
Brooding Mother Hen (II)

Zero could feel the heat-blasted onto his face and body when he entered. In the center, surrounded magma spewed out of a red crystal and dripped to the ground. The magma slowly exited out towards a place he did not know. He also noticed that the red crystal was encased in a magical red barrier.

"You can say this is the belly of the land, while the attic would be the brain." Garrett chuckled at his own joke.

Zero walked over as close to the red crystal as possible. He wasn't expecting to see the actual magma source here. But, pulling out the golden egg, he noticed it glowing whenever he got closer to the red crystal, and even the red crystal was sparking with magic.

An idea struck his mind with a light toss; he threw the golden egg towards the red crystal. Upon coming close, the red crystal brilliantly flashed ruby red and turned into a liquid, just like when his Krustallos was turned into liquid. So he had thought if this whole Library was made from a Drezo Regalia, why not the magical red crystal?

Zero was right. The golden egg glowed as a second pattern appeared on the golden egg. This time the markings were red.

Magma production from the red crystal, now the golden egg, increased productivity.

Fire power needed: 2507/110,000,000

Fire power needed: 3497/110,000,000

Fire power needed: 4687/110,000,000

The power needed to hatch the egg was exponentially increasing as he watched. This was the answer he was looking for. Since dropping the egg in the magma, the golden egg's firepower was much larger than from the fire he blew. The constant creation of magma gave energy that the golden egg needed to help hatch the eggs inside. He would come back when it was fully charged.

With his job complete in finding a place for the egg, he exited where Garrett was waiting for him.

"Well then, I'm guessing you have completed your task. Would you like to see your new room?" Garrett asked.

"My room is finished?"

"Yes. There are only basic necessities in the room. Other furniture would be best bought over time with your own leisure."

"Show me the way," Zero said with excitement. Finally, he had a room he could return to without paying a fee. But unfortunately, buying homes was a lot of money, and few players had the money to invest in a home.

Once again, they trekked through the winding passageway, but this time Zero noticed the numbers on the wall were decreasing in value. From 100 to 80 and downwards, they finally arrived at a stone door with the number Zero.

"We thought it would be best to give you this number instead of one. It corresponds with your name without having to put a name plaque stating it's yours. This is a unique room, so there is only one like it."

The door rumbled open. Zero grinned from ear to ear. There was a simple kitchen and a studio-like apartment with a very beautiful scenic panoramic view through the window. A small fireplace was near the kitchen, and a large hanging cot was present that took up a third of the room.

He walked over to the window and noticed the city of Terra laid out before him. The scene was a beautiful sight that he wouldn't mind standing and looking out before him. What made it even the best was that the window opened up, and a ledge allowed him to climb out and sit.

"Do you like your new room?"

"I love it."

"I'm glad to hear that. Your butler Bob will live and care for your and your partner's needs." Garrett whispered under his breath, "these young'uns these days getting butlers. An elderly needs one more." He turned around, ready to exit. "Ah, one more thing. Your partner will be living on the other side of the wall. A sliding door allows you to enter the other room." He pointed towards the left side of Zero, where Zero noticed a large wooden sliding door that could be slid open from the middle.

"Now, if you'll excuse me." Garrett left with his hand behind his back, shaking his head in a disgruntled voice.

"Conjoined? The other side?" The word didn't go through Zero's head until it hit him. On the other side of the door. He was going to leave the door as it was closed.

A loud knock was heard from his door.

"Young master dragon," Bob called out towards Zero. Zero walked over to open the door.

"Young master dragon!" He cheerfully spoke. For a leprechaun to call him Young master dragon was a bit uncomfortable.

"Just call me Zero."

"No, I cannot. For the young dragon that had agreed to once again take on the task is truly a privilege. It would be disrespectful for our ancestors to turn our way of speaking to call out the great dragon's name."

Zero sighed and gave up. Bob came in excited to serve under Zero.

"Is there anything I could do for you?"

"No. Not right- actually, I need you to find someone to build this for me." Zero handed Bob a folded paper. He knew that Leprechauns had natural high luck and were considered lucky in finding the best things. "I would appreciate it if you could find someone who can. It would be a great help. Oh, and can you bring me some books on creating medicine?"

"I'll do that right away." Bob was excited is given a task, and he hurried away.

Finally left alone, Zero sat down and pulled out all the plants he had collected and a mortar. For the next eight hours, Zero diligently created new medicines he couldn't try out during travel.


"Young master dragon. Young master dragon!" Bob burst into Zero's room.

Zero turned towards the nosy Leprechaun and stopped grinding the plants together. "What is it?"

"The disciple and the Bishop of Infinity church have arrived at the village's entrance."

"What for?"

"I'm not sure. They want to see you."

"I'll be right there." Zero had begun to destroy the mess he had created in the room. There were stacks of books sprayed out around him and plants. He successfully made many new concoctions of medicines that he had never expected from Bob's books. His medicine-making skills were exponentially growing to the point where he could now make a decent pill form that could rival a small potion with small additional effects. In reality, the medicine he had made was more potent than the stores' refined potions.

