
DxD: My Hellfire Escapade

-Expect AU elements in this fanfiction- Flame Shake, a common [Sacred Gear] with the ability to grant it's user pyrokinetic abilities in the form a white-colored flame. Some may call it average at best, perhaps even sub-par. However I must disagree, bad [Sacred Gears] do not exist, only bad wielders --- Upload Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. Slow start btw.

Iguana32 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Staring Blue and Staring Green [2]


"Azazel, you asked me to help them achieve [Balance Breaker]—that is exactly what I'm doing, if you're not ok with my methods, I suggest you do it yourself" Truthfully, I can't think of another way to get those Sacred Gears to resonate, don't get me wrong it's not like I want to put them in danger, but if I'm to make this venture a success, risks will need to be taken, as always.

"You do you realize you wont be getting your expedition privileges back if you fail" Of course I know that, but I don't have any other options, I'm sorry Azazel, but I'm going to have to strongarm you again.

"If I fail? Shouldn't you say if you fail me? I've got the solution, you're the only thing standing in between me and success" Azazel frowned deeply, and to be fair—if I was in his position I would be doing the same thing.

"You really love pushing me don't you? Fine—but there's three conditions I'm applying and there wont be any room for negotiation, firstly I will be the one doing the blood withdrawal, secondly if I have even so much as a hint that tells me there lives may be in danger I'm cancelling the procedure and you will be failed regardless of whether you feel it's fair or not"

Personally I don't think Azazel's being that harsh—although the chance is menial, there is still a risk of those two becoming severely injured...or worse. As a matter of fact, I feel better that Azazel will be the one doing the procedure rather than me or someone else, it minimizes the chance of failure even more.

"Thirdly—you will be the one to tell them about the procedure, and don't even think about sugar-coating it or leaving out a single detail, because I will know" He was dead-serious, but so was I, I wanted this to be a success more than anyone, call it a researchers pride, despite the fact I'm not actually one yet.

"I was planning to in the first place" I know I'm not the bravest person, but at the very least I can—or will try to be an honest one. Although I wonder for how long I'll be able to live as such—no matter, worries for another day.


I made my way back to the gym and what I saw really wasn't all that unexpected. The Staring Twins were laid face flat on the ground, and Valia was stood there without a single drop of sweat on her, I guess even if they're monsters, Valia is a monster among monsters.

"You could have held back a little" She didn't need to go at them this hard, although as long as they aren't seriously injured I guess it doesn't matter.

"Don't look at me—they're the ones who insisted on continuing" She had a knowing smile on her face as she spoke, I'm guessing what really happened was her battle mania kicked in and she just hammered away at these poor fellas.

"Ah...to think it was this one-sided, now then, if you don't mind I could use some assistance dragging these two to the couch" To think I was gunning to be her training partner—to be fair it really wasn't my choice, rather Azazel had forced it on me, but I like a challenge.

Surprisingly she actually complied and helped me out, I suppose I should just come back later when they're rested to tell them what I have in mind—I proceeded to make my way to the exit, when I felt a tugging sensation on my shirt.

"Wait" she said—oh boy, what I have I got myself into now, deep breathes Koen—deep breathes.

"What is it?" I did my best to appear calm and collected, but even if unintentionally she can really be scary when she wants something.

"...I want to talk to you about something" she signaled towards one of the free couches. Was I insane enough to tell her no? Of course not, I simply nodded and sat down, and I couldn't really sense much hostility from her, making me wonder what it was all about.

She sat down next to me and looked me in dead in the eye. "I want you to teach me how to do all that science stuff"

That was rather shocking—Valia taking an interest in research? I expected her to only have an eye for combat, wait a minute—I think I have an idea of why.

"Correct me if I'm wrong—but are you doing it simply to impress Azazel?" Her pupils contracted immediately, it seems I was right.

"How did you..." For all her strength—I sometimes I forget that she's just a child at the end of the day. I guess it's time for me to play the big brother role...whatever that's supposed to be.

"Listen, you probably already know this but I'll say it anyways—Azazel didn't adopt you just so you could be 'useful' towards him, he loves you as a daughter unconditionally and that will forever remain a fact"

"That's not the point...I just want him to be proud..." For the first time I'm seeing a rather docile side of Valia, not that I hate it.

"Even so—do you think doing something like becoming researcher simply because you think he wants you to will make him happy? Science is something you engage in because you have a passion for it, not out of a sense of obligation"

"...Then what should I do..." She really wants to impress Azazel, even though she's already done that through her unbelievable growth—to think she could be so dense.

