
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
125 Chs

Girls Meeting

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

[ pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ]

Word Count 1600


Girl Meeting.

A few moments ago. Koneko dragged 'in' a whining Kuroka.

The other girls smiled when they saw this some even snorted. But then they got a better look at her. Kuroka's normal tidy hair was messy and wild. Her skin was glossy. And her face was practically glowing

"You slept with Isaiah!" Meredith practically squealed

Valerie tilted her head "But we still haven't gotten any place to stay. Where did you... ohhh" Valerie realized where they 'got busy'

Asia clicked her tongue and bit her nail "I didn't think that the cat bitch would actually do it in the forest."

"Jealous much~" Kuroka grinned as she said in a sing-song voice

Asia was more than a little jealous "Yes. Damn you. I really need to step up my game"

"How was it?" Xenovia asked curiously

"Purrfect" Kuroka grinned while the others groaned at her 'pun'

"Be serious" Meredith hit her over the head. She was keeping the juicy details. And after how they 'grilled' her and Misaki yesterday. It was time for some revenge

Kuroka frowned "I am serious~nyaa. We have all heard the stories from Valerie and Tiamat. The little gossip they were willing to share. I thought they were just stingey. But it really can't be explained with words. Isaiah ahhh~" Kuroka's eyes started to get glazed over as she was remembering their night together


Koneko smacked her sister, waking her up.

"Was it really that good.." Rose asks shyly

"You have no idea. Maybe you will be next if you play your cards right~" Kuroka winked at Rose

"I'm next" Asia said with a no-nonsense tone

"I won't lose" Koneko's tail swished around as she locked eyes with Asia

Xenovia was ignoring the whole situation. She had one her hand on her chin "Hmmm. If I asked Isaiah to have babies with me right now, do you think he will say yes?"

"Haaa?" Asia and Tiamat turned to her.

Asia because someone wanted her turn, and Tiamat because she wanted to be the first one to give birth.

Koneko just glared at Xenovia while all the hairs on her body stood up, trying to intimidate the 'enemy'

"Hmm?" Xenovia tilted her head "Did I say something wrong?"

"Ay" Meredith facepalmed.

Misaki was looking at the situation with a blank look on her face. "I can't believe I'm about to say this. But I'm too sober for this. You people have turned me into an alcoholic"

Ingivild on her right, literally had a beaming smile "Really? I'm having a blast. This is good comedy"

"I agree" Valerie nodded. She was the first woman to 'get together' with Isaiah. She had nothing to worry about. Their leader wasn't the kind of man to abandon her for another.

"Nyahahaha. Punk Girl wants to rumble?" Kuroka's voice broke them out of their conversation.

"Bring it on cat bitch" Asia's Touki exploded. Kuroka did the same but not before smirking at Asia.

"A Bitch is a female dog. A female cat is called a Queen. So bow down peasant. Nyahahaha"

Asia dashes to Kuroka as the latter runs away while teasing Asia.

"Sigh. Those two were at it again" Meredith sighed out "They are like water and oil. Ever since they started competing for the next lover spot"

Ingivild shrugged "It's fine. They care for each other but they also like the same guy. They have to express those feelings somehow. And I approve this method, it's hilarious"

"You know maybe this is why I got Isiaih first, you are too slow and have less stamina~nyaa"


"Get back HERE!"

~ Underworld. Phenex Territory. Risers Room. 3rd Pov

(Forgot its Phenex not Pheonix. I think Pheonix is better)


Riser forcefully open the doors to his bedroom and walked to his King sized bed. Which was empty at the moment. The girls were out having fun and some were enjoying their hobbies.

He went to the edge of the bed and just let his body fall


He fell on the very, very soft bed and let himself sink in.

"Sighhhh. I hate this High-Class Noble Devil bullshit. If I was the heir fine. At least I would get some power and reputation. I'm the Third Son. And both my brothers are stronger than me. Why should I have to deal with Devil Politics?"

Riser groaned as he kept talking to himself

"Go to the Young Devil gathering. Look out for a new fiance." Riser says in an annoying voice, probably imitating one of his parents

"That's just what I need. I know every High-Class female devil from my generation. And the most normal ones are Bookworm Sona and Mecha Nerd Seekvaira. Sighhh.

