
DxD: Heavenly Life

A young man suddenly wakes up in a forest. With nothing but a money-grubbing system for company. Gods? Devils? Angels? Monsters? Humans getting dunked on? "Truly, Poverty is a Shinobi's greatest enemy..." Mutters a voice in despair. Desclaimer: I do not own. Naruto. Neither do I own hush school dxd. Don't forget to comment and suggest.

MechanicalHeart101 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Chapter 10: Am I in Naraka? (Part 2)

"I don't care if you're in pain."- Unknown

Raito P.O.V:

The door unlocks with a


'Finally.' And with that I push. It was heavy. Far heavier than I expected wood to be however, I manage with a quick application of [Chakra Enhancement].


Still, feeling the weight of centuries resisting my advance, a low, guttural groan reverberates through the chamber as the ancient mechanisms hidden in the door gave way, grinding with a rumbling that echoes through the manors hallway.

This causes me to hope devils had rather deep slumbers and my hostage was just an alert outlier.

Luckily, my imitation guards are the only ones stationed nearby.

'Shoot. Lets finish this quick.'I insist with renewed vigor. Staring into the dark vault, a hint of apprehension mixes into my already palpable haste. Not that I blame myself.

Traps can get the best of anyone after all. Luckily, there's a remedy nearby.

"Alright, get in Blondie." I turn and instruct my rather meek hostage.

She's being awfully compliant so far and it triggers my suspicion. Thus, its best for her to walk ahead and trigger/deactivate whatever fail-safes still exist inside.

"Um." She obediently walks in and I only tail her after confirming the lack of unpleasant surprises.

And with that I made my way into the vault.

Only the soft pitter-patter of my hostages feet echoed through the room. The echoes enabled me to roughly guess the vaults size. It was rather large by my estimations. After walking a short distance, my curiosity finally forced me to illuminate the surroundings.

A hand-seal was formed. "[Katon: Isupu no jutsu] (Fire Release: Wispy Jutsu)."

With an exhale, Blue flames drifted forward, dancing in an enchanting sequence of twirls and swirls then moving in graceful arcs, their movements were fluid and hypnotic like fireflies tossed round by a breeze. They emanated a soft, iridescent glow, casting a gentle radiance that illuminated the surroundings before combining and glowing much brighter. It was enchanting to behold especially in this dark environment.

I then glance to the side.

At least my hostage seemed to think so.

*Uwahhh...* She mumbled in fascination. She was transfixed, her eyes almost sparkled as her gaze locked on the mesmerizing display that was my Self-created Jutsu. I suspected she had completely forgotten the position she was in.

'Do all devils have brain problems or is she still to young to comprehend danger?'

I quicky shook my head and continued with my objective.

I looked around and I must admit. I too was taken away as I beheld the the sight of Riches. Overwhelming riches. It was Breathtakingly Beautiful.


Another mesmerized mumble echoed through the chamber.


Change POV:

In the tranquil stillness of the night, the hallowed halls of Phenex Manor seemed to hold their breath, enveloped in an aura of peace and silence. However tonight, a footstep echoed through the chamber as Rosar Phenex, the revered patriarch of the Phenex Clan, traversed the corridors towards his destination, his steps were measured and deliberate against the polished marble floors. Drawing closer to the source of his unease. His children's chambers.

The air was heavy with the scent of aged wood and dust, mingling with the faint aroma of lavender that lingered in the air like a comforting embrace. Rosar's keen eyes swept over the intricate tapestries and ornate furnishings that adorned the corridors, their rich colors and textures a testament to the greatness of his Phenex Manor.

He allowed a surge of [Pride] to wash over him as he passed by his collection of rare and priceless artwork. Most of them hundreds of years old. One even commissioned from Leonardo Da Vinci himself.

As he ascended the spiral staircase that led to the upper chambers, the soft glow of moonlight filtered through the stained glass windows, casting kaleidoscopic patterns of light and shadow upon the staircase. The curtains faintly stirred in the gentle breeze, an entrance one of many for the ventilation of the large manor..

