Chapter LXII
Gina's POV
August 17
"Hold," Alvar said and look at my body posture. "Everything you've improved a lot."
He then signaled me to fire my shot so I gently let go of the bowstring and it hit the very middle of the dummy.
He smile and Aeri ran towards me. "You precisely hit the center."
"Hanta-tyë (Thank you)," I said and she smiled.
"Tye istima manen ana quet- quenya (You learned how to speak quenya)," She cheered.
"Tye are a mára teacher ap- ilya (you are a good teacher after all)," I said.
"You three seem to be enjoying yourself huh?" My brother George said as he carries a tray of snacks. "horya- a ascat- an minute (Have a break for a minute)."
We all shared the snacks that my brother brought for us. "So how's your body?" Alvar asks. "Is it improving?" He asks as he munch on some bread.