

A depressed man who has tried his hardest to live a simple life A man, in which death and misfortune follow closely. His life was abnormally horrible. But what if there was a place where he could start over? *Cover art is not mine but this is what the Mc looks like

Infamoushero · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs


Days have passed since Orien arrived at the goblin dungeon. Those who were there the first day had already left. Orien had been the only person there, killing the respawning monsters by himself. The dungeon creates monsters from a magic crystal located inside its deepest parts. As long as it stays intact, the monsters will continue to respawn.

Orien had no idea how much time had passed. He was in a trance of bloodlust. During the trip, he learned something about himself. The more he shed blood, the better he felt on the inside. He didn't even care about the experience he received from the goblins lowering. Killing made him feel great.


" They came back six days ago. No way this kid died in a goblin dungeon," said Mr. Edwards to his daughter.

" Of course, he didn't. What if he was kidnapped?"

" Impossible, no one knows of him except us."

They arrived at the dungeon. They took one step in before feeling an immense bloodlust.

" Is that him?" Andrea said.

They went in deeper and were attacked by Orien who was enraged. The pressure he emitted would suffocate someone around his level. To Mr. Edwards and Andrea, it was nothing.

Orien had the green blood of thousands of goblins stained on his white shirt and khaki pants. His eyes were a dark crimson red and the black veins under them resurfaced once more. He looked like a mad man.

" I'm going to play with him, father. It's time to relieve some of this stress. She released her domineering aura. Orien walked back unconsciously in fear, but he still stood his ground. He rushed forward, throwing a barrage of attacks with his duel-wielded scimitars. Andrea blocked all of them with her fingers. The humiliation caused him to release his full magic energy base. The dungeon shook violently. Andrea had no choice but to finally take him seriously.

' This pressure is ridiculous, but he lacks control,' she thought.

Sensing his daughter's hesitance, he gave her a hint.

" Remember Andrea, he's only level one. You are a level three. He also hasn't learned any attack spells."

' This is a great lesson for her. His magic pressure is oppressive to even me. I know her body is telling her to run, but she has to fight with no fear.'

Orien was on the offense once more. His attacks were wild and unpredictable. Still, Andrea easily dodged them with the slightest movements. Orien felt that his attacks were useless, so he tried out a skill he hadn't used before.

He jumped back to get some distance between the two and looked her in her eyes. His pupil turned into a magic circle and her iris turned red.


A mother could be seen cooking for a little boy, and girl. The family is happy, and the mood around the table is cheerful. Someone knocked on the door and the mother went to answer it.

" Who is..."

* Plik*

Her lifeless body hit the ground in front of the children. The little girl shot up to check on her mother immediately. She had been stabbed.

" Mommy! Mommy! Wake up."


Andrea stood in front of Orien with a face full of tears.

" Mommy! Please wake up," she said

' Something is wrong.' Mr. Edwards watched his daughter drop her guard down and began crying.

Orien dashed in immediately, taking advantage of her broken mental state. Both blades flew toward her neck, intending to take her head off. They were just inches away when Orien's body was pushed back with enough force to cause him to spit blood. Mr. Edward had finally intervened. His body slammed into a wall fifty feet away where he lay unconscious.

Andrea finally woke up from her delusion, looking at her father like a scared little girl.

" Dad, what happen?" she said while trembling in her father's arm.

" I saw mom being killed in front of me. It felt so real."

" That boy is a lot more dangerous than we thought. He put you under an illusion, and he did it instantly. It was just enough for him to create an opening to kill you."

" Why was he in this state? He always seemed timid."

" He's a person who finds joy in killing. His bloodlust consumed him. I've seen people like him. They usually have gone through a lot of traumas in their life and turned out this way. There's no telling how he had lost his arm."

Andrea grabbed his body and dragged him out of the cave and into the carriage where he slept peacefully.

' Who would've thought such a kind and timid boy would be a psychopath.' she thought while watching him.

When they arrived at the guild, they saw a couple with eyes that stood out like a sore thumb. The woman burst into tears as she saw the bloody body of the boy in front of her.

She walked toward Orien, cupping his face and checking his pulse.

" What happen to my son!"

Andrea and her father were both in shock.

' Cut gemstone eyes. No magic presence. These are his parents,' they thought.

Orien opened his eyes, surprised that he was in his bed instead of the dungeon. His face and bed were stained with blood from his eyes. His vision was blurry, and his headache was mind-shattering. He sat up, looked to his left, and saw a beautiful black woman with shoulder-length silver hair.

She was sleeping on the side of his bed and woke up from the commotion he had made. Their eyes locked.

' Her eyes are like mine, but golden.'

His heart began to beat out of his chest. He couldn't say a word due to shock.

" Son, we finally meet," the woman said with teary eyes.