
dxd my multiversal journey

reborn in dxd after getting my wished from the universal troll, maybe harem but no more than three girls if I do so.

Anthony_Chavez_6666 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

ch. 8 birthday party part 4

After snapping out of that weird trace I was in I watched as the astaroth clan head along with his cousin/ wife walked in, following their son ajuka beelzbub. 'Fuckin devils are weird.' He thought. Well it's not like he doesn't understand why they practiced incest, it's to keep their clan trait alive and well. That paired along with the devils extremely low birth rate means that the safest thing to do is Mary siblings or close family members together. Or in the phoenixs case Mary your own son which is wrong on so many levels. Even if theres no defect to incest for devils it's still weird to his human mind.

But shrugging that off millia introduced the next few families until my eyes locked on to a trio of devils. The one in the lead was an old man with a bald head brown beard and a cane. The second was a darkish brown almost black haired man with coal colored eyes. He walked in with an arrogant smile and stride as if he owned the gremory mansion. The way he looked at everyone as if they were bugs under his shoes rubbed him the wrong way. It's as if he was supposed to be the main character of the day. The last was a violet eyes woman who's body practically screamed MILF. Her hazel colored hair and violet eyes looked around cautiously, under her enchanting eyes were eye bags. "Hmm the bael clan huh." I mumbled

"Yes, that's zekram bael the first bael and the only active ancestor. All the others are either dead, in a self inflicted coma, or like rhaela barely connected to the devil faction anymore. Next to him is his son reshiron bael, he's the current clan head, but he's more of a arrogant puppet that the bael ancestor uses to move around. Lastly is his first wife misla bael, formerly misla vapula. Remember the vapula clan trait?" She informed

"Uhhh no I can't remember it." I answered truthfully.

Nodding she added "the vapula clan were lion tamers. During the Great War they'd march along with their armies of lions. Unfortunately they were mostly annihilated during the civil war with misla being the only vapula with the clan trait left. The other two remaining valpula are branch family members who weren't born with the trait."

"I see, well than the party is about to truly start I should probably make my entrance." I stated as I got up from my seat.

"Yes let's go Alvis, your parents should be waiting for you." Millia agreed as she followed me out.

Leaving the observation room we walked down the halls until I spotted my parents waiting outside the ball room door. "Have fun spying on our guests?" My father asked with a teasing smile

"Ahhaha." Letting out a little laugh while rubbing the back of my head I nodded "yes misla informed me of the guests names and such. So I wouldn't be stumbling around like an idiot." I praised my maid with a smile.

Turning to millia my father gave her a thankful smile "thank you millia for helping Alvis."

"Ah it's my duty lord Lucifer." She blushed at the praise.

"Ah father I think bringing her in would be a giod gift for her help wouldn't you agree." I asked giving him a look.

Humming he turned to my mother who was still in her maid uniform. "What do you think grayfia

"Ah I'm just a maid I don't—" millia tried to deny but was cut off by mom.

"That would be acceptable, Alvis would need a partner for the anyways, and this would be a good reward for all the help, millia." Grayfia agreed

"Ah thank you lady grayfia." Millia thanked while looking down with a blush.

"Good now let's enter." Father announced as he put me in between himself and grayfia while millia trailed behind us.

Opening up the doors we walked in. Noticing us the devil announcer spoke up after getting everyone's attention. "Now entering Sirzechs Lucifer Satan Lucifer, his wife and queen grayfia lucifuge, and their son Alvis gremory!"

Hearing our names the guests clapped for us with some greetings but most sounded hollow. 'These people could give less of a shit about us.' I thought with in internal sigh. 'Fuckin politics, I swear by Gabriel's hairy unwashed cunt I'm leaving this world line the moment I'm able to. I'll just come back every now and than to make sure things didn't go to shit. I've not even gotten to the worst part of interacting with these cunts yet I'm already tired of it.' I thought while having a practiced smile on my lips.

