-Expect AU elements in this fanfiction- Flame Shake, a common [Sacred Gear] with the ability to grant it's user pyrokinetic abilities in the form a white-colored flame. Some may call it average at best, perhaps even sub-par. However I must disagree, bad [Sacred Gears] do not exist, only bad wielders --- Upload Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. Slow start btw.
I was making my way towards one of the guests rooms in Grigori with a sense of unease in my stomach. I was about to receive the assignment I had agreed to take from Azazel—in order to get my expedition privileges re-instated and have a wish of my choosing fulfilled. As I got closer to the door, the sensation only grew stronger.
I gulped down a chunk of saliva—and slowly opened the door. Inside there was a luxurious couch, a bowl of fruits—drinks and all sorts of service commodities. Azazel was standing in the room alongside two odd looking figures.
They both had brown slick hair, fashioned in the exact same style. They both had ocean blue eyes, and one was wearing a blue t-shirt whilst the other donned a green one. Their skin was the exact same shade of tan and almost everything about their facial structures was an exact replica of the other.
These guys were clearly identical twins. The minute I stepped in the room I expected Azazel to be the first to speak but instead the two figures looked at me intensively. They seemed to be around the same age as me and relatively the same height—the look they gave me was strange...it was full of—hope?
Immediately both of them ran straight to me which startled me quite a bit—they stopped only a few inches away and did something completely unexpected. They bowed—I was absolutely clueless I had never met these guys in my life.
"Thank you, Koen-Sensei!" they both exclaimed. Sensei!? Since when!? I looked to Azazel with a look of 'what the hell is going on' and he just stood there with a wry smile, what had I gotten myself into.
"Koen, meet Jun and Takuma, as you've probably guessed they're identical twins. They're also the users of Sacred Gears, [Staring Blue] and [Staring Green], their shirts should tell you which is which"
Oh no—I remembered the theory I had presented to Azazel a while ago, the whole reason he saw me as a future researcher to begin with, but that was quite the stretch, he wouldn't—would he?
"Jun, Takuma this is Koen, he will be the one to help you achieve [Balance Breaker]—I'll leave you three to get accustomed to each other, have fun!"
He would! And he said that with such a playful voice—he really was going to give me a impossible task, to think he took my little experiment so harshly.
On the bright side—he doesn't seem like the type to waste other peoples time just to teach me a lesson—so that must mean he sees some form of value in my theory, perhaps it's not completely impossible.
"Greetings, I look forward to working with you both, as you have heard I'll be the one to help you achieve [Balance Breaker]" Azazel had left me no choice but to go along with his flow, a key factor towards establishing a good relationship is to appear confident, and make them feel like you know what you're doing. Which I absolutely do not by the way.
If I had started blurting out that I had no idea what was going on they would probably lose faith in my abilities and if I'm working with people who don't trust me it's just going to make my job harder. Now then—how do I begin this.
"The pleasure is all ours Koen-sensei, you have no idea how grateful we are for you investing the time to help us—we've tried almost everything but no matter what we haven't ever managed to get close to achieving [Balance Breaker]"
What are they talking about? They don't look that old how much could they possibly have tested—no matter, a job's a job. "Ah, no need for the honorifics just call me Koen, for starters I hope you wouldn't mind telling me about yourself?"
I gestured towards the couch and as we sat down I poured the two a glass of apple-juice which they accepted, the first thing I need to do is understand what I'm working with.
"Of course Koen-san we're both from Kuoh, and as matter of fact we've been in Grigori for a while—from the age of two years old we managed to awaken our Sacred Gears, but naturally we had no idea how to manage it" suddenly Jun continued his sentence—is this a twin thing or what?
"Unfortunately we lost our parents after a stray Devil tried to kill us—fortunately Kuoh was under the protection of Azazel and he managed to save us in time, and since then we've called this place our home" This time Takuma was the one to continue his sentence.
Although I must say—he told me that rather easily, then again he was merely two years old when it happened I guess, it's probably unlikely for them to get truly attached to their parents from such a age.
"We've been trying to become combatants for Grigori—don't get us wrong Azazel hasn't forced us to do so or anything, we simply want to do something to pay him back in exchange for the care he's given us" And yet again, it was Jun who continued—this is starting to get annoying, but I made sure I didn't show it on my face.
"We've made a lot of progress in the past few years, but we feel like we've reached a bottleneck, and we know that the next step is achieving [Balance Breaker]" What I heard shocked me—they're so young and they've already reached the level where they're gunning for [Balance Breaker]? What kind of monsters are in front of me—first Valia now these two...and eventually Tobio, although Valia will probably go off and form her team with Khaos Brigade, Grigori still has quite the sum of future talents.
Although I don't understand what they mean by a bottleneck, shouldn't Sacred Gears constantly evolve according to their users will?
"Are you sure you don't just need time? I mean you're both quite young after all, and [Balance Breaker] isn't something once can achieve so quickly..." I replied.