Isaiah! Homie! Why did you leave alone to deal with this bullshit! So not fair. I'm stuck in the Underworld and he is out there traveling the world"


"Huh?" 'A message. Oh, it's from Isaiah. He has some really weird timing'

Over the next few minutes Riser stared at the screen with a blank face. On it were videos of the party on Alfheim.


"Alfheim... he went to Alfheim, the one place famous for its 'We don't accept outsiders'. And had a party with the Royal Family" Riser said in an empty voice


"I need a drink"

Just when Riser grabbed an empty glass

*Knock Knock*

"Sigh.. What now?"

Ravel eneterd the room. She was wearing one of her usual fancy dresses

"Riser-niisama. Mother asked me to call you. We have some unexpected guests from the Gaap Family. You need to entertain their 'weirdo' *cough* their charming son. Who has some 'unique' hobbies "

A vain poped on Riser's forehead


He crushed the glass in his hand

"No" Riser says in a serious tone

"Huh? What do you mean No?" Ravel asks in a confused tone

"I mean 'No'. I will not be entertaining any guests. I will not be looking for a new fiance. And I will not stand for this bullshit anymore. Ravel tell my peerage to pack all of their and my stuff. I'm running away from home" Riser quickly waved his hand and activated the soundproof runes in his room.

"WHAT!" Ravel screamed out in surprise

"Isaiah just sent me a new video. He is partying on ALFHEIM! While I'm stuck here. Hell no. I'm leaving. I'm going to join his faction, the one he is currently building. I'm sure he will accept us because we are friends. I am willing to make a few 'Tears' occasionally. That will calm any protest about me joining.

You need to decide what you want to do. Will you come with me or will you stay here and be married off to some idiot?" Riser looks at his baby sister as her face went through many different levels of shock

"You are serious?"

Riser nodded to her question.

Ravel had a complicated look on her face "You will be an outcast. A shame on the family. The entire devil faction will curse at you for joining a completely different faction. It's one thing to change political factions like from the New Satans to the Old King or Great King faction. But this is betraying your race"

Riser scoffed "So what? We devils are creatures of sin. We do whatever the hell we want. It's not like I'm harming anyone. I'm just looking out for Numer 1. Namely ME. My and my peerage's happiness is what's most important. The devil faction can go fuck themselves." Riser had a thoughtful look on his face "Maybe some new devils will be born that way. Mass Origies. Better than some bullshit engagements"

*Ehem* Ravel coughed in her hand

"Right. Got off-topic. Ever since we met Isaiah our lives got a lot more fun. Even you have to admit that. I learned a lot too. I can throw much better parties now" Riser says with a proud look on his face

Ravel just deadpanned "Yes. Yes. I know. You got nominated as the best 'host/party planner' in the underworld."

"But that has gotten boring too. I want to see the world, get drunk on a beach in Grece without worrying about some God smiting me. That's what Isaiah is all about. His Ideals are much more in line with mine than what our current government is trying to do. Peace is a nice idea. But they really should deal with internal matters first and then try to make alliances with other factions. Another civil war is imminent. And I will not be here when it starts. What about you sister? What will you do?" Riser looked at her. Waiting for an answer

Ravel was frowning, and biting her lip. Her hands were clenched.

"Ahhh, Fuck IT! Let's go" Ravel cursed out and looked at Riser who was just grinning at her

"Sister! Language!" he says in an overdramatic way

"Shut up. We need to do this fast. I'll get the girls ready along with our stuff. You got to the vault and grab as much money, gold and treasure as you can fit in your pocket space. Use your magic to increase the size, it doesn't matter if it's temporarily unstable. I'll take half of it later." Ravel unconsciously turned into her commander role

Riser just smiled at her "I'll get it done. You hurry up and inform the girls"

Ravel nodded and dashed out of the room. Leaving Riser alone. He took one last look at his bedroom, the place where he stayed for most of his life.

"I'm going to miss this place. But time waits for no man. Watch out world! Riser Phenex is coming out!!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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