Passing through the grand antechamber, Rosar encountered two guards stationed at the entrance to his daughter's wing. Clad in polished armor adorned with the insignia of the Phenex Clan, they stood vigilant and alert, their eyes sharp and watchful even in the darkness of the night.

"Lord Phenex," one of the guards greeted with a respectful nod as Rosar approached. "Is everything alright, sir?"

Rosar offered a reassuring smile, though the unease gnawing at his gut betrayed his calm facade. "All is well, my friends," he replied, his voice a low rumble that echoed through the chamber. "I simply wish to check on my children. They sleep soundly, I trust?"

The guards exchanged a glance before nodding in unison. "Yes, my lord, the young masters are fine." the other guard affirmed. "Yes sir! Lady Ravel is safe and sound, as always."

Satisfied with their assurances, Rosar continued on his way, his heart lighter knowing that his daughter was in good hands. With renewed determination, he pushed open the door to his children's chambers and was about to step inside,

But then he stopped...

"By the way... I asked how my children were doing... Why did you only mention Ravels state?" He enquired of guard two who could only make a bewildered face in response.




Change P.O.V ('Guard Clone 1'):

I glare at Clone two. Silently taking note of his dopey bewildered expression while shifting through a series of excuses I could apply to remedy the situation.

It is said that the [Shadow Clone Jutsu] separates personalities, makes clones based of these pieces.

I refuse to acknowledge the notion that somewhere within my psyche, Clone 2 exists and functions as part of me. This isn't the first time. I've repeatedly watched him during training and exercises.

Cheery, loud, brash, reckless. Incapable of any form of verbal deceit.

Never have I felt so much like chucking a Kunai through my own face.

'Sh*t. Abort! Abort! Idiot! Idiot! So Stupid!' I frantically relay the situation while hurling insults through the Network Jutsu in a Rage. Particularly in the direction of the link next to me.

A snarl was slowly etching itself upon the face of this Ultimate-Class devil, and I knew that the jig was up.

'Again?! Ha!' A boisterous response comes in from some random Clone. Not sure which.

'Really, Clone 2?' an exasperated response follows after from another unknown Clone.

'I'm sorry Clone 1, Boss Man...' An diminished apology pushes itself throughout the network. This time coming from the Clone in question. A presence at the back of our minds acknowledges this failure and dismisses us.

His face was filled with such honesty and innocence that it was almost sickeningly sweet. The fact that I could tell he wasn't doing this on purpose and was actually trying his hardest only pissed me off the more.

Yes. This wasn't the first time, and i have considered petitioning to get Boss man to stop taking him to the field.

Yet for some reason, as much as I want to stab that dopey looking face, I don't want to disappoint him.

He seems to like our excursions, stubbornly clinging to me whenever we form teams of two.

I suspect that he's too stupid to comprehend the verbal abuse I regularly rain on him. Thus, of all the other clones, he's the only one willing to partner up regardless, still sticking to me like some sort of Chakra leech.


All the Rage leaves my form like water from a Sieve with rather large holes.



The Henge is dispelled, revealing our forms to our alarmed opponent.

I just cant stay Mad anyway...

Without this idiot here, I'd probably be laying flat at the back of Boss Man's psyche. Forgotten.

'Standby for battle. All clones report to my location.' I instruct through our link.

The temperature in the chamber spikes upwards continually as our opponent Rosar Phenex is alarmed of an audacious attack on his house. Flames begin to flicker off his form as he prepares to attack.

"A Human? A child at that?!" He asked like he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

His face morphed trough a series of expressions alarm, incredulity, doubt, astonishment, and many others before finally settling on one. Rage.

I knew that Anger very well.

Anger at the Audacity of a human, a baby by all intents and purposes compared to him had made it this far into his own home. It had surprised him.

Anger at the fact that we had made fools of his Prided Security, and were well on our way to getting away with it too.

We had hurt his Pride I could tell.

Should this news get out, his family would suffer for it.

Judging from his expression, the guards I subdued and evaded tonight would probably find themselves as the victims of a sudden execution before the end of the morning. But this was of no concern for me.

What does concern me are my chances right now.

I am well aware that we have no chance in this fight. We would probable lose in three confrontations at most. Thus, I idly prepare myself for returning to the unconscious dark that is the overlooked psyche.

