
Brooding Mother Hen (I)


Upon arrival at the foot of the floating building, Zero noticed quite a change since his last departure. The land around the Draconis Library was ten times larger than its normal size. He was stunned that the magma magic had created such a vast amount of land in such a short time.

Small stairways were crafted on the side of the land, where Zero and his group climbed up on it. Upon reaching the top, the whole scenery changed. A small village was present, surrounding a fountain of a dragon with its wings spread wide. In addition, there were a couple of odd large buildings that he had never seen before. On his right was a large bathhouse, across from it was an amphitheater, and not too far away was a bazaar.

The Lunar rabbit race was busily constructing almost finished buildings. Large groups of merchants he didn't know were present, selling items and setting up shops around the dragon fountain.

Zero was amazed at how quickly the progress of the reconstruction was. But then, a message appeared before him.

Since the magma has increased habitable land around the Draconis Library, a new village has been formed. Draconis Village.

The last thing he saw was just the Draconis Library present; now, it was slowly thriving and had become a small village.

"Wow," Agnis replied. "I didn't know there was more to the Draconis Library. Where did all these buildings and extra land come from?" She turned toward Zero, looking for an answer.

"It was the magma magic. I wasn't sure it would be so potent to create such a big land so soon," Drezo replied.

"This is truly spectacular," replied Jack. This was also his first time seeing something unique. "I really look forward to what this Village would look like high up in the sky. Can it go any higher?"

"I don't know. I hope it does, though." Zero wanted to also see the scenery high up in the sky, especially on the day when he finally grows a pair of wings. He could not ever forget the flight with the Silver Dragon. The rushing winds, the heartstopping speed, and the exhilaration all in one. One could say this was the ultimate speed junkie for anyone. "Are you sure you want to go any higher, Jack? You might fall off."

"I'll be fine. I just don't go near the edge."

"If you say so." Zero noticed Agnis' eyes knit with worry when he stated such words. Eve still feared heights. Though lately, she has gotten a little better.

Alan grinned from ear to ear. He was busily looking around from stall to stall. "I'll be going ahead. I got things I got to sell and do. Of course, I'll sell your loots too with a five percent fee."

"You cheat," Jack replied and chuckled. "Fine. Give me a call when you get it done. You're more of a greedy dragon than Zero over here."

"If you say so." Alan couldn't contain the glint in his eyes. He rushed off with the bag full of earnings he had gained throughout the trip.

"Well then. I'm going to go to the Draconis Library. What about you guys?" Zero asked.

"I'm going to look around. I saw some interesting shops that I wanted to check.," replied Jack.

"I'm going with Jack," said Agnis. The worry on her face quickly disappeared. "I want to see the new accessory shop I just saw."

"What about you, Zeraph?"

"I'm going to finish a quest. I'll see you guys later."

"Okay. Well, then see you guys around. I'll give you a heads up if I have any more interesting quests."

"That would be great. Especially if it's something, we just did. So I'll see you around."

"See ya."

"Zero, I'll come to find you later. So don't ignore my calls."

"I'll think about it."

"There's no thinking about it. Pick up." Agnis frowned.


Zero watched them all leave. He also had a job to finish: going to the Draconis Library.


Zero stared up at the Draconis Library. Words could not describe how stunned he was at what he saw before him. Even Jack, Allen, Agnis, and Zeraph did not speak, for they too were baffled. It was their first time entering the Draconis Village. Since their quest to enter the underground maze of Geurm they had not stepped by to check on the flying Library.

Draconis Library had changed a full 360 degrees. The Lion statues that were originally guarding the Library gates were replaced by two intimidating dragon statues that bore down on the visitors.

As Zero walked around the rooms, he found that there were four new places that had been created. The first area was when they entered the Draconis Library, empty pedestals with no statues were present. It was strange to see not a single decoration or magical replica.

Garrett hobbled over, calling for Zero's attention. "Chief Librarian. I mean Zero!" He halted before Zero winded. His old body was not used to running around.


"There have been some major changes since your departure."

"I can see that. What happened to all the statues or magic books on the pedestals?"

"That is a mystery in itself. They were pushed to the inner sanctum of the Library. Nothing can be placed on these pedestals at all. Something about only a Krustallos could be placed."

"Krustallos? There?" Zero walked over and pulled out the black Krustallos in the shape of a rose in his Zenith bag. He gently placed the Krustallos onto the pedestal, and the Krustallos glowed black like night. A hologram appeared over the Krustallos as a giant black dragon was shown.