"We've been told that by everyone—but you have to believe us, we're confident that there's something fundamentally wrong with our Gears, even Azazel agreed with us" Azazel agreed...huh—then again he gave me this task for a reason, so I suppose I just have to work with it.
"Well if Azazel confirmed it I suppose I have no reason to doubt you" Sure he can be shrewd, but when it comes to research that man never jokes around.
Both their faces lit up in delight, they bowed once again which is really unnecessary, I'm flattered by their respect, but it's just not my style, normally I'm the one doing the bowing.
"I guess for starters—it would be nice to see where you're at, there's a training room on the basement level, shall we?" I gestured towards the door as we got up.
We were walking through the hallway when yet again—a familiar silver haired girl appeared in front of me, what was I in for this time. "Azazel told me you're going to do science stuff" she stated.
I nodded affirmatively—I don't know what she wants considering I haven't even started their training yet.
"I'm going to watch" she declared as she stood next to me—honestly I would try refute her but I just don't see the point in trying. And if she's just watching I could really care less.
"For starters just shoot a simple projectile at that target over there—the whole rooms reinforced by a barrier so don't worry about breaking anything" I have no clue why I told them that last remark—considering they've been here longer than me.
They both conjured an ethereal bow in their hands and drew the translucent string back.
A gust of wind assaulted me as I saw merely a blue and green flicker disappear from their hands. To my surprise a small crack managed to form where their arrows landed—it repaired itself quickly, but creating even a dent in Grigori's barriers was an incredible accomplishment.
They clearly are at the stage where one would begin trying to reach [Balance Breaker]—to think they're the same age as me, I need to hurry up and create that organ.
Even Valia had a look of surprise on her face—if I weren't in the middle of experimentation she would definitely try challenge them to a fight in a moments notice.
"Well then—I suppose I should tell you what I have in mind, for starters my principal theory is the [Balance Breaker] achieved through [Staring Blue] and [Staring Green] is fundamentally different from other Gears" I don't know how much of this they will comprehend, but I have to start somewhere.
"Aren't all [Balance Breakers] different?" Takuma asked.
"Yes—but I'm talking in the sense that it's achieved by an individual, it's my belief that the reason every user of [Staring Blue] and [Staring Green] are identical twins, is because you're [Balance Breaker] is a cooperative type"
"I believe there should be a way to make both of you Sacred Gears resonate with one another—and the lack of such is probably why you feel as if you've reached a bottleneck"
"How are we meant to do that?"
That's what I want to know—I suppose it's time to test yet another theory of mine, although I'm going to have one hell of a time trying to get Azazel to approve this. "I have an idea of what I need to do—but first I have to go talk with Azazel, for now how about you two spar with Valia for a bit"
"Ah! Wait no don't leave us wi-" before they finished their sentence I quickly hurried out the door, I'm sorry lads, but you're going to have to take this one for me.
"I'm already going to reject that—but at the very least I'll let you tell me you're reasoning for this" Azazel had just heard the most irresponsible and dangerous idea a nine-year old could produce.
"I think every single form of power has a code to it—be it Sacred Gears, [Demonic Power], [Light Magic]—you name it, let's say for example my [Flame Shake] has the code XX24—just for the sake of context, and Valia's has a code MN92, I believe [Staring Blue] and [Staring Green] both have the exact same code, down to the letter"
"That's interesting and all—but it still doesn't compel me in the slightest to approve this reckless endeavor of yours—you better be going somewhere with this"
"Remember how I told you that I believe [Staring Blue] and [Staring Green] need to resonate with each other in order to achieve [Balance Breaker]—I plan to create an instrument that would allow Takuma and Jin to allow the codes of their Sacred Gear's to fuse with one another"
"I still fail to see why you can't just allow the gears themselves to resonate, rather than going through with whatever...this is"
"You told me they spend each second, training together, eating together, doing literally everything together—as a Sacred Gear evolves to ones will, there's physically no reason why they shouldn't have resonated already, and what's the problem? You can just constantly replace their blood during the process"
"The fact that you want to draw blood is not an issue—it's the fact you want energy from their Sacred Gear's to be drawn out alongside it, I'm sure you already know how dangerous touching the Sacred Gear itself would be for them"
My plan was to draw out their blood mixed with the essence from their Sacred Gears—and use it as material to create a form of "resonance band" which will be a direct proxy between themselves and their Sacred Gears.
That way, they can resonate their Sacred Gears at will—I debated just using normal materials, but there's no known material that can force a connection between Sacred Gears.
That's why I'm going to take advantage of the fact they are twins—and use their similar DNA as the connection between them which is why I need their blood as material, why I want the essence of their Sacred Gear alongside it, is if I just use their blood that would work for something like [Demonic Power] but Sacred Gears are different.
They're an ability handed by Gods System to humans, unfortunately each Sacred Gear has it's own individual code—with the exception of sub-species, that's why I need another element to help them link together ontop of their blood.