
edegion chronicles lockt´ar the green fist

brothers united by battle come closer, I will tell you the legend of the great green fist, the one who dominates, the lord of the ancient clans, the first and the last in battle, the one who brings unity and many other glorious titles I am talking of course about lockt'ar the great warrior Here in front of you I have his diary, where he recounted his entire life with his own handwriting before he died. Let's listen brothers, the life of the greatest orc that ever existed, exists or will exist now you will hear the chronicles of the big green fist

DaoistnGSoz5 · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs


My father thought for a few moments before answering me

mmm... you didn't use much force, you took advantage of my carelessness to make me lose my balance

Exactly, father, don't use force. Use these movements combined with a leg grip. These movements are so slow that I get used to them and when I have to use them in combat, they should be faster and more fluid.

My father looked at me with doubt in his eyes

I don't want to doubt you, son, but... could you prove to me that this does have a useful effect in the fight?

Yes, father, he could, but he doesn't have a great offensive capacity since I was training more than anything to deflect blows

my father scratched a fang with his hand and nodded

I understand lockt'ar, so I will attack you, and you will have to deflect my blows if you manage to deflect some of them I will let you continue with that strange training

My father stood up and got into position, and I did the same. Groama got away from us and I know, waiting expectantly in a corner of the tent.

I put myself in a pose that puzzled my father and told him

whenever you want

My father lunged at me and tried to hit me with his right fist. I opened my palms with my left arm in a diagonal pose at the height of my face and my right arm in a horizontal pose at the height of my chest, in one hand. Movement I deflected his blow and continued lifting my left foot slightly so that it collided with his right leg, forcing my father to stumble and fall with his own momentum

My father was very surprised when he realized that he was falling head over heels to the ground without being able to avoid it. He got up in a hurry to keep himself as dignified as possible and put himself on guard once again, this time he did not pounce, it seems that he learned quickly.

This time he approached me more slowly and tried to hit me with his left fist with a similar pose. I deflected that blow to the right but this time I didn't make him trip but while I deflected my father's blow I raised my right leg and with a slight blow to the back of his knee forced him to kneel

When my father went to his knees from my light kick, I threw a punch at his face, which he didn't see until he turned around a second later, and I parried the blow just an inch from his face.

Groama couldn't help but gasp for the surprise that movement caused her. My father changed his astonished face in a second when I withdrew my fist, he got up, nodded and returned to a fighting pose.

This time he lunged at me again, but instead of a punch, he kicked me with his right leg. I took a step closer to him, crouching at the same time and with my palm outstretched, I passed my right arm under his leg and raised my hand. The arm deflected his kick up, causing his kick to not only lose almost all of its momentum, but also left him in a very awkward position to repel my counterattack that immediately followed.

My left hand that was in the same position as the first time it attacked me now quickly extended towards my father's chest and with an open palm I struck him making him take three steps back before falling back and hitting his neck on the ground of dry land

My father got up rubbing his neck from the blow, but he did not return to prepare to fight but went to a terracotta vase and began to drink the water from it after drinking the entire jug of water my father turned to me staring at me in the eyes before telling me

lockt'ar my boy that was impressive that last kick you not only deflected it but also pushed me making me stumble with a single movement

So, father, do you think my training method is effective?

Son you made me stumble kneel, and you threw me back leaving me on the ground while at the same time you deflected my punches and kicks and I could feel that you were not exerting any force at all what if your training is effective? Is it a joke?

My father had a smile on his face that you could see all the fangs in his mouth

Groama, what do you think of my boy?

I turned my head to the side that my father was looking at, and I could see the young orc, and she was looking at me with a look of shock and amazement as she answered my father.

Incredible, I never saw anyone fight like that, he was able to defeat a bigger and stronger orc three times without weapons and without effort, my master will be an incredible warrior when he passes the adulthood ceremony

Seeing that beautiful face together with those ruby eyes, having an expression of admiration when she saw me, I felt in paradise, I grabbed a piece of meat and sat down to hide the fact that my legs were weakening with emotion when she saw me like that.

