
Dungeon Of Memories

One day, The people of the Reldock Town discover a magical place known as the Dungeon. It was a mysterious and wondrous place, filled with secrets and ancient memories. The people of the other world, who had never seen anything like the Dungeon before, longed to learn more about its secrets. But the Dungeon held many secrets, and its walls were too thick for any words to penetrate. That was, until the day the Dungeon opened its doors to the people of the other world. The Dungeon had decided to share its memories and stories from a thousand years ago with those who sought it. The people of the other world were captivated by the stories of the Dungeon. They heard tales of brave adventurers fighting incredible creatures, of magical artifacts and powerful relics, and of hidden treasures and untold memories in the past. And soon word of the Dungeon's wonders spread throughout the land. As the stories of the First Dungeon spread, more and more people were drawn to explore its depths. So, if you are looking for an adventure, why not take a journey with me and let's explore its secrets! This story is all about the First Dungeon's journey of showing its memories from thousand years ago to the people of another world. This story was made of different tales and memories of the Dungeon.

Freddie_Llove · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Planet Mundus, Unknown Continent

In the central part of an unknown forest, a pillar made of multiple colored lights descended from the sky. The pillar fall directly in the surface of the ground.


When the pillar of light hit the ground a massive light and deafening noise engulfed the surrounding that brought many animals and critters that live nearby to become permanently blind and deaf. Also, numerous trees of varying size as well as some animals died due to the strong aftershock that sweeps them.

And after one hour, the massive light and the aftershock that cause by the pillar started to cease. And when the light was completely extinguish, you can see how destructive the pillar of light is.

Thousand of unrecognizable remains of a dead monster, animals and trees litter in the ground. Some of the remain was brutally torn apart and some of them was burn until they turn black. Because of this the forest became still silent and only the cries of the injured animals can hear in this still forest. In the midst of this place a humungous crater was formed.

The crater had the size of 30 km in circumference and it had a deep of 5 km. In the center of the crater a deep hole can be seen. From the outside, it was look like a normal hole but when you look and enter insides of the hole, you will discover a deep tunnel that run 10 km deep down and in the end of it you can see a shining cave structure.

The cave surface was covered by the shining rock. Because of this rock the whole place illuminates the half part of the tunnel. With this light you can see that the tunnel surface was made by a unknown rock.

In the deep part of the cave, there is a palm size gemstone hovering above some platform-shaped stone. The gem was like a ruby, but with a rough and uneven edges. It's blood-red colored surface gleaming and illuminating the whole cave giving it with some nice magical ambiance. After some time a sliver of consciousness began to stir and awaken inside of the floating gemstone.


But before it can ask the question some unidentified force suddenly acts and forcefully put it into sleep. Twenty-minutes later, after the consciousness was put to sleep a three humanoid shapes made of three different light descended into the three different corners of the cave.



"child..." They said harmonically

And as the three entities completely position in different corner to form a triangular pattern. They nod to each other and raise their hand up to their chest then they started to chant harmonically and melodically together.

"■■□.....□■■...■■□..... "

"■■□.....□■■...■■□..... "

They repeated their chant seven times. In every chant, the space folded and distorted together with the time continuum until the space and also the time became a circular object with the sized of a basketball ball but it has a transparent color.

As the seventh chant ended, the rotating transparent ball increases its rotation that causes the cave became still and some unknown sparkling transparent dusk started to gather and rotated around it. The rotating ball absorbs this sparkling particle along with the red crystal.

After the ball absorbs the crystal, it began to shine immensely until it covered the whole caved. When the light started to ceased the three humanoids were nowhere to find and only the red crystal that now becomes even darker left floating in the cave.

Twelve hours after the three existences left, the consciousness that was put into sleep began to show the sigh of awakening.

"W-where?" he consciousness asked unfortunately no one can answer that question and the consciousness knew it so it started to look around and scanned its surrounding.

It discovers that it was in some cave like it always lives, but it is also different.

"always? Have I ever live in this place" it confusedly asked

So it started to scan the place once more. After searching and scanning around, the consciousness found something in the corner of the cave.

The consciousness tried to reach it like it always does. "Always? again? When?" despite being so confuse. It started to instinctively gather and form a cluster of a sparkling particle to mold it in the shape of a human hand. As the human hand formed, it reach the letter and began to open it.

As the hand finished to open the paper, the consciousness started to read the letter.


"The... First... Dungeon....",


When he read this 3 word he suddenly feel a lightning struck his metaphorical mind and enlightening his whole consciousness.

