
Dungeon Of Memories

One day, The people of the Reldock Town discover a magical place known as the Dungeon. It was a mysterious and wondrous place, filled with secrets and ancient memories. The people of the other world, who had never seen anything like the Dungeon before, longed to learn more about its secrets. But the Dungeon held many secrets, and its walls were too thick for any words to penetrate. That was, until the day the Dungeon opened its doors to the people of the other world. The Dungeon had decided to share its memories and stories from a thousand years ago with those who sought it. The people of the other world were captivated by the stories of the Dungeon. They heard tales of brave adventurers fighting incredible creatures, of magical artifacts and powerful relics, and of hidden treasures and untold memories in the past. And soon word of the Dungeon's wonders spread throughout the land. As the stories of the First Dungeon spread, more and more people were drawn to explore its depths. So, if you are looking for an adventure, why not take a journey with me and let's explore its secrets! This story is all about the First Dungeon's journey of showing its memories from thousand years ago to the people of another world. This story was made of different tales and memories of the Dungeon.

Freddie_Llove · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


On the other side of the forest where the dungeon hole was located there was a town named Reldock Town. Reldock Town is located in the entry point of the southern part of the forest.

This forest that neighboring the Reldock town was called Monster's Domain by the townsfolk because you can found countless species of monster in different shape and size living in this forest.

Because of this, the danger level of the forest became so high that the people dared not ventured for too long . For this reason, the Monster's Domain was recognized as one of the 5 Border that separate the Wridora Continent to the other continent.

With this forest as their neighbor, the Reldock Town became known for its high quality monster products. That's why there are so many merchants that always come and go to Reldock town to purchase monster parts that was hunted and butchered by the adventurers such as bones, pelts and organs. Also, they came to the Reldock town to purchase the most important part of the monster which is the magic core.

A magic core was basically a crystallized form of a pure essence that cased and protect the mana signature of the creature's soul. The magic core was formed when a monster attained a certain levels and evolve into a high ranked species. And, the strength of the core depends on how strong the monster essence are and how much mana it have before it evolve. Due to the amount of mana it have, it was commonly use when making an artifact. In addition, this was also use when crafting a magic sword and armor. That's why it is the most important part of the monster.

Unfortunately the monster's core was so expensive because of its rarity, for the reason that it can only found in the body of a strong monster that even the joint effort of 100 silver rank adventurer can't defeat it.

But that didn't prevent many greedy people to enter the forest and hunt the said strong monsters.

This avaricious attitude resulted in becoming a food and nourishment for the strong monster. That's why to solve this problem, the mayor and the group of veteran adventurer build a first and biggest organization called Adventurer Guild.

The Adventurer Guild was founded 300 years ago to properly help all of the young adventurer in honing their skills and knowledge when it come to hunting and identifying their target. In addition to this, The Adventurer Guild was built to limit some of the greedy adventurer in hunting some of the monster that above their strength level, by introducing them a new system called Guild Ranking System.

The Guild ranking system was divided into 7 ranks; The Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Emerald, and Adamantine. It is respectively assign from lowest rank to the highest rank.

With this new system, the amount of greedy people that dying in the forest started to decrease from 4 digit to 3 digit until the amount decrease to 1 digit.

After 300 years, Adventurer became a common and most sought profession by the commoners and even nobility.

Countless Adventurers walking and talking to each other in the street. Some adventurer wore leather armor made by the skin of a unknown monster and some wore extravagant metal armor. And also in their side or in their back was located their preferred weapon such as bow, dual-axe, sword and more.


As they walking and talking about their quest, they suddenly feel a strong disturbance such as violate wind that assaulting them and a strong tremor they feel under their feet.

At first they thought it as a cause of earthquake but when some of the crowds look in the sky they saw a humungous pillar of multicolored light descended and hit the center of the forest. After the 2 seconds of impact, a massive light envelope them that cause all of them to forcibly blink for a seconds and when they open again their eyes.

They were shocked to find that it has suddenly gone like when they saw illusion, but the strong aftershock and chills they fill say otherwise.

This causes some people to become confuse about the nature of the pillars and some of the people became concerned and argue of what to do.

Some time later, in a big study room of an adventurer guild there are 8 people that are presently gathered and currently discussing the phenomenon that happen twelve hours ago.

"What is that pillar of light? Did someone know about it?" the question of a 6 ft. man in the corner. He had a fairly white smooth skin and his left eye was covered by his long wavy black hairs that reached up to his shoulder. While his uncovered right black eye stared to the other people that present in this huge room.

As he waits for someone to answer his question, a sudden knock on the door echo in the whole room. And as they turned their head, a tall, burly man together with a mysterious woman in black enters the room.