By accident, he figured out how to cover the bitter taste of pills and have flavors. There were bubblegum, pineapple, and even grape flavored. He had a couple of accidents where broken glasses and the towel were stained with different color plant dyes. Putting away his items into his Zenith bag, Zero headed out the door. He made his way down to the entrance of the Draconis Library, where he saw Bishop Sanya and Bishop Etran with a group of soldiers surrounding them.

"Zero. I am glad to see you present." Bishop Sanya gave him a warm smile. Bishop Etran gave him a small nod acknowledging his existence and went back to reading the book in his hand.

"What can I do for you?"

"We came because the stars foretold of an ancient race has come back to existence in the Draconis Library. Not only that, we heard you have obtained the guardianship of the Draconis Library."

"Yes. I did. The contract has been fulfilled."

"That is wonderful. We came here to fulfill our obligation as well."

"May I ask what that might be?"

"To have a headquarter built on this small land and to help counter the curse of the Drezo Regalia."

"The curse. You finally know what it is?"

"In a way, yes. The first time I met you, I could not tell what and where it came from. Not till you brought back the children of the lost race did I realize that the curse was more potent than before. After that, my mind felt heavy, like a dark shroud of cloud had dimmed my sights. Only a demon with a strong caliber could hinder my readings."

Zero went silent. He didn't even tell Bishop Sanya that he brought over his future race with him nor the demon curse that he saw through the O.M. She was spot on with her predictions, and he needed as much help to break the heavy curse that the Drezo Regalia had to face.

"I can not thank you enough for what you are doing." His respect for Bishop Sanya had greatly improved in a matter of moments. But nevertheless, he felt shame for being rude to Bishop Sanya the first time he met him.

"Child. I see you have grown." Bishop Sanya rested her hands on his shoulder. "Our friendship with the Drezo Regalia's goes way back since they first existed. We would not withhold our hands to a friend."

"You knew I was a Drezo Regalia all this time?"


"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because it was not time. In the short time you have been born, you have created many miracles. You have brought back a race that was once thought to be lost. If I had told you what your destiny might have been, your future would've changed from that moment. Sometimes it is best to let the person decide their fate and grab it with their own hands. Don't you feel more accomplished than before?"

Zero couldn't help but agree with her even though he was slightly disappointed. Of course, he wanted to know what the future held for him in-game, but when he thought about it for a moment, he knew knowing such things would make the game of Growth boring. He sometimes thought knowing the future could be more of a burden than a gift. All those lives that Bishop Sanya had to watch die from cruel fates and people's lives played out like a soap opera.

"I understand."

"I expected you would. I knew coming now was the best time. We have brought over a couple of people to help with the transition." Two people stepped out from behind both Bishop Sanya and Bishop Etran. The first to step up was a young boy at eleven years old. Zero at first thought he looked like a little girl than a boy. His golden hair, rosy red cheeks, and baby face did not hint at him growing up anytime soon.

"He is our next Bishop in training: Anglo."

"It is nice to make your acquaintance." Anglo's sweet voice rang out. "I hope I don't cause much trouble working with you."

"Don't worry too much about it. I'm glad to work with you as well."

Anglo was only a couple inches shorter than Zero. Zero felt slighted that he was not his usual size. From his height now, he finally looks like he has grown another year older, but in his opinion, he does not feel like much has changed.

"Thank you. I was worried for a moment that we would start out on the wrong foot. I have been replaying it over and over in my head till I got a headache."

The second was the young priestess named Silver, who was an Adventurer. She bowed with polite courtesy. Her porcelain skin and petite appearance made her look like a small English doll in black. Even her clothing didn't look anything like a nun. He remembered her when she had first escorted him to Bishop Etran's room. "I assume you remember her, don't you?"

"Yes. Silver, correct?"

Silver smiled. "It is nice to meet you, Zero. I heard wonderful stories of your accomplishment these past few weeks.

I look forward to working with you."

"I as well."

"We have some open rooms available inside the Draconis Library. I could give you a tour around the place."

"No, it's alright. I have been inside the Draconis Library before. Showing us to our room would be a great thought."

"I could do that, but…." Zero stared at the large group of soldiers that escorted the Bishops. "Will they be staying with us as well?"

"Yes. They would be stationed inside and outside the Draconis Library," said Bishop Sanya. "Half of them will stay to protect Anglo."

"I see." Zero glanced around for any nearby Lunar Rabbits. "Hey. Um…Dave." Lucky for him, remembering all the Lunar Rabbit Race was not needed. One of the special features of being a guardian of Draconis Library was that the name of all Lunar Rabbit races automatically popped in his head.

"Yes, sir?" Dave walked over with a couple of books in hand. He gave them a large gracious bow. "How can I help you?"

"I need a temporary room and boarding for Bishop Sanya and Bishop Etran. Anglo and Silver will need more of a permanent room, while the guards also need a temporary room. Can you find some room for me?"

"Yes. I will get the others to help get the rooms ready."


Dave bowed and left.