
Chapter V

Chapter V

Lex's POV

February 18

We woke up early except for Blue, and He always did this even though he slept early than us. That's what the girls told me last evening. The first we did was find some livestock in the forest while I went to the river to wash up my clothes and body and head to Jessica to clean my wound.

She was shocked to see that my wound easily regenerated overnight and teased me that my body loved me, then she laughed. I started the fire so we could cook the food that Gina brought.

The two girls take bathe in the river while I cook the food and it has a good sensation if you ask me. Smells delicious. Blue woke up because of the smell.

"That tastes delicious. Would you mind if I take a bite?" He asked while doing some stretches.

"No. Let's wait for the girls." I said, but he didn't listen and tried to steal one, so I smacked him in his head.

"Ow... That hurts a lot." He said while covering his head. "That's just unfair, you know?." and he sulked in the corner like a child.

"Hey, we're back!" Said Jessica. "Why is he sulking in the corner?" she asked.

"He can't wait to eat, so I smacked him," I said without any reaction.

"Heartless," Gina whispered.

"Hey, I heard that!" I said while cooking the meat.

"Yeah yeah." She said as she sat on a log.

Since The girls cooked the food, we ate the meal that the girls cooked to replenish our hunger to fight an Orc. I think that's what Blue said when we left the tavern.

He went to the river to take a bath, so I'm with the girls, and it's somewhat awkward, but we still manage to talk like ordinary people.

We talked a lot and joked all around to enjoy, and also, we were waiting for my clothing to dry out. Don't worry, I am wearing my spare clothes, but I can't just abandon my clothe here hanging.

They explained everything that happened yesterday, and they mentioned something that makes me angry? No. I'm mad, and little rascal is finally back.

"How's it going, guys?" He said as he dried his hair.

"Blue, is it true that you picked an A difficulty in the tavern?" I said while glaring at him.

"You said last time that the orc is dumb creatures?" He asked with hesitation.

"Why do you think an orc became a leader?" I asked him.

"Because... they're dumb to choose their leader, or he's the strongest but also dumb?" He said with hesitation.

I smacked him in his head. "They learned from experience and became smarter like Goblins," I explained. "Which means they're not only stronger but also smarter."

"Ow... I see..." He said while holding his chin. "Thanks for giving me the knowledge that I needed." He said he didn't do anything terrible.

I facepalmed my face. "Next time, I'll be the one to choose."

We talked again about anything, and we decided to pack our things and continue our journey to their fortress. There's no turning back now since we're near there anyway.

When we arrived at the location, we hid in the bush while staring at the gate of their camp. "So, what's the plan?" Jessica asked.

"Before we make a plan, we have to scout the area first," I said. "Blue scout the surroundings and the inside of the wall."

He nudges his head and leaves the area. That's quick.

I stared at Gina. "Gina, how's your aim in your bow?" I asked.

"Good, I guess, not 100% accurate, but at least I can hit something." She said.

"That's good enough. Find a vantage point where you can shoot to those in the towers in a fast way. Give me a signal if you find one." I instructed her.

She just left and didn't give any gesture or anything. Cold girls are something, and I can't figure out what it is. We waited for a few minutes, and Blue finally arrived.

"What's happening in there?" I asked.

"There's no other gate except for this one, There's about 16 of them lurking on the outside, and the other is inside the wood cabin thing. I don't know how many there are, but I'm sure there's a lot of Orcs inside those four cabins, and there's also this house that looks like their headquarter is in the middle of the wood cabins." Said while trying to catch his breath.

They only have two towers in the front, 16 lurkings inside, there's also orcs inside the four cabins and the headquarter. The only way is to kill them stealthily, but it would alert the orcs inside the cabin when they notice that's there's no other noise.

While I was coming up with a plan, and saw an arm land on the three beside me. So I looked in which direction Gina went, and she was top the top of the cliff.

"Jessica, what are the supplies you're carrying?" I asked.

"I have a lance, and I guess six bombs in case of emergency only." She said.

"Why did you bring a bomb?" I asked.

"It just looks cool and so lightweight. I can also put this in my spear if I have to since I have two a spear and one lance." She said.

"Well, let me see them," I asked.

She headed to his horse and gave me the bombs. I held it, and it's super light. It can even put the bombs in the arrows. It's perfect indeed.

"This is perfect, tie one of it in your spear, and then blue give this to Gina and tie this to her arrow and prepare it until the cabin is our only target." He left with the bomb. He didn't even talk to me.

"What are you planning?" She asked.

"Wait for my signal. and find the place where you throw the spear inside the window near the entrance to the left since Gina is in the right, and we will take care of the back cabin." She gave me a thumbs up and left.

