
Dungeons or Raids

Sergeant Daniel Falls, is a soldier turn mercenary with a job to join a new vr game to get close to his current target.

EdgeCB · เกม
7 Chs

Jobs Byte

As Daniel logged out he removed his VR helmet and just stared at the ceiling of his apartment, thinking about everything he accomplished in the ten hours he was playing. From building his character, to getting his first quest from another player instead of an NPC, which means he wasn't getting any bonus Exp for completing the job, but the money he was going to receive would go a long way towards his goals. Then he had started his class mission to familiarize himself with the shops and get his basic equipment. The climb down the cliff face in Canyon Falls to reach a Copper Wing Nest.

His smile didn't fade even slightly till he heard his phone ringing.


"Hello?", Daniel answered the phone his face serious as he knew the number.

"The hell are you doing in the game while not joining the Guild?", the harsh voice was loud and full of venomous hate.

"You told me to do whatever it takes to complete the mission Lieutenant." Daniel kept his voice even, not wanting to upset his boss further.

"What the hell do you mean... you know what fuck it be at the warehouse in an hour and explain it to the team...."


After the Lieutenant hung up Daniel grabbed a shower and his keys and went down to the parking garage of his apartment complex. Unlocking a plain looking black Chevy Silverado, he hopped in the cab and made his way out of the complex and hit the main road heading to the east town, towards the docks.

Pulling up next to one of the many warehouses He climbs out of his truck and lit a cigarette.

"Really Sargeant those are bad for you." A sultry voice said sweetly as the blonde stepped out from the back of the building.

"That's why it's for you Angel" Daniel teased as he passed the lit death stick to the young woman, who in turn giggled softly before taking a long drag on the cigarette.

"That's fine then~" she watched Daniel's face for a moment, "Still fucking that slutty information broker?"

"Why?" His voice held a hint of a smile as he followed up with, "Are you Jealous?"

"Only in your dreams Danny boy" she finished the cigarette and flicked the butt towards his chest, the offending cigarette butt bouncing off his shirt to be ground under heel as he stepped on it.

Following Angel inside Daniel tensed up in reflex as someone tried to tackle him. He quickly leaned to the side and wrapped his right arm around the offender's neck as he brought his left elbow down on their back twice.

Both bodies rolling on the hard concrete floor came apart and both jumped up to their feet squaring off.

"Getting Rusty Sarge~" the large muscle headed teen said to Daniel.

"Please even a rusty knife can kill you" Daniel responded as he lunged forward jamming his hand into the younger man's throat and slamming the brute to the ground with his momentum. "Done Bruce?"

"For now Lieutenant is getting pissed", Bruce replied with a chuckle holding a hand up for Daniel. Daniel nodded and pulled him up and clapped him on the back.

"Tell me something I don't know" was his only reply to Bruce, as Angel rolled her eyes at the display of testosterone.

"The atomic weight of hydrogen is 1.00784 u" Angel said in a smug tone.

"What?" Bruce replied in confusion.

"I figured it was something Sargeant didn't know" she smirked.

Daniel laughed as the three of them entered the meeting room. Only to stop as he realized that it wasn't just the Lieutenant waiting for him but also two other bosses from the head of the Mercenary Guild.

"Hello Daniel" This was the female body whose name was Selina, her piercing green eyes caught Daniel's attention, but so did her outfit, which consisted of Jean shorts, boots, a halter too, and biker jacket, all over what looked like a full body fishnet suit. Her body was well toned and her breasts were presented as she had her arms crossed beneath them.

"Selina, Noah" Daniel acknowledged both her and the tall slender gentleman in a three piece suit next to her at the table. "To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Aside from pleasantries and arguments the meeting went about how Daniel expected the higher ups wanted answers as to why he isn't associating with the guild in Drop Dungeons, So he just dropped the information packet and three other folders and reports.

"Our Target will not work with the guild, or any of our known associates." Daniel said keeping his tone even, "All due to one StealthCpt betraying her trust on an escort mission" Daniel was getting a headache and wanted this meeting over, but after he said the player name of the guild member that ruined their chances at getting closer to the target, both higher ups looked right at Lieutenant.

"Oh shit so this is Lieutenant's fault?" Angel belted out a laugh and kept giggling as Lieutenant's face turn beet red with rage.

"Daniel you and the other two may go we need to speak with Lieutenant Weiss alone", Noah said his tone calm and cool, Bruce gave a noticable shudder and didn't hesitate to leave, as he didn't want to be around when Noah was that even toned, Daniel and Angel weren't far behind.

After exiting the warehouse, Angel hugged Daniel, and gave Bruce a peck on the cheek.

"See you boys at the next family meeting~" she said light-heartedly as she went to retrieve her Crotch rocket from behind the building.

"Later Bruce" Daniel called as he left a stunned teen on the docks and drove off, heading back to his apartment.


Back at his apartment Daniel ate a quick meal and prepared to log back in.

"Hopefully that Bird didn't knock me off the cliff while I was AFG" he muttered (AFG = Away From Game)

Thanks to all of you who are reading this.

it's great to see that my story is getting some attention.

As for updates I'll be a bit sporadic as my job and daughter take priority.

Chapters are going to be Two in game for every one in the real world.

All feed back is appreciated.

EdgeCBcreators' thoughts