
Dystopia: Reborn in the World without Peace

Kiera, A CEO of a world renowned Fashion and Cosmetics Company, Utopia. The word Glamorous defines her. Spoiled by her dad, she never gone through tough times which made her evil in the eyes of people. Until her birthday when she met an old man begging her for food but she refused and revolted which made the old man furious. With that he cursed her. "Go forth to the World of Dystopia. You shall not return to this world until Dystopia is at peace." She didn't listen. She thought he was crazy. She went home and fell asleep. The time she woke up, she found herself in an unfamiliar place. She looked around. Where the hell is she? And then she remembered. "Dystopia."

UMI · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Welcome Aboard

It's in the middle of the day and a lady passed the Riva Town, she checked everywhere that is damaged but only found a bunch of corpses. The lady continues to walk until she reached a small village that holds a really interesting gathering. She saw everyone eating outside having their delicious dinner. A man came to her and welcomes her to join the dinner. The lady was glad because she ate a. Whole meal for the first time after she left Riva Town. She also joined various trainings and activities of Ziegler Town. The lady became the winner of the last training that was held in the forest.

"Congratulations.." Hazeki said.

"Thank you Captain." The lady said.

"May I know your name please? And where are you from?" Asked Hazeki.

"I'm from Riva town and I want to avenge my parents..." The lady said.

"And your name?" asked Hazeki.

"Lily, my name is Lily Captain." Lily said.

The two shake their hands and Hazeki left.

Back to the commotion inside Levin's cabin, the squad are still giving each other's opinion about the incident.

"So you're saying that someone did it intentionally?" Said Levin patting his forehead with wet towel.

"Maybe? I don't know, it could be an accident or it could be a sabotage." Kiera said.

"Did that really happened? We're so drunk and it could be one of your illusions." Hazeki said.

Lily showed the brooch to Levin and Hazeki. Hazeki also saw the burnt wood. Levin grabs the brooch and take a closer look.

"This is not an ordinary brooch, this is a brooch that symbolizes a clan, it could be from the other islands." Said Levin.

"Is there a reason for doing that kind of thing?" Asked Kiera.

"I don't know, but I'm sure that this could be a warning for us. We better start the training and explain to everyone what the mission is." Said Levin and looks at Hazeki.

"Okay!" Hazeki picks the map out of his pocket and placed it on the table.

"So here's the first stop." said Levin pointing at the map.

"The Millerville, this is where Haze's uncle lives and he has the map of the whole Dystopia." Said Levin.

"Wait, so we only have a map of Millerville? Moga asked.

"Yeah, and the map of Dystopia is the only left in this world that has the Gate on it." Hazeki said.

"The first thing we need to do is to train ourselves to be alert, there are lots of thieves in Millerville." said Levin.

"My uncle is one of those thieves, that's why he got the map." Said Hazeki.

"Another thing, some demons pretends as humans, so be careful who you talk to." Said Levin.

"Learn how to fight, to hide, and to save each other. Kiera, you should learn how to focus. Don't do the same mistake you did at the forest." said Levin.

"I will." Kiera said.

"Moga, the ship that I told you to investigate, where is it?" Levin asked.

"Oh, old Tanju is taking care of it, he also volunteered to be our captain." Moga said.

"Good, when we arrive at Millerville, we will head straight to the tallest tower, that's where Haze's uncle lives." Said Levin.

"Ooooh, he must be super rich." Said Moga.

"Well, that would be the plan, any suggestions? Said Levin.

"I think it will be good if one of us will monitor the squad while heading to that tower." Lily spoke calmly behind everyone.

"Why?" Levin asked and looks at Lily.

"If it seems that dangerous I can climb on the roof and monitor us, in case we're in trouble. Captain saw how I beat those demons back in the forest." Lily explained.

"Okay, accepted. Any suggestions?" Levin asked once more.

"Umm how about the food?" Moga asked.

"Moga, essential goods are automatically included in our mission. The general also saved us a couple of golds for this mission to happen." Said Levin.

"General..." Kiera said remembering the tragedy.

"He's a great hero." said Levin.

"That would be it right? Silence means you all agreed." Said Levin and walks out.

"Start your training now, we'll leave in a month." Hazeki said and left the cabin.

Kiera and the others left the cabin to practice their weapons and each of them have their special skills.

First is Koko, she is one of the Nomura twins that was known as the assassins of demons, she is specialized in guns and has a witty mind to solve problems. Second, Kiko, Koko's twin brother, he is also an assassin and an expert in throwing knives, specially a kunai, he is also alert and ready in any circumstances. Third, Moga, despite being huge, he can investigate things without being caught, he can easily smooth talk a stranger and can hypnotize them to follow his orders, but his weakness is he easily gets hungry. Fourth is Lily, an expert in using Kusarigama (a Japanese weapon that is consist of sickle and a metal chain along with a heavy iron weight) and have a great reflexes, specially in climbing and jumping high places. Fifth is Levin, the new general of the Ziegler town warriors, he is a quick mind warrior that specializes in spear. He is strong, caring and doesn't give up on a mission that he's assigned into. Sixth, Hazeki, the son of the deceased general that told them about the gate as the passage to go back to the earth. Hazeki is a warrior that devotes his life in saving people with his sword, he is loyal and a good fighter. Lastly is Kiera, she is the baddest person that changed into a kind and soft hearted person when she woke up in Dystopia, Kiera is a great controller or could be a leader of the squad because everyone listens to her. She uses bow and arrow as her weapon, Kiera also possessed a great power that identifies her pure heart with the earrings that Hazeki gave her.

The mission is also a hidden investigation to know if everyone could pass the gate and leave Dystopia. This squad is the first to try the mission that's been passed by great generals for decades and they are called as The Ringleaders....