
Cross Road (1) (Edit)

For the girl with the name Kobayashi Ruka, to have the mind set; if Takahiro can do it. She can do the same; however, people have always told her, how naive that mindset was, copying Takahiro. There's nothing remotely unique about her. Nothing she is remotely good at. But up until now, that was always hidden and sealed away.



Before school hours, Ruka always found herself relaxing in the park. Though the town itself is not as large and famous as other places, the parks held a remote beauty that would not lose out to famous cities. Ruka would come here to relax knowing the day ahead is long.

Today however she spotted somebody familiar. When she caught a glimpse of blue hair from the corner of her eye. It was the transfer student, Kiku Ari. Though quite some time has passed since the transfer student came here, Ruka seldom saw her around in school; and when she did the girl was kept occupied by Karashima Haruka. Considering how close the girl was and had yet to notice her, Ruka knew the girl was in a daze. That was fine and all if she were sat down, but Airin was kneeling on the ground.

Ruka frowned and called out, "Arin?!"

The blue hair girl looked up at her, and cheerfully greeted her.

"Ah, good morning Ruka-chan."

Ruka replied awkwardly, "Err morning," Ruka is surprised at Ari's cheerful response, considering how she was kneeling on the ground.

Judging from the girls appearance, beads of sweat on her face, "You were jogging?" Ruka guessed.

Ari nodded, "Ah-huh!"

"Since when?"

Ruka eyed the girl suspiciously.


It's been 4 hours hey...

"When did you sleep?"

Ruka asked.

Ari tilted her head in confusion, and Ruka mentally facepalmed. Of course, that was a stupid question. She did hear from the others how much of a hard worker, Arin is. But this is the first time she's seen it. Ruka rummaged through her bag but only managed to find a worn out looking towel.

Gah. The least she can do is having something like a clean towel around. Let's see... Ruka looked around and spotted a store from the corner of her eye. Perfect!

"Can you wait a bit? Don't move."

Well, she doesn't think the girl can move anyway.

But still, Ari seems to be the type to do something careless. With that in mind, Ruka sprinted of in the direction of the convenient store.


When Ruka returned, she discovered that the girl staring intently at something. Ruka followed her gaze and saw Ari looking deeply at the papers sticking out of her bag.

Gah, she forgot about those.

"Writing a song?" Ari asked.

"It's finished, I recorded it earlier...but,"

Ruka hesitated, she didn't know what to say. Arin is a artist under Karashima Haruka, somebody known for never accepting artists. Ruka was unsure how to talk to her regarding this matter.

"...It failed?"

…. Ruka nodded.

"Ah-huh, this song is bad."

Ruka sweatdropped, isn't she being a bit too blunt? She does know it's bad, but still. She could hold back. Come to think of it, "Taka's song.."Ruka started.

Lila happily responded, "Ah? Did you see? He did so well!"

The girl's sudden happiness surprised her. Why is she suddenly so cheerful? Unless... Ruka thinks back to what she saw backstage and then a few days back. It can't be, can it? Everyone knows the relationship between her and Karashima-senpai was natural.

Since she came here, she's become popular. But no other guy attempted to get close to her since. Karashima-senpai is there. And yet, she can't help thinking that there's something going on. She's never been good with this stuff though, she is probably mistaken.

"Arin writes really good songs," Ruka commented.

She doesn't reply to the girl's words but doesn't dismiss it completely either.

"Yes, that's probably why the guys in RAY wanted me here."

"...I don't think that's the only reason."

Ari nodded, "Ah-huh, I know. Everyone's been very kind to me since I got here. I really appreciate everything."

"But...You miss your hometown right?"

She's not good at reading people's emotions, but ever since Yumeko introduced this girl to her. Ruka noticed that there was something of about her. She always looked so cheerful. But, there's hidden loneliness in the girl's eyes.

"Ah-huh, I do. I miss everyone. I miss him.."

Although it was something she expected, this was the first she heard of it.

"Arin, you had a boyfriend?"


"Your still together?"She asked but it's surely impossible. But even if it is impossible..she still wants to ask.

Surely it's impossible. After all, that's happened between her and Karashima Haruka. However, the girl tilts her head in confusion before nodding.

"Yes, we are together."


Uh, Ruka is speechless. What on earth is she supposed to say at this stage?

