
Academy division

It's had been 4 years old since I come back. But when I first open my eyes in my bed, I saw everything was change. First my parents are dead I live wit my aunt. Second I have a sister of 10 years old and a brother of 5. My aunt is a bitch. During the past 4 years my little family know what misery is. She is a greedy women. We endure everything she did to us and said. All the insults, the bad treatments. I take care of my sister and my brother and never let her come in contact with her. Because I fear that one day she will beat them. When I was not around I said to my to never open the door and stay inside the room. It's not big but, there is everything there. The room is connected to the bathroom and I care to put everything inside. I know that she will sell them without a care for more money. During this time I don't do anything to her I just bid my time it's only 2 more years to endure.

The thing that shock me the most is the world of soccer. The thing here is completely different. The coach, the players, the different league. There is no such a thing as champion league or Copa del Rey, or Liga. They are now classified as Division Academy, 3e division, 2e division, division Junior and division elite ect. The name of the team are the same. The are still a Real, Barcelona, City, At Madrid ect but the classifications are different.

Now I am only 16, in the past 4 years I have many accomplishment. I played in many competition in the academy, And it gave me the opportunity of today. The Academy is different too. There is many league. For exemple the U10 is for the kids about 8 to 10. And there is the U15 for the kids about 10 to 15.

When you turn 16, If you have the qualifications and they see that you have a brilliant future, and you can become a professional player, they promoted you and gave you a professional contract. Or if any other team is interested in you they can sell you too.

Today this is the case for me. During those years, I work hard, first for my dream and second for my family. The only advantage is that my aunt didn't know about this thing. When I played in the U15 team, they give me a youth contract and I save some money. I used it to take care of my sister and brother. They are young, but they are intelligent and understand their situation. I have seen that the school my sister go is a waste of her intelligence, so without saying anything to my aunt, I give her an opportunity to learn at another school. And there she is still the best but the environment is better.

I am now in the director's office and we are discussing about my transfer to the Division Academy. There is a team that want me there and the director is giving me some information and want me to sing the contract.

"Joshua Alan Dos Santos, when I first saw your statistics it was not bad, but now it's different you have improved very much and I am really satisfied with your progress."

"Thank you very. It's because of your care that I have many opportunities until now director Franck."

"Not really it's because you have talent and you work hard. So I know about your situation and everything will be ok. You will continue to stay with your family until your 18th birthday. And after that you can apply to be their guardian. "

"Ok thanks so about the team, you says to me that it is a new team in the Division Academy?"

"Yes and they want to have you in their team the contract is good you can take a look. And the most important thing is that it is here in Spain so you don't have to be separate with your sister an brother".

"Thank you very much director."

"The pleasure is mine just continue to work hard. The winter transfer have already finalise you just need to be there tomorrow, morning for the examination."

"Ok "

I take all of my thing to go at home because tomorrow will be another step in my path to stardom.

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