When they saw the two people who entered, they simultaneously stand, bow and give greetings to this unknown guest. "Welcome Guild Master and Vice-Guild Master!!".

"Please sit down everyone.. " the beautiful woman calmly said as she sit in the chair where the Guild Master always sat.

Yes... The mysterious woman was the current Guild Master of the Adventurer Guild.

Her named was Cana Mulier, she wore a pure black dress that cover her whole body started from the neck down to her toes.

Aside from the black dress she also wore a black veil that covers her beautiful face.

Even though you can't see her whole body because of how covered it was, you can definitely know how unblemished and beautiful her skin was by observing her uncovered hand.

Before she became a guild master she was a famous adventurer.

Some people called her White haired witch since she had a long hair that reach down to her knees, but in majority she was known as White Demoness not only because of her hair color but it also due to her demon like-behavior.

She was sometimes warm but cold at the same time.

She was like a hunted doll that never show expression and emotion unless its necessary or she need to kill someone.

On the other hand, The tall burly man in her sides was the vice - guild master.

His named was Lark Altavor, a very burly man whose muscles is so big that it look like he was in some avenger movies.

But unlike in the movie, his huge muscle is natural because he had a blood of orc and a human flowing in his blood mainstream. The Orc blood that flows in his blood come from his father.

Back in the old days, his father was known for his aggressiveness and numerous achievement in war. So the king bestow him the family name Altavor that means Warmog - a being who born solely for war and only war.

Like his father, Lark have a aggressive side on him but due to the human blood that flow in his mainstream he can maintain his calmness and killing intent when necessary, for example: during event or important meeting like now.

As they all took sit, Lark remain in the side of Cana like he was guarding her.

As a Vice- Guild Master he need to start the meeting by introducing them the main issue that they need to tackle.

" e-hem....all of you know that there are some unknown disturbances happening lately inside of the Monster's Garden such as the pillar of the light that descended in the sky, thousand of monster that didn't come from the garden began to migrate inside of the forest like they following something an....." he said.

"This disturbances was cause by some unknown phenomenon that was happening inside of the forest. We don't know the exact location of the said phenomenon but we assume that it probably happen in the deep part of the forest." he also added

"That's why we want to conduct a investigation by sending 3 to 4 groups of adventurer to scout the surrounding areas of the forest." he propose in the meeting.

And just before Lark continued his explanation a brunette haired woman raised her hand and asked a question.

"hmmm.. Is there any question? Haley?" Lark asked to the woman named Haley.

"Ummm.. Vice ? What is the minimum rank requirement need in this investigation?" she curiously asked

"Good Question!, I and Ca- Guild Master come up with the decision that the rank requirement need in this investigation will be silver rank up to platinum rank" he answered

"Is the silver rank enough for this investigation? " she wonder

"Hmmmm... yes it is enough for now, and to be sure that this investigation will be complete, we will entrust this investigation to you, Haley"

"Sure then, can I start now? " Haley asked

"Yes you can."

And when she hear the approval of the Vice Guild Master , she suddenly vanish from her sit.

As she vanish, Lark continued his explanation and distribute all the remaining work to the other officials of the guild in the meeting.

And after he finished distributed and explaining all the work that need to be done he end the meeting.

"That's all, thank you for your time, I will end the meeting so you can do your own assigned work."

"Thank you!! Vice-Leader" the blonde man politely said and left.

"Thank you Vice" the remaining people said and vanish like a smoke.

As all the people left, only Lark and Cana naturally remain in the Guildmaster office.

"Hahhhhhhh...Hey Cana...Why do I need to do this bunch of paper works? I also want to go the investigation.. I need to test this new muscle that I gained yesterday" the complain of the vice guild leader whose struggling to maintain his aggressiveness.

"Don't worry Alt, We just need to wait a few weeks or months to receive a report from the investigation group. You know how fast Haley work" Cana assured lark emotionlessly

"Hey Cana, you know what is the cause of that pillar to descend from the sky?" He asked Cana in serious voice

"Hmmm....I'm not sure but according to the records of my ancestor that I read it was probably caused by a Dungeon" She answered in same emotionless voice.

"Dungeon?" Lark bewilderedly asked because it is the first time he heard that word and he didn't know what kind of existences a dungeon is to cause that huge occurrence.

"I will fill you the details later.... Just for now finished all the paper work that need to be signed today" She remind Lark the work that he needed to be done today

"HAAHHH...I don't want to work... "His complained while stamping and checking the documents in the top of his desk. He was bored with this kind of repetitive works, instead he wants to test the performance of his new beloved muscles. And as he continued to imagine the explosive that it will cause. He heard a emotionless voice that give chills in his back

"And also, Please issue a investigation quest to the bulletin board" she added

"okay" He answered defeatedly like a scolded child when he heard her words.