Things were difficult in the beginning, with her not being able to let her guard down and not being able to tell him everything about herself, fearing that Yun would attack her or throw her away. She was too weak to survive in this new world she found herself in.

But, thankfully, it turned out that Yun wasn't one of those cultivators, instead he was a reincarnate. Something she would always be thankful for. He wasn't close minded, like those fools from her past, he understood that some powers didn't define the person.

While she had to explain things to him because he didn't know things about cultivation, he understood quickly.

That brought her to another point she had been worrying about, Song Yun. Or to be more specific, his 'powers'. They scared her, if she was being blunt. She had no idea where they came from and every time she tried to look into his soul, she felt something like insanity trying to take over her mind and every soul.

Yun himself also didn't know where he got those powers, though he had some theories, some of which were utterly ridiculous. Like one theory of his goes like this, Some being that is bored, gives away powers for free, just to have some entertainment. How that worked, she had no idea. Why wouldn't that being just try to further himself? Or just help out his faction?

She could never understand how some people would come up with these ideas and actually believe in them. Like the 'Almighty GOD', why would someone believe in that?

Though maybe she was being too harsh, she too believed in cultivators and all that jazz until she was shown the true reality of the harsh world.

That was neither here nor there though, both Yun and her needed to figure out where his powers come from and if they are controllable. If they aren't, things will get difficult for him. They also needed to find out if the one who gave him this power expected something back.

All in all, they had a lot of work for them, with her recovering and teaching Yun. Yun is living his new life and trying to find information about this new world.

Speaking of which, this new world was very bizarre, from the way people cultivated to how simple the laws themselves are.

It was almost like someone made them this easy…


Isn't that an ominous thought.

If she knew anything about jinxing, she probably just did that. Great, now she had to look out for that.

"Hey, Lin-why do you look like someone is about to murder a puppy in front of you."

POV: Song Yun


I thought I was in a high fantasy world, a place where I could get away from that thing but it seems to exist everywhere, bringing suffering to everyone it gets its claws on.


Why? Why, God?

The worst thing about this one is that I have to learn the basics again. Writing, reading, basic math and everything with that.

[Stop being a baby and get going.]

'No' Just because my good old man wants the best for me, doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. This is about to be such a bore, I genuinely hope I can graduate early or something equivalent to that.

[Don't you have your friends there?]

'I don't think they'll have time for me, what's with all the studying and all' Like I said, this will be a bore.

Worst of all, I already can read and write. Not because someone taught me but because somehow, I can understand everything.

Yeah, it's weird, I know, but I can't do anything about it, it's not like I can unlearn or stop this from happening.

Though I can't complain too much, I at least have someone who'll be talking to me. Right, best buddy?

[Get moving, you're just being annoying now]

Yeah, yeah, I'll get going.

After getting ready, my dear old dad was waiting for me. He'll bring me to the building where I'll be 'studying' with other rich children in the city. It may not seem like it, but this city has over 100k people living in it and with so many merchants, you'll find yourself with quite a lot of rich kids.

My dad isn't a merchant, he's a hunter. He hunts stuff in the forest near this city and sells it to people who want to buy. Of course, he's not the only hunter in the city, there's plenty of them around. It's just that my dad is the strongest of them.

Being almost in the peak spirit realm, there was only one person who was stronger than him, Xiao Lie. Course, that doesn't really mean much, not when you consider the popularity of the two.

While Xiao Lie was the strongest person in Floating Cloud city, that was it. He really didn't have much to his name.

My dad, Song Guang, on the other hand was a very popular man. He hunted the stronger profound beasts that you can find in this area. He is also young, didn't have a wife and was handsome, it made him popular with the ladies. I swear, some of those girls really didn't know the meaning of shame, calling him out while he was walking with his son.

Like I get it, people here try to go after strong/influential people, people in my old world did it too but here it's way worse. Probably because it's still in the medieval setting, not like my old home where people were more educated.

School here is only for the rich, everyone else just has to deal with it. Which is sad to see, after all if the people here could read and write, loads of opportunities would open for them. It would bring the welfare of the people up.

[Why would you care about how others live?]

I don't know really, it's just something that I've been taught from a young age. Help people if you can do it. It's something my parents would always do and I've just learned to do the same.

