
Academy Division

I was sending a Tex to my sister and tell here the good news when I hears someone calling my name.

"Alan please give me some time"

I was a little surprised because I don't know that person. He is young, an a little average. He is not someone you will give your attention if you see him somewhere. The only distinction he have is his height, he is really tall. After that nothing much. A little confuse I said:

"What can I do for you"

"Ah please let me introduce myself. My name is Carlos and I am a manager. I came here for you."

"Oh I understand but how can I help you"

"You don't have to help me with anything because I am here to help you. I want to be your manger."

I was truly surprised and suspicious.

"I know what you are thinking about look this is my information you can take a look and if you want more information just talk with Frank. If you are interested just give me a call"

"Ok you know director Frank?."

"Yes I know him he will always talk about you and I follow everything about you. I know how capable you truly are and you will not take much time before you go to the elite division. So before some one else take you away I make my move first".

I make some reflection and decide to talk to him.

"Mr Carlos..."

"No no please call me Carlos"

"Ok Carlos I don't have anything urgent right now we can go somewhere and discuss thing"

"Really. There is a cafe there it is not very far we can go there and talk."

"Let's go then"

We just take five minute to arrive. We take a table, sit and we order some snacks. We talked about soccer a little and what I want. What club I want to go in the future. After some time u have a deeper understanding of him. He is an honest guy and know how to negotiate he is very intelligent too. We exchange numbers and take rendezvous tomorrow after my test at the club to finalize the contract.

Yes I have decided to sign a contract with him. I don't think it's a bad thing. He can help me have some sponsor even if it's not the big company. But the thing are good the big company will be interested in me. So it will be more easy to negotiate with them. When we are going to separate he said:

"Where are you going."?


"Ok let me send you there give me the address"

I give it to him and fifty minutes later I was at the apartment. I thank him and go directly to to the house.

When I saw Alan enter his house I know that today I make a big deal and will never regret it. A guy like him is more mature than other at the same age. And the me is really handsome. Whit his face only he can become a TV star if he was not a soccer player. At first I didn't want to have anything to do with him because when I first saw him, he was truly bad at the game. But during the years he make more and more progress. He his not the typical genius like other but if want to be one he has to put more effort than the other. And when I look at all of his first and last stat I saw his big progress. He knows what he want and know his shortcomings and work to correct them. His humility and determination is the factor that make me decide to become his manager. If he becomes successfull so do I.

The apartment is not so big. The are one living room 2 bedrooms and a kitchen. I give my sister a room for herself and sleep with my little brother. It is a Saturday afternoon and my aunt is not there. When I enter I saw my sister and didn't see my brother.

"Elie where is Anthony?"

"Brother he is sleeping in your bedroom"

"Did something happen when I was not here.?

"No nothing happen. Congratulations big Brother. what club you gonna play for"?

"Thanks it's a new club and it's name is DSL FC it's not bad I will play in the division Academy. Sometime I will not come home or I will come late. My aunt still not know anything about it so we will just say that I take a job. Not many people are interested in this division but I still don't know if she will know in the future. I don't want her to use you and your brother to take money from me"

"I understand brother don't worry ."

"I know give me some time and I will take you out of here I have already started the procedure I jus have to prove that I can take care of you two. For now it's not possible but when I began to play there everything will change."

"Ok you are the best brother".