I felt no Anger or Disappointment. No, not at this.

As mere fragments of psyche and personality, mixed in with a divided quantity of Chakra, I was very aware of our fate as dispensable tools and throwaway cannon fodder.

'You there, Clone 2. Set up the field.' I instruct while getting into a battle ready stance.

Such was the fate of a Shadow Clone. It wasn't something worth Getting Mad about.

*Swish* Clone two vanishes in a blur fully intent on carrying out instructions to the best of his ability.

Yet, we would still have a chance to express ourselves in the future whenever we are summoned again. We were not truly dead until we were forgotten.

For a constant spammer of the Shadow Clone Jutsu like the Boss Man, I was sure he would not forget.

"You will pay the highest price for this transgression." The Phenex snarls as a magic circle appears on his outstretched arm.

I form a hand-seal.

*Vroom* Flames begin to lick the corners for the room as if creeping in.

As a Clone, that was very reassuring.

"Burn you worm."

"Raiton: Jinraisen (Lightning release: Thunderclap Arrow)"

And with that I make my attack. A pillar of flame erupts from the ground in challenge.


Change P.O.V: Phenex Estate





The sounds of battle awakens the residents of the Phenex Estate. A panic ensues as all hands report on deck in order to defend any incoming attacks. Only for all hell to break loose as a veritable Conflagration erupts from the middle of the main manor with all the force of a bomb, causing a small scale earthquake.


Change P.O.V:

It slithered through the undergrowth with an enchanting grace, it was the embodiment of stealth and precision. Its scales, glistened with an with a dull yet glittering Green sheen under the filtered sunlight coming through the dense canopy above.

It moved with slow purpose towards its goal. A fellow reptile if smaller. It was a lizard with wings bearing scales blue in color almost azure as it fed on another unusual prey a horned rabbit. It ate with an expression of enjoyment whilst being unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows.

With a sudden burst of speed, the snake struck, its venom-laden fangs sinking deep into the soft flesh of its prey the back of its neck. The blue scales offered no resistance as the lizard was instantly killed.

A surge of triumph courses through its almost icy veins as it shook the prey in its mouth getting rid of any remnants of life-force. Its jaws locked around the helpless creature in a vice-like grip.

As the venom takes hold, moving through its prey with alarming efficiency. The lizard glowed a dull Green once, before all that color bled out, funneling into the serpent who received it all with narrowed eyes and a look of enjoyment. Unfortunately like all things, it eventually came to an end. The lizard lost all its color leaving it a cold, deceased, withered Grey.

The serpent then carelessly discarded the body, letting it fall to the dusty earth with a dull and heavy


Like a sack of bricks. It is by the this sound that we can tell that the victim in question was a young Wyvern weighing at least 30 kilograms, Making us wonder about the size of its killer.

The hunter in question internally celebrated this day as it felt that it had broken through another realm.

In this ancient ritual by the continuous process of of hunting and devouring living and poisonous creatures, without the ingestion of Flesh, its Venom had reached a higher magnitude in potency.

Feeling Cold as Inverted Fire, there was nothing its venom could not kill. It boasted.

It prided itself on how far it had come in a mere two years.


But something was missing it could tell. Something Crucial. Something Vital. Something it had not come across throughout its lifetime. Thus it didn't know where to get this crucial ingredient.

It eluded and confounded its beastly instincts and intelligence.

Shaking its head, it resolved itself to continue on as always.

Hide and grow. Hopefully in the process, it would finally find what it needed.

The snake slithered away in the shade. Once more ignoring betraying its biological needs as a cold blooded creature by making a point to evade all patches of sunlight. Instead heading towards the colder embrace of a nearby river.

As it left a song echoed in its heart.

A song it had heard at some point in the distant past. It came to it naturally. Today clearer than ever.

'Hoshi ga kagayakeba kagayaku hodo, kage wa koku naru.' It hums and hisses the unsettling rhyme until it disappears completely into the waters.


End Chapter.

Hey guys. Chapter 10 is complete and the plot thickens.

I hope you enjoy and comment don't forget to support. Till next time!.
