
Eat Strawberries: Incomplete short stories [BL]

It’s messy and chaotic writing. But they are my babies so try a chapter and see if you will like it. Thank you! Most chapters are nsfw so beware ;)

Duluang · LGBT+
15 Chs


"Zen...how can I help you?"

Dein was back to his jolly self as he continued his shameless actions. He was leaning against the bed frame as Egmin tried to get off him but was unable to as he was weak from the pleasure that was currently given to him by Dein. He glared at Dein before becoming lost in Dein's motions.

"I don't get it?"

"Get what?"

Dein asked as less than half of his attention was on ZengXia and mostly focused on pleasuring his lover. ZengXia watched and took everything in front of him.

"What this feeling called Love is...what are these emotions?"

Dein stopped his movements and looked at ZengXia, from top to bottom. He looked seriously at the male that intruded into their home. Egmin was finally able to catch his breath and quickly got off of his lover.

"Wait a moment, Dein. Go make some tea for ZengXia. I'll be right out."

Egmin interrupted. Dein just shrugged his shoulders and loosely put on a robe. Saddened that their love making had ended. His eyes were still filled with deep hunger and lust for Egmin but he held back, knowing that this conversation wouldn't take long. He used his flames and heated up a kettle. He filled three cups of tea and sat down on the table. ZengXia had already sat down and was patiently waiting for Egmin. Egmin didn't take long washing and was out after a few minutes. He was wearing a robe similar to Dein's and was about to sit down beside Dein, but was grabbed by the arm and placed on Deinpus's lap. Egmin blinked blankly before focusing on ZengXia.

"Hmm...we share one spirit," Egmin stated.

"Yes, we were molded from the same energy," ZengXia nodded.

"Hmm...it may help your awareness to emotions if I were to share my experience with you."

"Wait… that's possible? Wouldn't there be problems…," Dein interrupted with a frown.

He didn't want any type of danger on his beloved.

"No, there isn't any conflicts. Think of it as sharing experiences to my twin."

"If my love says so."

Dein bitterly and reluctantly accepted. Egmin gave a comforting peck to his lover's lips, surprising Dein. ZengXia waited for Egmin to initiate the mental connection. They held hands as they closed their eyes. Dein pouted as he tightened his arms around Egmin. Images passed through ZengXia's mind as he felt the emotions Egmin felt. The confusion of his experiences on gaining his emotions. At first, ZengXia showed no expression. By the end, his face soften and he learned to action oh his emotions and feelings.

When they opened their eyes, they smiled at each other. Dein's eyes widen at the development and changes in ZengXia. ZengXia's aura changed from emptiness to warmed of a calm lake. Dein was amazed as Egmin also learned to express himself more from reliving his experiences. He was more relaxed and leaned back to Dein's comforting embrace.

"Sorry for interrupting and intruding into your moment. Wow, how embarrassing and rude of me."

"It's fine. You are my sibling by soul, just knock next time."

Egmin replied to ZengXia. ZengXia hugged Egmin and left to his home.

"Oh, you might want to put a soundproof spell over your room. I can hear you from across, hahaha."

Egmin gasped and smacked Dein's chest for laughed with ZengXia's confession. He was blushing deep red as he ran into his bedroom and slammed the door on Dein.

"Aw babe, we're not going to continue are love making?"

"You sleep on the couch!"

Dein just laughed as he opened the door and walked in the bedroom anyways. He slid off his robe and waved his palm, creating a barrier. Egmin was hiding under the covers as Dein easily pulled them off. He attacked Egmin unexpected and stripped the man of his robe. He hummed, pleased that he was able to easily enter back into his love, causing a sweet moan from his darkened red lips. He nibbled and marked Egmin's skin over the ones he had already made and ravished him until hours later.

Egmin had already fallen asleep and Dein was satisfied for now. He knew his love would absorb his release and so he stayed within him. He embraced and spooned Egmin as they rested and slept in until the sun was high above the sky.