[Were your parents some kind of saints by any chance?]

Nah, they just liked helping people, but they weren't the only ones to do so, quite many people helped. It was just that the news didn't cover that, they only covered the sad and horrible shit.

[It seems like we're the opposite then, we're I come from and I bet in this reality too, they always cover the bad stuff while only putting the good achievement out]

It's not like there wasn't any media to cover the news but they were mostly focused on the negative.

Anyway I think we strayed too much from the original topic.

[There was an original topic?]

Of course there was. We were talking about school and how boring it will be.

[Ah yeah, that]

What's so fun about school, I really don't get it, most teachers make the subjects boring and there is hardly any fun. The only fun there is if you have friends and if the teacher is likable enough.

"Hey Yun'er! What's going on? Why haven't you dressed yet? We're going to be late" Wait what?

Oh, for fuck's sake, we got so off-topic that I even forgot to change clothes.

[I was about to mention that but you seemed to have fun so I didn't]

Yeah right.

"I'll be done in a second dad" I quickly tell him before zooming through my clothes. Thankfully I had them ready the night before. Not long after I had on me my black robes with white shoes. I've already done my hair in a ponytail so I was good to go.

"I'm done dad" I tell him while walking to the front door.

This will be a long day.

I waved goodbye as my old man left for his job. At the moment I was standing inside the school building waiting for someone to come get me.

Now, don't misunderstand, it wasn't because I was a young master and had people do this so that I can show how important I was. It's because I didn't know where to go from here so I needed people to show me the way.

[I'm always so conflicted when you try to justify why you aren't a young master]

What do you want me to do then? Become a young master?

[If you become a young master, I'll smack you. I'd rather go through hell than deal with an egotistical retard.]

Then don't make stupid remarks, stupid.

[I swear your body is making you act more like a child.]

Wait for real? I haven't noticed a thing, this is always how I act. I think.

[No, you were more adult like when we first met than now.]

Isn't that because I got more comfortable around you? I try to act more myself when I'm around people that I've known for a while and can trust.

[R-Right. Anyway, look, someone is coming.]

Hmm? Oh, you're right.

I began walking towards him, the dude looked like a butler but Chinese. A full black Cultivator dress, a long goatee beard which was white and something surprising, short hair.

From what I've been told, people here try not to cut their hair. Something about prestige or something. I don't really get it myself, I grow my hair out just because I always wanted to try it.

I greet him with a bow "Good morning"

He also gave a small bow, "Good morning, younger master Yun. I'm glad you could make it" I tried not to show it but I cringed when he called me young master. I really don't like being called that. "If you'd please follow me so I can show you the class"

I nodded my head and we began walking with me following him. The entire trip down the hallway was silent, I'm guessing he doesn't like to talk much.

We soon came across a few doors in the hallway with the old dude bringing me to the one inmost of the hall. He slid open the door and gave me another bow, I nodded my head and went inside.

I've mostly gotten used to people giving me too much respect even if I'm only 4.

As soon as I enter the classroom, I see faces I'm familiar with. First being Qingyue, the little girl whom I've known since I gained consciousness. The second and third person are Xiao Che and Xiao Lingxi, both of whom I was introduced to a year ago.

We've become friends since then though Lingxi is more reserved than Quingyue was so she hasn't opened up completely to me. Xian Che though has been more open towards me. We've even hit it off pretty well.

I walk towards them while raising my hand "Hey guys, how ya doing?" I greet them pretty casually since it isn't expected from children to talk to each other formally. Especially those that you know well.

The three of them looked towards me before Qingyue walked over and gave me a hug. She does this every time she sees me. "Hey Yun, I thought you wouldn't show up in time" I just patted Qingyue's head.

"Of course not. I was just a bit late in waking up" Which was true, I'm just not planning on telling them that I also got caught up talking to an almost goddess that now lives in my head rent-free.

[Hey, I pay my rent. Who do you think has been teaching you all these things about the mind art and stuff like that?]

Eh, Ling dear, rent-free is a term of expression, not literally living in my head rent-free.


There were a few seconds of silence in my head before I kind of got worried. Ling, are you there?

Well, she's either dead or is too embarrassed to come out, I'll have to talk to her when I go to sleep.

