

Marcellis came out of the chamber to the battlefield but in a different direction.

His hands folded behind his back as his footsteps created echos in the deathly, silent hallway

At the forefront, getting to an open field. Filled with blood and vigour, the remains of a dragon laid there with a man burnt to the core.

He walked hoping this would pass. He hated their scent. The showdown was brutal. His mind spun, flashed back to how it happened in the morning, earlier that day.

" Father?" a young male called, "How can you do such vile thing.

It was his son, arthur. Speaking out of order as he approached Marcellis.

The brute ruler, turned his gaze from the landscape of his kingdom to his annoying child.

" I'm the king. Aren't I?" He said, bluntly without remorse or guilt.

The tone that bore no conscience.

"They were our brothers" Arthur added, walking over to meet him. Anger rising and he fumed. This was madness. Why would he do such.

Marcellis was a short-tempered man, selfish in many ways, cunning too. He'd changed a few years back. So sudden and wicked. No one knew the cause. Any little thing enrages him.

"They were oppositions, weaklings, disobedient, not fit to rule" Marcellis replied icily.

Not even an hint of care or confliction. He was cruel.

" You killed your own family, daughter, son. So what about me? Will I suffer the same fate?" Arthur asked, pain written on his face.

Marcellis frowned at his question but turned it into a smile. An eery grin filled with evil intent.

" Arthur, you're different. I see potential in you. I can be at ease with you as my successor when I go to our fathers. You have the power to rule with an iron fist not like those bastards. They're mere weaklings not fit to even breath.

Marcellis said as he turned to touch his dear son.

He very well knew he was lying. Arthur was just another obstacle. He never believed they were his children.

They were so different from him. Good, cared about trivial things. Love, humanity and the rest. He never saw anything in it. Love and marriage is only for convenience. A signed contract on paper. Nothing else

Arthur on the other hand looked perplexed. He couldn't believe the words that came out of his father's mouth. He thought he knew him. His father had gone mad in his thirst for Power.

"The main lands are on their way. War will commence.  What are we to do?" Arthur asked, filled with disgust at the man before him

 " Simple," a wicked grin curling, "I'll offer your sister as a peace-treaty" Marcellis said

Arthur felt his heart throb. He tried to think what made his father this way.

"What?!" He snapped, " Never. You want to ruin your family."

"Know your boundaries boy...", Marcellis growled, "...join me instead"

"Never. You're despicable", Arthur retorted for him to hear, as he turned to leave.

Marcellis grinned, whispering delicately. Then the earth began to tremble. Fire rained dow

Arthur was still walking out of the throne room when he heard a huge cry. Trouble.

That same moment he felt something suddenly thrust roughly into his back, sending him staggering. It was hard and excruciatingly painful. A blade forged from fire.

He slowly turned to see his father with an evil smirk. He choked, stammering with his word.

    "Fath...fa..a...a... Father"

With an expressionless face, Marcellis watched his son choke and mumble with his word.

He knew Arthur had a plan to overthrow him. He hated being challenged or toyed with. He had no regrets as the dagger pierced through Arthur's armour into his back, almost near his heart.

A growl reverberated through the air. The dragons. No.

His dragon..

" Amelia.."

Arthur felt sorry for him. He only wanted to end his rule as a tyrant. And free the people from fear. A tear dropped as he gazed at his father.

He clenched his fist and a small wind swept Marcellis off his feet, landing him hard on the ground as he tumbled down the throne's steps.

Arthur reached out to the dagger and forcefully removed it, throwing it to the ground.

" Your end will come for your wickedness" He said to his father who was still dazed from the fall.

Marcellis gave a deadly scowl as Arthur ran out of the room. He made giant leaps moving towards Amelia who was busy battling Magnus

"Arthur, what are you doing? You've got to go. Escape." Amelia mentally said via mind message

" No.I won't leave you.We're in this together"

Arthur mentally replied struggling with the wound behind him.

" You men are so infuriating" She groaned using a wing to shield Arthur from an incoming fireball. It was hot and painful. But who cared about the discomfort when it came to saving the ones you truly care for.

  "Stubborn and foolish Prince" Amelia teased, chuckling.

  "Stubborn and foolish Dragon" Arthur beamed with a smile.

Marcellis began to chant some words and Magnus growled taking a firm stance on the ground. Its chest glowed also, it lower abdomen, where its heart was. 

It huffed and after Marcellis was done chanting. Magnus eyes shot open, bloody red and golden, eye lids widened the more, tail straightened, back aligned, his claws dug into the ground and it roared its final breath with a huge blast at Amelia and Arthur

" This is it" Arthur said, grinning weirdly but joy radiated. He would die a hero and with his dragon. His best friend.

He walked towards Amelia's front, unsheathed his sword, pointed it at the incoming fiery furnace Magnus had sent to devour them. They both stood sturdy to the ground. Hearts glowing. Arthur pointed his sword at the incoming flames and Amelia stretched, both in a charge-like stance.

" Together. Dragons and Mortals forever, banishing evil until the end of time" They mentally chorused as they welcomed the massive fiery blast, obliterate them to nothing.