ZengXia realised that his new title was the same as Egmin's for their master.


> Shadow Demon's Twin

> Grandmaster Swordsman

> Alicia's Wuxia Guardian

//AI Zen had been upgraded and evolved into a real existence that is made to help his master.]

'Since master has just entered another world and also gave me permission to explore, I shall go on a journey in this realm.'

ZengXia transferred into the world. He arrived within a empty vally. As he looked at the missions that his master was given, he walked out of the alleyway and towards the bamboo forest.

[System Missions:

> Main: Save the MC from being kicked out from his sect.

> Sub: Collect 500 herbs.

Hint: SuLong has lost his mother's memento from bullies.

> Complete this world, fail to do so will cause one of your abilities to be lowered by two ranks.

Optional: side missions will increase your world rewards and rank.]

The system only allows Alicia's helpers to help with side missions. So ZengXia decided to stroll around the beast mountain and start collect those herbs. He was happy to be able to find 217 herbs so far. He had gone very far into the beast mountain, the most dangerous area. They were no cultivators around and little to no low-mid grade beasts. Most king level monsters were fighting each other. As ZengXia continued his stroll deeper, he felt his soul pulse. Being curious, he hopped down the raverean and looked around in the darkness. He walked and passed through the tunnels until he reach an opening.

An underground cave filled with glowing crystals. He froze as he stared straight into deep purple eyes, as large as his body. He had bumped against the creature's nose. He felt a pull and was dazed as his palm reach out and touched the tip of the creature's nostril. Their eyes closed to a squint and they huffed, gentle-warm air blowed ZengXia's hair back.

The more ZengXia stared into the deep pupils of the large creature, the more he was captured by it's crystal like glow. His chest tingled as the skins of his palm heated from when he had touched it's nose. Because in this was a cultivation world, anything demonic was frown upon. But the rambling energies and pulsing of his chest cause his humanoid form to shift back to his demonic form. His ears become pointed, his hair changed back to silver and his peach blossom eyes changed back to it's shimmering gold color.

ZengXia was at the tip of his consciousness, about to faint from his mixed energies. His brother seemed to sense something and immediate shadow misted to ZengXia. Looking around the cave, he saw ZengXia turning to him as he gripped his chest. The large creature had confusion within it's big eyes. He seemed to be frowning. Egmin didn't care about their surroundings and quickly picked up ZengXia. They teleported back to their realm and left the creature to itself again. ZengXia's energy balanced itself when they got back to their inner world.

"What happened?"

Dein asked as he had noticed his lover leave and come back with ZengXia within his arms.

"He met his mate. But I don't know what his soul reacted so immediately. It wasn't like mine."

"It may be because you had shared the experience and so his soul recognized it's mate right away and took instant actions that his physical body couldn't adapt to."


Egmin thought silently as Dein sat down on a chair and poured a cup of tea for his lover and himself. Egmin placed ZengXia on the couch and sat down on the chair beside his lover. Taking a sip of tea, he looked down at the cup before taking another sip.

"Like it? It's new, I have been growing peach trees, a bit of mint, and china roses."

Egmin nodded and continued to sip on the freshly made peach tea, lost in his own thoughts. They felt Alicia's call. Dein went and told Egmin to watch over his unconscious brother. Alicia saw Deinpus mist out of the shadows and formed in front of her.

"How can I help you, my little lady."

"That's new, usually it'll be Egmin to come first. Did something happened?"

"Yes, ZengXia followed your advice to explore and met with some problems with his soul. So my love is currently watching over our unconscious ZengXia. He's fine, so don't worry."

"Oh. Okay. I need your help, might want to shift into human form. This world frowns upon dark creatures, demonic practitioners, and the like."

"As you wish, my lady."

Dein followed Alicia into a clothing shop and they got Dein some clothing to fit this world's theme.

"These robes are very similar to ZengXia's original outfit."

"That's because the system molded his energy with this world. The last world wasn't a cultivation world so it's simply from this one."

"Makes sense. Where to, my lady."