Blue arrived immediately, and it was time to commence my plan. Blue and I sneaked closer to the guards in the front and signaled Gina to shoot the two guards in the towers, and she did, and it both fell inside the buildings with an arrow in their head.

Blue and I Quickly approach the two guards in front and cover their mouths and slash their necks, and it keeps on going, and with the help of Gina, she fires an arrow at someone who saw we nearly see us.

The only thing is the cabins, so before I signal them to throw a bomb, I planted two bombs to the entrance of their main base in case if there's a backup.

I positioned myself near the window. I raise my thumbs as a signal, and the two of us throw the bomb inside while Gina shoots an arrow with a bomb inside and Jessica throw a spear with a bomb, It explodes the cabins so blue, and I dock down and cover our ears, it may destroy our ears in that noise.

We immediately hid behind the tree inside here and covered our ears if someone ran outside the headquarters and triggered a tripwire that I placed to start the bomb.

We waited for a minute, and we heard a bang; we both looked at it and saw a there body in there lying.

We were about to check inside the headquarters when a club hit me, and I flew towards the wall. "Agh... that sucks.." I said as I was shivering in pain to get up. "Not my back..." I said in annoyance.

"Who insolent fools raided my fortress!" He shouted with anger and then he saw me. "A kid? oh boy, you may trick my comrades with your tricks, but it will not work at me." He rushed towards while holding his club ready to attack.

I immediately roll to dodge the attack, and it triggers my wound at the back to hurt. It's a pain to fight with an injury. I stood up run to the side of him, and signaled Blue to do what we did last time, but the orc kicked him and hit the ruined cabin.

The orc ran towards blue to attack him, but I rushed there to block its attack, and when it collided with my sword, and was forced to kneel because of the impact it made. It feels like an Anvil that falls. Luckily my sword handled it quite delicately, but it bends slightly.

"Nice kid block, but it's the end of you." He was about to hit us when an arrow hit him in his shoulder.

I looked back and saw Gina on top of the tower, ready to release another shot while Jessica was at the bottom, ready for her lance to attack, but the orc didn't look that happy.

It rushes towards Jessica, but Jessica handles him so smoothly, she only hit the club sideways, so it always lands on the ground to avoid being hit.

Jessica keeps doing that, so I see some best strategies to finish this off; I climbed up a tree and signaled Jessica to lure it towards me while Gina kept hitting him with an arrow. When it got close to the tree, I jumped off and performed my attack.

It fell because of that attack. I guess we have done it. I lay down on the ground and rest while Gina carries Blue that is now unconscious because of the impact that he received.

He's still alive but unconscious. Jessica helped me stand up and walked outside this fort. I helped Gina carry Blue because he's rather heavy for a girl to take alone.

The first thing we saw outside the gate was a guy glaring at someone; I followed his eyes and looked directly at Gina.

"Hey Brother, how's it going?" She said with a cold tone.

"You know that's this place dangerous, so why are you here?" He said while giving her a scary look.

"Y-you see---" She was cut off by her brother.

"Sshhh, shut your mouth, get on the wagon quickly and sit there..." He stared at us. "You too."

He entered the camp, and suddenly it went up to flames, that's scary if you ask me. right after that, he gets out of there and rides on the horse. "we shouldn't leave this body rotting here; it may bring a huge pandemic in our town since it is near the main road." He said. "Where are you going, lady?" He asked when he saw Jessica leaving the wagon.

"I have a horse inside the forest; I'll just follow you, I promise!" He smiled at him.

"You better follow." He whips the horse to move.

We were about to leave when we saw another man running towards the camp, but this man stopped him.

"Why are you here too, Jeremiah?" He said with his scary voice.

"I will destroy the camp here, and I have the quest here, you see?" He said as he showed the paper to him.

"Did you see that's a difficulty of A class?" He said with a severe tone. "And who approve you to take that?"

"oh... I overlooked that." He said sarcasm. "You don't need to know.'

He sighed. "Get back here your not even that strong to take that camp, and by the way, the person right here and your sister already took care of it, " He said with a poker face. "So get your ass here."

He looked annoyed, but he still got on the wagon and stares at me for a long time.

"What did I miss?" Jessica asks as she rides her horse.

"Nothing, let's get going." He once again whips the horse, so it moves.

We were silent the whole time as we traveled back to the town, but I asked if I could drop off at the tavern to claim our prize, and he said that their home is near the pub, so I just waited until we stopped in their home.

The first thing I did was head towards the tavern and claim that we got double the price because we also destroyed the camp. That's nice, even though Gina's brother finish it off.

I stared at their house, and it looked big but not like a mansion. It's more like a medium-size house. Yeah, it has the same style as other houses like medieval houses or Viking houses? I don't know, but it looks fantastic.

It looks somewhat cozy if you ask me, but it's time to go inside, or that man will hunt me. It's scary, you know.

To be continued...