"Home." The black dragon spoke as the voice echoed throughout the whole Library. Black fire erupted from his throat, and the dragon proudly roared. The people inside the Library froze and glanced around, looking for the source of the sound. A magical black barrier formed around the black Krustallos. Out of curiosity, Garrett reached over but was zapped with black energy pushing him back a couple of feet.

"I suggest you put a do not touch sign on that." Zero replied. He already foresaw players possibly trying to steal or touch it out of curiosity.

Magic spread outwards, and black flames erupted from the Krustallos. Swirls of black and green burned nothing that it touched but burned when touched. Finally, a black dragon formed from the flames, and a scene unfolds.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!" Roared the large black dragon Garrion. His wings spread outwards and devoured the small monsters and humans' flames alive.

The war between Garrion, demon and human ensued in a three-way battle royal. Magic, weapons, and monsters threw their best spells and attacked Garrion. Not a single one harmed his solid black skin. Instead, he swiped his claws, and hundreds flew backward and died.

"Kill him! Don't let him live!" The soldiers screamed, and the sound of dying could be heard echoing.

"Is that the best the followers of the False Light can do? You are all just playing things!"

The battle between Garrion was a one-sided complete massacre. He barely moved nor flew as he decimated them in moments. Then, with a flick of his tongue, thousands of the dead rose up from the ground and pushed the large army of Demons and humans back.

"Kahahahah. Pathetic." Garrison hissed. Black and emerald flames erupted out from his lips and nose.

The undead overrun the living in seconds as they flowed like a tsunami devastating everything in its path. Yet, Garrison continued to laugh and cackled evilly. The magically black flames swirled and faded as Garrion's laugh continued to echo through the Draconis Library.

Zero gulped. He was glad that Garrion was not alive to this day and what he watched was just a memory from the Krustallos.

The Legendary Black Dragon Garrion

Garrison was one of the great generals of the True Dragon. A black dragon, his pitch-black flames would incinerate foes, melting flesh, and even damage their souls. He was feared for his dark powers and battle skills. So all trembled when the enemies heard the name Garrion.

Necromancy was Garrion's forte. He would call upon the dead souls that had fallen from battle and resurrected to fight for him. Garrison was the only known black dragon to be able to summon ten thousand undead in one night without exhausting his power.

All future black dragons and hybrid dragons with black dragons blood born or residency in the Draconis Library will inherit the black dragon's specialties and learn necromancy. The rebirth of the dark warrior's path of Garrion has been found.

Only True Dragons and a powerful Drezo Regalias may touch the Krustallos without one's soul being taken away.

A legendary Krustallos from a True Dragon, its famous name is called the Soul-Taker Obsidian.

+10% status increase for all black dragons and hybrid dragons with black dragon's blood for the duration of the night when near the vicinity of the Draconis Village. When the Village or the Draconis Library is under attack, the black dragon warriors are forcefully called to protect their homes.

As a bloodline of the black dragon coursing through your blood, you have learned a new skill. Summoning of the Undead.

Zero was thrilled he learned a new skill. It was not just any skill but the ability to summon mindless soldiers to help fight for him.

Summoning of the Undead

Beginner Level 1

Able to summon low-level skeleton soldier. Controlling the undead is not an easy art to master. One must have a natural affinity to the dark element to be able to summon and control the darkness without becoming darkness itself.

Zero turned and glanced around and noticed there were seven other empty pedestals present. He wonders if there are more Krustallos that he could find to place on the pedestal. However, his priority right now was not finding Krustallos but finding a place for the future of Drezo Regalia's species.

"Garrett is there a room closest to the magma magic?"

"Yes, I recall finding a room where magma magic is the closest. Come. Come." Garrett hopped forward with his hands on his back.

Zero followed behind him; they passed the main interior of the Library where the five statues of heroes stood and went downstairs into a winding path. From left to right, the hallway was split into dozens of different ways that he could not phantom where each one went until he saw small plaques located above the walls showing them different directions to a different number of rooms.

"Are these spare rooms?" asked Zero. He noticed numbers etched into the doors.

"Yes. The majority of them are dens."

"Ah, I see. So how many rooms are there underneath the Library?"

"My guess is over two hundred for now."

"For now?"

"Well, the land has been expanding, and more underground rooms are forming."

"Here we are." Garrett stopped in front of a stone door that slid open.