This caused him to remembered who he was, and what he was. He remembered that " The First Dungeon " was 'HIS' name and beside this, he also remembered that he identified himself as a MALE.

And as he continued to read the letter.... his invisible mind began to show him the memories of all struggle and happy moments in his life like he was in some movie cinema.


As the letter ended, the memories that come along with it started to end he felt sad but at the same time satisfied.

Satisfied because it is the proof that he successfully did it, but at the same time he is also have the feeling of regret because he knows that without him as a last remnant of the past.

The new era will forget all the hardships of the people that defended their love ones against the horde of monster, the despair of people seeing their love ones sacrificing their lives to protect their own home and they will also forget the beauty of humanity that bloom during the Chaos Era.

That's why he feels so sad and regret at the same time. He wished that he can be a memorial for those memories..

"HUH?..... YEAHH That rights.... I just need to become the memorial of those memories... I will became the Dungeon where memories can lived and remembered forever.... I will became the "DUNGEON OF MEMORIES"".

As the dungeon made his decision, he started to plan his next course of action to make this project in his mind.

" First, I need to take a look and check if all my floor was okay or not. If okay, I just need to rewrite and rearrange everything according to my plan, but if not, then I need to restart and redo everything from the scratch.... Ahhhhh.... What a pain in the ass" he mutters.

"Oops What a nostalgic phrase.." he exclaimed when he said that phrase.

"I remembered that this is the first sentence I learned from the humans" he happily added.

He remembered that it was when a group of 5 people entered inside him to check if there are monsters that they can probably hunt. and also they entered the dungeon to check if the place is inhabitable and safe to live in.

"And I remember, when one of the group member who was assigned in disarming the traps that I place ahead mutter " what a pain in the ass " while disarming my hand made complex traps.

Due to curiosity as a new born dungeon I started to follow him, like a chick that would follow its imprint mother.

But sad to say it didn't last long because he died when he was ambushed by the horde of small monster that I place in one of the tunnels... Well that's on the past"

After reminiscing in his old memories, he started to check his old floors and as he scan and feels his surrounding.

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!" he loudly shouted because of shocked when he found out that he needs to restart all floors over again because out of 100 floors that he had in the past he currently has only 5 floors.

And in those two floor you can find some of the old antiques that he use to collect due to curiosity and sentiments such as unknown statues, skeleton, and unknown artifacts

And also when you look around in the surrounding floor, you can only found in this place was stalactites and only stalactites.

There's no monsters that use to defend his dungeon against invader and no ecosystem either to become the mana generator to create this monster.

"Hahhhhhhh...Daammit.. I need to start all over again" he deeply sighed.

"How many days, years I need to make a brand new floor with a lively ecosystem and in the first place, how many mana can I gather without the generator?" he sadly questioned himself.

AH! by the way, Mana is the sparkling particle that he instinctively used in creating the hands.

In the past, he acquire his Mana using the mana generator named ecosystem where numerous critters lived and died repeatedly.

But now that he didn't have that generator to produce the Mana easily he would likely resort in using the old method of producing and collecting Mana again.

"Now that I have no choice but to use this old boring method again.. Hahhhhhhh..." he complained.

The named of this method was called Meditation. This was the old method that he instinctively use when he was born and due to how slow it is to produce mana he invented the mana generator which is the first ecosystem he created.

As he said that, he began to focus all of his attention inside him while imagining himself breathing in and out.

As he imagining himself breathes in, white mana with the shades of black and gray started to gather and surrounds him.

"Hmm? Black and Gray? What is this mana color? " when he sees this, he was surprised because he knows that his mana was a pure color white but what is this color?

And just as he thought that the only change in his mana was the color

"huh? w-w-what? what is this speed? It was not like this in the past!!"

He was started to stutter in surprised after seeing the gathering speed of this old method.

And, because of this speed he feel glad and confused at the same time. He was glad because with the amount of mana that he acquired with this great speed. He can easily create brand new floor with big ecosystem on it. In addition, he can create 5 monster with left-over mana.

Nevertheless he was still confused since he knows that this occurrence is not normal. So he wants to know the root of this incident but he knows that no one can answer him.

So he comes to decision that instead of stressing out himself by mulling over this unexplained case, he just needs to use and think this event as a rare gift to him because with this bonus he can complete 5 floors of his dungeon in the end of 6 months.

"Yosh... operation dungeon START!"