I kept my expression serious while he explained to my father the precepts of tai chi and how that dance, as he called it, was a combination of various movements that he used against him in our previous fight.

I offered my father to teach him, but he refused, saying that an adult orc would never allow a young man to teach him how to fight and that although he knew that my movements were very effective in hand-to-hand battles out of pride and dignity, he was bound not to learn. Nothing from me

certainly some of the orc customs seem absurd to me, but I did not say anything at that moment because whatever I thought I was not going to denigrate my father's pride once we finished our talk it was already past noon, so I went outside to continue with my training

While I was practicing the sambo grips, Groama looked at me with full attention, trying not to miss any detail of what I was doing, I'm not going to lie, I was very excited to have gotten his attention, although not in the way I wanted, but hey, it's a start, right?

Seeing that time passed, and he did not stop staring at me, I began to have a small problem, I began to feel self-conscious, and I did not want to make movements that seemed ridiculous or funny or very strange when I began to practice my leg grip, bending over and pretending to grab a leg inside was screaming

Please let him go inside, I don't want him to see me like this and think I'm a ridiculous and pathetic madman. From a distance I could see and hear the other young people who were in their training, they looked fierce and strong fighting with clubs and hand to hand with each other.

To my luck she never paid attention to them, to my misfortune she never stopped staring at me and while she was dying inside me practicing imaginary grips

After a couple of hours when my spirit drowned in misery inside me, I decided that sambo was enough for today when I planned my training method at first I thought of practicing kravmaga soon after I realized that it was unfeasible since I lacked a partner with which to practice knife attacks among other techniques

So after meditating on it for a while, since I had to practice with my new knife, among all the martial arts that I practiced in my previous life, the one that best suited my needs was System Spetsnaz, certainly I could not practice it in its entirety, but unlike Kravmaga. Which is more of a defensive and counter attacking martial art, System Spetsnaz had several purely offensive moves that he could practice

After a while, my father got out of the tent and ordered Groama to go get a jug of water from the village well, so she got up and rushed to comply with my father's order.

After a while Groama came back, but she didn't come back alone five young orcs together with an adult came dragging her, and they threw her in front of me before the adult screamed

morgol come out we need to talk

my father came out of the tent and looked at the orc who shouted and answered him

what the fuck do you want frotkol?

I came here for her

said frotkol as she pointed at groama

what problem do you have with the slave?

I don't have any problem with the slave, but I think it's a waste that such a good woman is wasted, and she's not with a real orc

said frotkol as he looked at me with undisguised contempt on his face

My father looked at him grabbing his ax and without hiding his anger, he asked him threateningly

and what will you do about it?

The orc laughed along with the 5 youths

hahaha morgol winter is cold and there isn't much food I'll trade you for a whole warg, including his skin, am I not being generous?

Get out of here I'm not going to sell it and you better stay away from my family again, or I'll test if your skull is stronger than the edge of my ax

said my father as he clenched the hilt of his ax

frotkol stopped laughing and looked at my father angrily while he yelled at him

Morgol you weak piece of trash will you accept my offer, or I'll challenge you to a grok'maga it's more like reject my offer now I'll just give you a horned serpent for the girl

my furious father was about to accept the challenge

but I got ahead of him saying he can't sell the girl because the girl doesn't belong to him, she's mine, he gave her to me last night

everyone looked at my father until frotkol spoke

that's true?

My father answered

if it is true, if you want the girl you will have to negotiate with him

when he said that, I quickly said

She is not for sale at any price, even so, sir, are you going to challenge me to a grok'maga?

The adult orc looked at me with hatred in his eyes because it would be a huge shame if the other orcs found out that he challenged a young man when he was an adult.

While smiling triumphantly, one of the young men came forward proud and confident

I lutgor challenges you to a grok'maga for your slave. Do you accept disgusting cripple?

The grok mag is a duel to the death that is used to settle disputes between orcs, whoever wins gets to keep the belongings of the other orc, you can refuse but if you do, what they were fighting for becomes the property of the one who launched the challenge.