
Dystopia: Reborn in the World without Peace

Kiera, A CEO of a world renowned Fashion and Cosmetics Company, Utopia. The word Glamorous defines her. Spoiled by her dad, she never gone through tough times which made her evil in the eyes of people. Until her birthday when she met an old man begging her for food but she refused and revolted which made the old man furious. With that he cursed her. "Go forth to the World of Dystopia. You shall not return to this world until Dystopia is at peace." She didn't listen. She thought he was crazy. She went home and fell asleep. The time she woke up, she found herself in an unfamiliar place. She looked around. Where the hell is she? And then she remembered. "Dystopia."

UMI · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


"You're unbelievable!" Hazeki said with a mad tone.

Inside Levin's office, Hazeki and Levin were arguing about their plan on reaching the gate.

"You can't bring her with us! It's too dangerous!" Hazeki said to Levin pointing outside the window.

"I can train her! She's coming with us, along with those twin!" Levin said to Hazeki.

"You said you would choose the winners as part of your squad, why would you pick Kiera and-" Hazeki was getting so loud that people outside could hear him.


While those two are arguing, Kiera and the others can see through the window that Hazeki and Levin are having a fight.

"What happened to them?" Koko aksed.

"I don't know, maybe they're having a fight about something." Kiera said.

As the warriors wait on the field, Levin and Hazeki got out of the office and approach everyone's attention.

"The mission about the gate will be held next week, tomorrow morning will be the start of training for my squad. Tonight, my squad will have a meeting about the mission..your Captain will fetch you later in your cabins. That's all for the announcement." Levin said and left with Hazeki.

"I heard that you guys are chosen for Levin's squad." Moga whispered to Kiera and the others.

"Moga! Where have you been?" Kiera asked Moga with excitement.

"Levin sent me to investigate something." Moga said with uneasy chuckle.

"It's okay if you don't tell us, the case might be confidential." Kiera said with a smile.

Later that night Kiera's squad was having a dinner with Moga. Koko was looking at Kiera and her brother...

"Hmm..Kiko, do you have something to say?" Koko said looking at Kiko.

Kiko ignored Koko and continues to eat while Kiera and Moga looks at him.

"I heard you have something to say to Kiera." Koko said with teasing voice.

Kiko stopped eating while looking at his soup, then he face Koko.

"I have nothing to say to her." Kiko said then he continues to eat.

Everyone continues to eat and Kiko left the cabin. Koko followed him and talks to her brother.

"Hey Kiko, you like Kiera?" Koko said.

"None sense.." Kiko said avoiding Koko's eyes.

"I saw you brother. You and Kiera near the cliff, you're about to kiss her." Koko said with serious face.

Kiko didn't say anything when they heard Hazeki knocking at the cabin near them. A lady in 20's with short brown hair went out of the cabin wearing a mask in her face and salutes to Hazeki. Koko moves closer to eavesdrop.

"Captain!" The lady said.

"You are chosen for your skills, may I know your name and the reason of that mask?" Hazeki asked the lady.

"My name is Lily, this mask is the last remaining gift from my mother, I'm sorry if I can't remove it." Lily said holding her mask.

"How can we trust you?" Hazeki asked.

"You can remember me by my tattoo in my arm and I can do this." Lily showed her tattoo to Hazeki and she grabs her knife to cut her palm then signs the contract with her blood.

The contract in the world of Dystopia is divine and no one could break it because the blood that you use in that contract is connected to you, if you ever broke the contract, the blood in it will react and you will die.

"Well then come with me." Hazeki said and leads Lily.

Koko and Kiko returns to their cabin swiftly then after a few minutes Hazeki and Lily came and knocks. Kiera opened the door and looked at the visitors.

"Haze..I mean captain." Kiera salutes and the others too, when Lily was staring at Kiera.

"All of you are chosen to be in Levin's squad, don't let him down, he has a high standard." Hazeki said.

"Yes sir!" Everyone said.

"Everyone this is Lily, she will be with you in every mission, please get along with each other." Hazeki said.