"Have you truly not realized it? You've already impressed him—you've put in so much effort into honing your skills, and your hard work did not go unrewarded, I mean you just took those two out and I have yet to see even a speck of sweat on you" I said as I pointed towards the snoring Staring Twins.

"Are you saying I don't need to do anything?" She still has yet to understand how Azazel sees her...

"If you really want to impress him so badly—do this, show him that you will not waste the chance he has given you by brining you in as his own, continue to put all the drive you can muster into your passion, and let him see his daughter grow and flourish" The words that came out of my mouth caused me to cringe quite a bit—but I felt like they were necessary nonetheless.

"I see...thank you" her words were soft but for some reason I felt an odd sensation in my heart. I had no idea what it was—but it was rather...pleasant? She got up out of the sofa and made her way to the exit, I think I played the big brother role rather well If I do say so myself.

*Groan* "What happened?" Takuma seemed to have finally woke up—and Jun eventually followed suite, perfects timing.

"Welcome back to the land of the living—it seems you got a taste of what Valia can be like" I teased.

"Ah! I remember! You left us here with Valia! How could you!" To be fair that was kind of a dick move on my part—but I had to get her occupied somehow, and she would have pestered them to spar regardless anyways.

"Sorry about that, although you'll be happy to know there's been an update on your situation" They both perked up immediately and looked at me with expecting eyes—as if there exhaustion just disappeared into thin air.

"Basically I'm going to create a device for you two in order allow both your Gears to connect, now the material for the device I'm planning to create is your blood, it wont be much—but that's not really where the problem lies"

I took a deep breathe and remembered what Azazel had told me—no sugar coating.

"Some essence from you're Sacred Gears are going to be drawn out as well—because you're Gears aren't sub-species, they still have retained their individual 'properties' from Gods System, now the essence from your Gears are the other element necessary to make the device a success"

They both stared at me blankly—I really have a bad habit of using jargon on non-scientists.

"Nevermind that—what's really important for you to know, is that there is a chance that something could go seriously wrong during this procedure, and both your lives may end up being put in jeopardy during the process" I expected them to lash out and begin panicking, they've just met me recently and all of a sudden I'm telling them that I'm going to put their lives at risk—their anger was warranted.

They just continued to stare at me blanky—as if what I had said, didn't phase them in the slightest. "I don't see the problem here—plus we're in the hands of Koen-sensei, we know you aren't going to let that happen" Takuma stated. and Jun nodded as well.

What the fuck? They just met me where on earth is this level of trust coming from? Azazel...what did you tell them.

Furthermore—what's with the reaction to their lives possibly being in danger? Did they misunderstand what I said?

"Erm...I know it's not really my place to be asking this—but are you sure you want to accept so quickly? I mean there's no rush you could take some time to think this over at the very least..." For some reason I thought it would have been better for them to get angry, I'm called unusual for my age because in reality I'm not—but these guys are genuine children...unless they've been reincarnated which I for some reason doubt.

I'm a pretty good judge of character, and these two seem like legitimate kids to me.

"What's there to think over? We were already determined to do whatever it took to improve—what is our commitment worth if we falter now?" Jun retorted.

These guys...I can do nothing but give them my admiration, it seems some of their determination had rubbed off onto me—there's no way I can possibly let the resonance band be a failure.

Even Valia had a look of surprise on her face—and I can't blame her, the amount of readiness these two were showing was insane, they didn't even take a moment to question their choices.

"Very well—follow me, Azazel is waiting for us in one of the medical rooms" It was time for the first part of this venture to commence.


Both Jun and Takuma were sat one of the chairs—there was a big one in the center of the room which was presumably where the operation would be done, after a lot of arguing between the two we decided to settle it with a coin toss, and concluded that Takuma would be the first to go.

"Could you roll your sleeve up for me please?" Azazel asked—Takuma complied and Azazel rubbed a cotton swab against his arm and proceeded to take out a syringe. At first glance, everything about this setting would make you think that it was just a blood donation or something.

That is of course, until you looked up—there was a massive glass-like device that was making an odd whirring sound with purple currents radiating around it, I had never seen Azazel use such a thing in the series, but I guess that's what was going to allow him to extract the essence of their Sacred Gears.

Azazel looked at me and I knew what he was signaling, me and Jun left the room and went to one of the observational windows, he clearly didn't want to be disturbed in the slightest during the operation, now all I could do was hope for the best.

The machine was truly odd—I couldn't help but ponder how it would allow the essence from his Gear to be withdrawn whilst Azazel drew on his blood—for now I would refrain from asking because Azazel clearly needs to concentrate.