"Is that strange Ruka-chan?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm not the one to ask whether it is strange or not."

Rather, she's still stunned about these turn of events. At least give her a chance..to digest this information.

"Does Ruka-chan have someone she loves?"

'Until that day comes... I will protect you.'

Her cheeks reddened. Thankfully Arin didn't notice.

"You see Ruka-chan, being in love isn't exactly rose coloured glass. ...At the start when I was in love. I didn't even know." Ari said.

"You didn't know?" Ruka repeated.

Ari nodded, "Yep. I just wanted to get closer to him, I just wanted to know him better. I liked it when he called my name, whenever he held me. I wanted him to always smile for me."

Oh, those feelings...

"You couldn't tell it was love...um, because of even I.."

Even someone like her knows. Why is it this girl who clearly radiates love, doesn't know. Her thoughts break off when she catches a glimpse of a CD popping out of the girl's bag. "Oh, that's..."

While physical CD's are still around, they've mainly moved on to a more digitised version. There's a physical version, that allows you to connect it to the web. Seeing one of the old fashioned CD's certainly stood out to her.

Ari laughed at her expression, "Ruka-chan, do you want to see?"


It's embarrassing getting caught.

Once Ruka had the CD case in her hands, she recognised it immediately. How could she not?

"Angels Winter Wish."

"Ah-huh. I carry it around as a good luck charm.."

A good luck charm? Even though this was one of the songs that exposed the big scandal between Terashima Sumire and Kanagawa Ren? While she was only young when all of that was happening. Ruka wasn't stupid. Originally when the song came out nobody really noticed a thing, that's what her parents said. However once she was born, others started speculating things.

Arin must have understood her expression since her gaze softened, "But, despite all, that's happened. It's a good song isn't it?"


Ruka was a bit taken back, she wasn't expecting that sort of response.

"It really is a very good song. Whenever I listen to it, I feel very peaceful and content. After all. The lyrics and the music were written so beautifully, anyone listening, anyone with a love so deep can truly relate."

Hearing the girls words, Ruka paused. So the love between her boyfriend and her was that strong? Then, what's with her and Karashima-senpai right now? It doesn't make much sense. But maybe she's missing something here.

"Arin, you play the guitar too?"

"Ah, yes!"

It's then Ruka noticed the various materials scattered in the surroundings... Did she bring all this stuff out to practice in the morning? It's one thing to be jogging so early. Ruka clenches her fist, "Arin, you really work hard, you're so dedicated too...Even though you just debuted in Japan. Maybe it's the international factor?"

Ah, what is she doing saying all of this stuff? It's useless complaining. Besides, deep down, she should already know what the problem is.

At that comment, the girl stood up, and walked over to the railing, "There's a nice breeze!"

"Nice...it's freezing this morning," Ruka said in disbelief. Now that she stopped running, she could really tell how cold it was. In fact, Ruka wrapped another jacket around herself despite wearing a her usual neon jumper.

"Arin, what are you doing?" Ruka asked, suddenly seeing the girl close her eyes.

"Listening to the sound of the wind!"

Ruka looked at the girl puzzled, "The sound of the wind..?"

"Ah-huh." she smiled and extended her arms out.

"When you gently held me that day.

Our first meeting, after several years.

I was so happy.

But I understood.

The two of us could no longer be together like before.

I remembered the pain

and wished for a miracle.

I wanted time to stop."

Wo---wow, she's so good!

What is this?

Whenever they sang in vocal class, Ruka has never seen Ari hit that note before. Or maybe, she's been holding back? Rather, she's fluent in English...? That's amazing all on its own.

"The sound of nature, the natural surroundings. People's voices, a single movement. All the sounds make up the rhythm of the world... Together they form a beautiful melody," Ari turned around with a bright smile, "I want Ruka-chan to see it, the moment a melody is born when everything comes together being surrounded in a natural environment. You see I'm a pretty simple person. If there's something I want to convey, even if it's painful for me - I will discard that pain in order to get the message across."

"...and if I don't have anything important to convey?"

Ari laughed softly and took a step forward, so she was in front of her. The girl wore a beaming smile on her face, her gaze gentle as she replied softly, "That's impossible."

"Impossible?"Ruka repeated.


A bit late since I was caught up with a discussion on discord. Thank you for all the support so far.

XOMatsumaeohanacreators' thoughts