I ignored the embarrassed ghost-girl for now and continued to talk to my friends before class started.

"Hey Yun, did you know that our teacher is a Nascent Profound Cultivator?"

"Really?" I looked at Xiao Che with a raised eyebrow, that was truly rare in this city. Most Cultivators who are self-dependent in this city don't make it past Elementary Profound, the first level of Cultivation.

"Yeah, my grandpa told me about the teacher. He's apparently come here from a City called New Moon City" Well that explains some things, like how he got past Elementary Profound without being sought out by other clans or merchants.

Our city is the weakest in the Blue Wind Empire, so what many here consider strong doesn't translate to other places.

"Well let's hope that he's a good teacher" Because I'd be rather bored otherwise.

I hear the door open, looking at it, it seems like our teacher has arrived. He was a bit on the taller side with a little belly on him with some really thick mustache. He walked to the front desk and looked at all of us.

Most got what he was saying and took the seats nearest them. I had to have Qingyue let go of me before taking a seat near her. Xiao Che and Lingxi took seats near us as well.

Only after everyone had sat down did our teacher begin. "Good morning everyone. My name is Guo Liwei and I'll be your teacher for the foreseeable future. Hope that we get along."

With that, my new hell has begun. He had us introduce ourselves, say something that we liked and then he began with the alphabet. I had to hold myself from not sleeping. Instead, I tried to get Ms. Ghost girl to say something.

Only after lunch did she finally speak.

[I realize that I'm not as used to you as I thought I was. I'm still quite stiff it seems.]

Don't worry about it, you'll get used to it. Anyway I really wanted to ask you something, can I build my own techniques?

[What type of techniques are you talking about?]

Well, there are a few cool anime abilities that are too good to pass on not to use. I was wondering if I could do them in this world? Like using Light to use Law from Fairy Tail.

[That's a good question. From what I've been able to sense so far, the Laws of this world are simple, from their Profound Arts to their Cultivation. I'd wager that you could do it because if this was in my old world then you'd have a lot more trouble where everything is stricter.]

So, it's possible, huh. That's gonna change my plans.

[Why are you so interested in building your own techniques?]

How could I not be? These techniques were only fantasy in my world and now that I have the chance to make them, why wouldn't I?

[I've never really had that problem so I'm not really sure what to say.]

Don't worry about it. I get it, but for me, it's like not being capable of walking but then being able to do it. Changes things.

[I guess. That still opened a question, how will you deal with people coming after you for your techniques?]

I'll… Huh, what should I do with them? I'm pretty sure not all the people who come after me will be hostile. The people who are hostile can be dealt with differently but I don't know how to deal with the non-hostile people.

I can tell them no but I'm pretty sure some will get super annoying, it's the same with people who were stars in my old world, some people just couldn't take a no. What do you think I should do?

[There are plenty of ways to not have people annoy you with these requests, I usually just scare them away.]

That's not exactly a bad way but I'm not sure I want to scare people away, maybe as a last resort.

[Some people also have started sects, to have their secrets better protected and to nurture future generations.]

That… doesn't sound too bad. You make a sect where people work together to protect it and educate future generations. It's like school but with a military.

[It kind of is that. Sects are there to nurture future generations but it also is almost a military. Of course, there are sects that aren't exactly as nice to their disciples, but those are usually demonic sects.]

Huh, I think I know what I want to do now, I have a clear goal.

I'll first go explore the world and experience it before settling back and building a sect. A good plan if you ask me.

[That's not a bad goal but I thought you'd be more selfish.]

What do you mean? I am selfish, it's just that I also would love to build a sect and see how it turns out. All the students and elders are teaching because I've read some Manhwa before I died and from what I've gathered, they're all that bullying and crap like that. I'd like to have none of that, I'd like to have a place where people can actually come and study without being afraid of being bullied or killed if they somehow offended someone.

[Seems awfully nice of you.]

Maybe? I just like to help people, it feels nice. Of course, I know that I can't help everybody, but being able to help the people in front of you is better than doing nothing.

Besides, if I can have more people educated, not just in Cultivation, the welfare of the whole country goes up.

[That's a good point. If the welfare of the people goes up, you could live an easier life.]

See now you're getting my point.

POV: Song Guang

Looking at the guys from his party packing up, he sighed. It's been a long 4 years, but things have finally begun to settle down.