Kiera and the others handshake Lily then invites them to have a dinner.

"I have eaten, Levin is waiting for everyone in his cabin. He has something to say to us." Hazeki said.

Everyone followed Hazeki to Levin's cabin. While walking under the moon, Koko saw how uncomfortable Kiera is.

"What's wrong?" Koko whispered to Kiera.

"That Lily girl..she looks familiar to me." Kiera said and looks at Lily right in front of them beside Hazeki.

"How can you say? She's wearing a mask." Koko said.

"I don't know..my guts tell me that she's too familiar to not notice." Kiera said before they arrive at Levin's cabin.

"Let's see.." Koko said.

"Everyone!" Levin welcomes everyone with a warm voice then he opens the door.

"Woah!" Everyone was amazed on what they saw.

Before the announcement of Levin about the warriors who will join his squad, Hazeki went to his office to explain the situation about the gate. Levin then gave his opinion on how to accomplish the mission. Both of them were talking about the places they will go to.

"So the first thing we need to do is to talk to the merchant on the other town?" Hazeki asks.

"Yes, then we will ask for potions and weapon spells to help us fight what's out there to stop us." Levin said.

"Here, this is the map that my father left." Hazeki said and showed the map to Levin.

"Okay, so the first destination is Millerville, next is Jade Lake?" Levin asks.

"Yeah and the other islands were in my uncle's map, don't worry he's living in Millerville" Hazeki said.

"Okay, let's decide who will be in our squad." Levin said.

"The winners right?" Hazeki asked

"I was thinking 'bout recruiting Kiera then the rest will be easy to choose." Levin said.

"What? Why Kiera?" Hazeki asked.

"Look, I can't explain right now okay? Kiera has something that would help us in our mission, I can feel it." Levin explained.

"Like what?" Hazeki asked.

"Like how she encounter that witch." Said Levin

"That's your reason? That's it?" Hazeki asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure she'll grow to be strong." Said Levin.

"You're unbelievable!" Hazeki said with a mad tone.

Inside Levin's office, Hazeki and Levin were arguing about their plan on reaching the gate.

"You can't bring her with us! It's too dangerous!" Hazeki said to Levin pointing outside the window.

"I can train her! She's coming with us, along with those twin!" Levin said to Hazeki.

"You said you would choose the winners as part of your squad, why would you pick Kiera and-" Hazeki was getting so loud that people outside could hear him.


When Levin welcome his squad at his cabin, everyone was amazed on what they saw.

"Woah! That's a lot of food!" Said Moga with a drooling face.

"What is this all about?" Asked Hazeki.

"Well this is my welcome party for my squad, and a meeting as well." Levin said drinking beer.

"Thank you Levin, for throwing us a party." Kiera thanked Levin.

Everyone enjoyed their meal with each other and drank beer the whole night. Koko was so drunk that she kisses the floor, Kiera was eating a lot as her stress reliever while Hazeki and Levin goes for a drinking battle. Moga became the referee of the two and Kiko is also drunk using his kunai as the dart and Levin's picture as the dart board. Lily was sitting still drinking beer calmly.

On the other side of celebration, a stranger peeks at the window to see what the Levin squad was doing, the stranger starts a fire under the cabin and run. Lily and Kiera notice something burning and they ran outside to check.

"Fire! Hurry get some water!!!" Kiera shouted.

"Don't worry here I go!" Moga pours alcohol at the fire and it became bigger.

"NO!!!" Everyone shouts.

Lily and Kiera immediately put the fire out with soaked blanket.

"Thank goodness." Said Kiera then smiled at Lily. Lily smiled back then went inside the cabin.

"Uh everyone?" Koko called everyone's attention when she saw a shining thing on the ground.

"What is that?" Kiera asked.

"It's a brooch." Lily came back and picks the black feather brooch.

"Hmm..suspicious." Said Koko

"The fire must not be an accident." Said Kiera.

Everyone looks everywhere for signs but there's nothing.