
dxd my multiversal journey

reborn in dxd after getting my wished from the universal troll, maybe harem but no more than three girls if I do so.

Anthony_Chavez_6666 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

ch. 9 birthday party part 5

Watching as Arianna Glasya-Labolas walked up to us I internally frowned. 'She has the demonic power of a high class but her body just looks weak?' I thought as I analyzed her. She had a cold and detached smile on her face along with the way she looked at everyone made me interenqlly sigh. 'She's looking down on us all.' I thought but on the outside I put on an amicable smile. "Arianna

Glasya-Labolas." I greeted

"Alvis gremory, congratulations on turning four." Her tone was neutral but it sounded more like an insult than a compliment.

Smiling back at her I nodded "yup four years old and I can already punch through a tree." I spoke whith a mocking look in my eyes as I vary obviously looked over her frail and petite form. I watched in hidden amusement as she squeezed the wine glass in her hand. "Ah please don't break your glass in here, well if you can it would only give our servants more work."

Feeling my side get pinched again I decided to that that was enough and stopped mocking the girl who was now almost shaking in rage. 'Short tempered and couldn't take an insult with out showing signs of anger.' I thought before I saw her cold smile return.

"Hmm what a shame my future husband seems to be more like that barbarian of a phoenix than a proper noble." She sniffed before turning and walking away,

"F-future husband!?" I blurted out confused Watching her slowly turn back towards me with new found confidence I internally cursed 'fuck, I lost the lead.' I thought

"Oh you don't know? My father and your grandfather are talking about our marriage right now?" She informed while pointing to the side.

Looking to where she was pointing I frowned at the sight of my grandfather and Arianna's father going over a document. "Bullshit." I called her out while watching her for any signs that she was caught only to see her smile wider. 'Fuck!'

"Oh no I'm telling the truth, you see they've been waiting for an opportunity to reunite our clans again for a while, and it just so happens that we're of similar ages so it works out." She further explained.

Snorting I shrugged "I'll just beat the fuck outa ya in a rating game, than get away from ya. It won't be difficult." I dismissed her it's a nobles right to be able to challenge their challenge fiance in a rating game. After all devils love power and the one with the bigger stick wins.

Frowning she looked down at me coldly "don't dismiss me so easily boy the glasya-"

"Shut it bitch your weak and the fact that you need to use your mommy and daddy's name to try and win an argument only makes you look even more pathetic. You sent even worthy of being my pet let alone my wife. Now leave or I'll embarace you by making everyone watch as I a four year old pull you over my knee pull down your dress and give you the spanking your parents never did." I finally snapped and glared at her while letting out my pressure. I might not have as much demonic energy as her but with how frail her body is I can easily make her fall to her knees which is exactly what I did.

After a second I walked over to her and helped her up "now are you ok dear?" I asked sounding worried as the people near us looked over. 'Millia put up a silencing barrier before we started insulting each other but now that it's down I can go and look like a gentleman.' I thought with a kind and worried smile on my face.

"I.im f-fine." She shakily spoke while looking down in shame and embarrassment.

"Here how about you go have a seat." I advised as I handed her over to her butler who was far away enough that he didn't hear any of our conversation until after millia dropped the barrier

"Well played." Maya gave me an approving nod as I walked back over to her. "You could have held back on your pressure a bit though if your maid didn't stop it last second the other guests would have noticed it." She advised

Nodding I smiled thankfully at her "thank you for the guidance miss maya, I'll work on that."

She just waved me off "call me Maya, formalities are boring, little lord."

"Only if you call me Alvis, Maya." I agreed

"Alright Alvis, so tell me how's your knowledge on magic?" She asked as I smiled. While my dreams were full of swords I did have a passion for magic.

*scene change*

*pov Leona phoenix*

Watching as Lucy jr. conversed, and laughed with Maya sitri she felt a weird sensation in her chest. 'What the fucks wrong with me.' She thought with a confused glint in her eyes.

She than watching as the blue headed worm. Walked up to Alvis. It was amusing to watch and read her body language and how she was absolutely pissed until she seemed to say something to surprise Alvis only for him to gain a cold and cruel smile and look. She almost spat out her drink in laughter when the blue worm crumpled to her knees and looked like she just pissed and shit herself. 'Was it wrong that that made her a little wet?' She questioned herself before frowning as Alvis seemed to do a 180 and act like a knight in shining armor. Seeing that she let out a growl 'why is he helping the worm and not coming over to meet us the phoenixes!' She thought before catching her self and feeling weird in her chest again