He never thought that he'd have a child, he was always a free-spirited man not wanting to be bound by responsibility, it's why he never settled down with a woman. No matter how many throw themselves at him.

No, how his son was born wasn't out of love or anything like that, it was something far worse.

He had come home drunk the night of Hongyi's wedding party but since he was feeling pent-up, he hired a prostitute for that one night. Now Guang was many things but he really didn't think he would be stupid enough to not make sure that the prostitute had really taken the anti-pregnancy pills.

Maybe it was because he was drunk and didn't notice, but one thing had led to another and the girl had ended up coming to his house one month later stating that she was pregnant with his child.

That had led to several problems, one of which was her proving that she hadn't slept with another man since him. But that wasn't the worst part, no. The worst part is that he couldn't kill her because she had a life in her stomach, one that was innocent.

So, he had to grind his teeth and hold it in until she had given birth.

He still couldn't understand why she had done that, not being able to wrap his head around that thinking.

8 months later, that whore had given birth and he had directly cast her out, no matter how much she begged. Hongyi had convinced him to take care of the child, become a father. No matter how much he thought he wasn't suitable for it.

He could still remember though, the moment that child had opened his eyes, those big ruby eyes, taking in the world. Maybe it was at that moment that he finally broke through that mental hurdle of being a father, but he finally decided to act and raise his son.

Though he would be honest with himself and say that while he had tried his best, there were some things that he just couldn't do. It's why Hongyi and Dongxue, who had understood his situation, offered their help. Like when he was out hunting, he just couldn't trust anyone with babysitting his son.

Everything hadn't gone how he wished it to be but he was still happy. He was especially happy with Yun getting an education that he never got until he was in his twenties.

Now he just had to wait a few more years and could finally begin to teach him about Martial Arts and how to cultivate. Though the latter could take a while depending on when his Profound Veins matured. Still, now he had so much more to look out to.

"Master Goung, we're ready to transport the beasts to the city now" The voice of his companion brought him out of his contemplation, he looked over everything and nodded his head.

"Good job, now let's bring them back" He began to walk back to the city with his party of hunters.

After getting back to the city and making sure that everything was going to be alright even without him being there, he took his leave to the school Yun was attending, it was almost time for classes to end.

When he arrived at the school building, he saw that some parents were also there, most of them he was familiar with. Some elders of Clans, most prominent being the Xiao Clan.

After initial greetings, they went back to waiting for a few minutes before they heard the children coming their way. It didn't take too long for Yun to come seek him out, though his friends also followed along.

He gave them a soft smile "How was your day today, kids?" He asked, he's really grown soft around children.

Qingyue was practically bouncing from excitement "It was really fun, Uncle Goung. The teacher was so nice and he taught us how to write the alphabet" He nodded his head, happy to hear that they'd had fun. It's good for children to have fun when learning.

At least that was his opinion from the time he had to learn the alphabet. He grew easily bored when his old teacher went on and on with a dead voice.

"It was fine, though a little boring" He didn't expect his son to find it boring here, since he was always so curious about things.

"Oh? Why was it boring?" He was truly intrigued by why he was bored.

It seems like Yun was thinking about his answer, was it really that hard to tell?

"It was probably because I could write a bit of the alphabet so I didn't really learn anything new"

Oh. That was news to him. When did Yun have the chance to begin practicing the alphabet? Was it when he was at the Xia Manor?

Though he couldn't ask much more because the Elder of the Xiao Clan came to get Xiao Che and Xiao Lingxi, interrupting their talk. It also wasn't that long before a guard from the Xia Manor came to get little Qingyue.

After saying their goodbyes, Goung began walking towards their home with his son in tow.

It was only after them walking a bit of a distance that Yun began talking "Dad, I think I know what I want to do when I grow up"

To his credit, he had only paused for a moment before continuing walking. "What do you want to do?" He was really curious, was it something stupid? Or was it something that could actually be done? He wouldn't say anything to the former, just encourage him and wait for him to be older to tease him about it. If it was the latter, he'd try everything in his power to make it come true.

"I want to build a sect"

This time, he stopped walking and looked at his son. Yun was looking up at him with those red eyes, he could see the unspoken question on why he stopped in those eyes.