After the initial greetings I spotted my grandparents. "Alright remember your the son of Lucifer so don't let them step all over you, also don't agree to any deals or anything like that. Millia stay with him and make sure he doesn't sign anything." Father spoke as he and mother walked away.

Nodding I smiled and waved them away before heading over to my grandparents. They were in a conversation with the lord and lady sitri. "Grandma, grandpa." I greeted

"Ah Alvis meet our old friends this is, armorus sitri and Serena sitri, along with her sister Maya sitri." Grandma introduced them to me.

"Thank you for coming lord and lady sitri." I nodded at them before turning to Maya. Smiling I took her hand and kissed it. "And it's a pleasure meeting you lady Maya."

Smiling back Maya greeted with a teasing smile "and it's a pleasure to meet you as well little lord."

"Oh I assure you there's nothing little about me." I shot back without any pause making her blink and stare for a second before giggling

"Well at least he's got a little bite on him. The other kids just start shoving their clan name around and get pissed, when you insult or tease them." She nodded to me with a little more respect in her eyes.

"Pompous bitches." I nodded along before feeling my waist get pinched and feeling millia's hard stare into the back of my head.

Snorting Maya rose an eyebrow "you don't look to happy at your own birthday party?" She questioned

"No not really, to many hollow smiles and words." I answered honestly

"Ah yes get used to it, it's called politics, the devil nobles love it." She replied sarcastically

"Ya if I have to deal with this shit every year ima go and fuck off like the phoenix ancestor." I sighed out.

"Not a bad plan." She agreed "might join you in that, I've been dealing with this stuff for centuries." She nodded along with me.

As we spoke and bantered with each other we didn't notice how our family members left us alone leaving just me, millia, and Maya in the corner. Or at least it was just us until a blue haired girl walked up to us. 'Arianna glasya labolas.' I thought seeing her approach with her butler trailing behind her.

*cannon omake-half lamia*

Waking up as usual I felt a pair of tits digging into my back while a pair of arms wrapped around me. What wasn't usual was the constricted feeling that took over my body from my chest down. Blinking away the sleep in my eyes I looked down only to see a pale white snake tail wrapped completely around me. 'Huh who?' I thought as I looked over my shoulder to see millia snuggled up against me. 'That makes a lot more sense actually. With how she's always sniffing me or how she sometimes just licks my cheek for no reason. Also her eyes those should have been a dead give away with her green serpentine eyes but hey some devils look like well devils described by priests. So you can't blame me for not putting two and two together but it's whatever. What's important is that she just became ten times more sexy in my eyes.' I thought seeing her cute and content smile.

Looking back down I caught sight of the tip of her tail. It was laying right next to my face. Smiling a devilish idea popped into his head. 'This is what she gets for teasing me so much.' I thought as I gently trapped the tip of her tail messaging it. Feeling millia shudder behind me as her breath hitched and she squeezed me harder I smirked. 'Oh my sweet sweet millia this is going to be extremely embarrassing for you.' I thought before taking her tail into my mouth gently nibbling and running my hands over it gently.

"Ah-un hnnn." Hearing her adorable moan and starting to feel a wet spot on my back where she's grinding against me I internally smirked. "Ah-Alviiiisssss sssstopp pleassse." She breathed out as she hugged me tighter

Ignoring her I pretended to be asleep as I continued my ministrations. "Ahhhhh yesssssss!" She finally snapped and started shaking

Faking a yawn I spun around in her now loose grip over me and pretended to be tired and half asleep. "Huh ah millia morning." I let out before sniffing the air. "Huh what's that smell, it smells good?" I asked innocently

Freezing up millia just looked around "ah umm it's nothing just go back to sleep." She spoke in a slight panic trying to catch her breath and keep her tone even.

"Huh oh ok." I replied but not before I buried my face into the wet spot on the bed and mumbling just loud enough for her to hear "hmm delicious." Hearing her embarrassed and horrified squeaks I almost let out a laugh but I was able to keep it in.

Ya after that she was to embarrassed to sleep with me for over a month before coming back in desperate need of her hug pillow to get a good nights sleep.