Goung took a good look at his son before finally not being able to hold it back, he laughed. It was a laugh from his heart. Of all the things he expected him to say, this was not one of them.

"You want to build a sect, ey?" Yun nodded, his eyes still on him. "I won't stop you, heck I'll even support you. Just know one thing son, if this is truly what you want, make sure to walk to the very end" With that he began to walk again. It seemed that his life had yet to be settled completely but he was fine with it. When you had such a great family and friends around, you didn't really need anything else.

POV: Song Yun

After my declaration of building a sect, things began to move into routine. I wake up, go to school, get bored or talk to Ling, get back home and play. The exception to that was the day off we had, where I would either be with my dad, playing or doing something, or be at the Xia Manor, usually playing too.

I didn't really talk to other kids in my school, most of them either not talking to us or just ignoring us. I didn't mind personally, though Qingyue had other plans when she tried to talk to one of the girls there. She ended up getting rejected because they didn't want to play with her.

Other than that, things have been calm and good, the only exception to that being Xiao Lingxi. I don't know why but she always tries to stay with Xiao Che and ignore me. She plays with Qingyue, which I was happy about but she is always afraid to play with me.

I've tried to talk to her, asking her why, but she has never really given me an answer, so it stays a mystery to me.

In other news, I've finally had a breakthrough in my mind arts that Ling has been teaching me, I'm finally able to stream things in my mind without me needing to be asleep. Though it does take a bit of focus to begin things.

When I had gotten that down, I had Ling begin watching anime. Why, you ask? Because I wanted her cultured.

Though I've refrained from letting her watch the bigger ones, like Dragon Ball and One Piece. The reason for that was simple, I wanted to watch them with her.

Right now, I'm having Ling watch Teen Titans because I'd forgotten to let her watch it before. Though she said she had some idea about some shows, she had killed another reincarnate before she met me and that had been an obvious dweeb, so from extracting his memory, she had gotten the shows in them but hadn't bothered to remember them.

Nothing major otherwise had happened in the last months which was fine with me, not every day had to be filled with excitement. Something I'm sure other introverts would agree with.

So, what was I doing right now? Right now I am on my way to the shopping district with my old man, of course. We were here because a festival was coming soon and we wanted to buy some gifts for the Xia family. The festival was kind of like Christmas. Just in autumn.

I had something in mind, for both the Xia family and my dad. Of course, I would have something for Xiao Che and his family. Most of the gifts would be identical but I think they will appreciate it. Especially those older.

For the older gentlemen, I'd decided to get some Chess Boards made for them, with the Chess pieces and everything. They already had a game like this here called Xiangqi, but hopefully this one will make them have fun with it.

As for the girls, I've thought of getting them ribbons but not just any ribbons, I'll add some runes to them. Something that will make them usable to the girls. I'll be getting help from Ling on that front because I have no idea where to begin.

As for Xiao Che and Yuanba, I have no idea yet. I'm not certain they'll enjoy Chess, but I also have no idea what to get them. I hope to get some ideas in the shopping district.

I'd found things for the boys, a cool looking robe for Xiao Che and some toys for Yuanba. The little dude was lonely without either me or his sister.

I've also gotten the ribbons and Ling confirmed that she'd be able to help me with them. As for the Chessboard and its pieces, I had to ask a woodworker to make them. I had him do another set for my dad without him hearing about it.

With all my shopping done, I just went with my good old dad who paid for everything, he had a couple stops more. When we were done, we got ourselves some lunch before heading home.

I now just had to mark the runes and wait for the Chess set to be done.

POV: Dongxue

Dongxue was happy, she had a great life. She had a loving husband, a cute daughter and a son who she loved with all her heart.

Her husband had found her near the city, she back then was hurt. When she had come to, she couldn't remember anything of her past life. Hongyi had taken her in and treated her with care. It was also around a year later when she and him fell in love and got married.

While she still couldn't remember anything of her past life, she didn't really care about it anymore. She was more than happy here. A great family, friends and even a surrogate son, whom she suspected will become a son-in-law when he gets older.

It's why she was doing her best, trying to help her husband in his business, even if she had to learn to read and write. She did her best to raise their son and daughter, even if she had to get some help from the maids because she couldn't do everything. She even did her best with raising Yun when brother Guang came asking for help. The poor man got played but still tried his best in raising his own son, it's why she was so willing to help.

Likewise, she was even doing her best now, trying to pick up a few presents for the Shengdan jie (Christmas) festival. She had a few ideas in mind and was looking through the shopping district for more ideas.

Hopefully, she could get everyone a good present.

Today Dongxue had woken up with a little bit of a headache, nothing major, just a bit of pain. She hadn't said anything so not to worry everyone, it was after all Shengdan jie.

So, she got up from bed and went to do her daily duties, she checked the presents, to make sure everything was ready, asked the servants to make some good food but they already knew that people would be coming in today.

After making sure everything was ready, she dressed in nice clothes, dressed both Qingyue and Yuanba, made sure Hongyi had dressed in good clothes and waited for their guests.

It didn't take long before Elder Xiao Lie with both little Lingxi and little Che to come. Greetings were exchanged and presents were put to the side with the rest so they could open them together.

Brother Guang and little Yun came soon after, they had apparently needed to pick something up from a woodworker, though seemingly even brother Guang didn't know what was in them.

With all of them there, they began with eating and having fun before opening presents.

Dongxue could really say that she had a lot of fun, truly she was blessed with a good life.

She was cured, that had to be it. There was no other way to explain this. Just when she had settled down and gotten used to her life, something came and ruined it, specifically her past life. The life she had before her memories got locked.

That life… Something she didn't want, not anymore. Right now, she had a family she truly cared for, friends that she didn't want to let go of. Why did the heavens have to let her know now?

She couldn't see her daughter and son growing up anymore, not begin their cultivation journey, not get married, not have their first children, not see her first grandchildren.

So, here she stood, not knowing how to explain the situation to her family. She couldn't even speak because if she did then all the tears would come down.

She truly had to leave, otherwise the people who made her lose her memory in the first place might come and attack her again. She truly didn't want to leave but had no other choice at the moment.

"I'm sorry" That's all she could say, she couldn't explain things either. That would just make things worse.

"Honey, what's going on?" Please don't make this harder than it already is, that's what she really wanted to say, but she held herself back though she could already feel her eyes being moist.

"I-I have to leave, before they find me and put you in danger" She looked directly into Hongyi's eyes, trying to let him know how desperate she was. He, thankfully, seems to get it, but it seems that even if he had gotten that she was desperate, he didn't care.

He hugged her, a big powerful hug.

A dam broke and she couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She just cried because she knew, this would be the last time she would ever see them.

By the time she had some resemblance of her surroundings, her children were with them, looking ready to cry too. She let go of her husband, reluctantly. She got down near her children before hugging them.

She would have cried again if she didn't know that she was pressing for time. Her burst of energy when she unlocked her memory was felt and some people will come to investigate.

After hugging them for a good minute, she stood up and gave her husband another hug. "Do you mind explaining what's going on? I can help you" Oh, how she wished the problem was simple enough to solve with her husband's authority.

She shook her head, "This isn't something that you can help me with" He looked confused, she continued on "My memories from before you found me have come back to me but with them so has my cultivation" Hongyi looked even more confused.

"I am a cultivator from the realm of gods, I was attacked and landed on this planet with all my memories gone. But now that my memories are back, I have to return before anyone from my world comes and hurts you." She could never forgive herself if someone she cared deeply about got hurt because of her.

Before her husband tried to question her, she shook her head "Please don't ask questions, I'm afraid of what will happen if word got out and someone who shouldn't know got the information."

She quickly stormed off into the garden of their home, her home, and flew up. It was time for her to go.

Her family had come after her, crying and shouting her name but she pretended not to hear them otherwise she wouldn't be able to leave them.

As she was flying up she spotted someone she didn't think she would see. Yun, her surrogate son.

Why was he running towards their manor like this?

He looked up and saw her. There were some tears in his eyes.

She really needed to go now.

And so, with a few tears leaving her eyes, Dongxue left the planet.

Chapter 3 end

The biggest one yet. 6k words.

Took me a few days just to write it and I kind of went off topic for a while there.

I hope you don't expect me to update everyday, those three chapters were what I had in my backlog and I'm publishing out now.

Don_Flufflescreators' thoughts
Next chapter