

The roar was powerful than intended, driving the barrier with full force.

Magnus had finally broken the spell with a force that sent diana flying with the egg.

A scream left her mouth and she groaned, hitting hard against a tree 

while she protected the egg. 

Marcellis sauntered in a friendly manner towards his dear wife with an evil grin on his face. The clouds above them darkened and all the trees had began to sway. Lightning flashed and thunder clapped. It was the end. He met her frightened gaze and opened up to say,

   "Its over diana.Just give me the egg and I'll consider letting you live"

"Liar!" The latter yelled, chuckling in disgust. She despised the man he had become. Changing from ways to such heartlessness. It was cold.

But, she had finished the sealing spell. Just one word, the egg vanishes. It'll be sealed away at least until the prophecy is to be fulfilled.

  " Let's compromise" He suggested, hands sideways apart to show his honesty. Diana didn't have much choice. Even though it'd pain her to do so. Anything for the truth. Her husband had to be stopped. She would do it. Even at the expense of her very life.

 "Goodbye friend and do well to take care of him. He'll need you alot. He's stubborn but ya partner. I would say more but you've got to go now. I'll be with you always, both of you"

A tear dropped from her eye touching the egg. It gave an instant glow before dimming off

"What are you doing? Diana?" Marcellis bellowed, puzzled and annoyed at the sudden occurrence. It was infuriating.

"Bye" She whispered with a light kiss on the egg

She said the last word and the egg glowed again giving a blinding light. Even magnus used its wings to shade itself from the intensity.

"Noo! Diana!" Marcellis screamed, hands suddenly igniting.

His body sparked with lightning, like it was powering up for a huge blast. The egg ascended as she struggled on her feet. Seemed the light didn't affect her

Marcellis was about to send a blast at the egg but diana saw him and gave him a blast of her own which sent him flying across the area. His dragon could only help but growl. It wouldn't move unless given permission.

"Magnus?" He groaned, "End it"

His dragon got the mind message. In a flash, huffed and roared, stood firm breathing fire with all its got towards the floating egg.

Her eyes widened. All her efforts would go to waste. No way.

"Noo" Diana flew to the fire's direction blocking it with a spell.

The fire was so strong that she had to use part of her life force to block it.

"Go now" She mentally said, facing the egg

"End it" Marcellis yelled.

Magnus roared with a final blow breaking the spell and the fire went directly straight at Diana who still stayed in front of the egg. The egg vanished just in time as the fire devoured her, eyes were already closed and lips curled a smile in a sense, welcoming  

the fiery flames.

"This can't be happening" Marcellis was infuriated.

"After everything. Everything!"

"The queen's no more" Magnus said but mentally.

Dragons can't talk verbally but can only communicate mentally sending mind messages. They are gifted with this ability as the bond between rider and dragon grows stronger.

Marcellis shot a heavy, angry blast at the sky, fuming with rage.

"She got away with it" He said, finally simmering down to cool off.

"I'll find that damned egg even if it's the last thing I do" He muttered to himself, eyes gone bloodshot from the intensity.

Magnus laid flat as Marcellis boarded on it. Flapping, it rose to the skies, flying between dark gloomy clouds. Then a vast, waste, wretched land appeared in view. Thousands of fallen soldiers, people laid lifeless on the black arid wastelands. Lines of smoke rose to the sky.

The dragon flew over it into a fallen kingdom. Pools of blood from dead soldiers, children, men, women filled the entire kingdom. Weapons of different kinds bathed in blood, scattered everywhere.The sight was blood-curdling.

How on earth would a King of an entire kingdom allow this to happen?

The towns, villages, cities, all engulfed in flames. Marcellis destroyed all he had with his very own hands. He greedily wanted POWER not knowing he was killing himself.

He walked slowly on what looked like a battle ground. A body knelt down with a sword pierced through the front of the stomach to the ground, in a way supporting the body from falling down. He remembered earlier.....

He was fighting with this same man when he disarmed the young man and drove his sword into the man. The man choked on his blood stammering, "Father" before kicking the bucket.

"Pathetic" Marcellis frowned

He walked off into a chamber and the lifeless body of a young woman laid there. He had offered her to his guards for their satisfaction when she proved to be a threat. He could still remember her screams as she begged for mercy....

" Father? Father? Please have mercy" She cried out. Her tears echoed the passageways. Her cruel Father looked back scornfully.

Eyes radiating malice and disappointment.

 " Mercy? Mercy, you say, " He chuckled, " You should have thought about that before deciding to get involved with a lowly peasant. A farmer's son? How disgraceful. My own daughter got pregnant for a farmer"

He laughed really hard. It was funny to his mind. Yet stupid. And ignorant in a way. He had sliced off the farmer boy's head. The bumbling idiot that chose to disgrace his name. Then he burnt their house and farmland to the very least. He killed the boy's relatives. Not even minding the little ones that had to run away in fear. It was madness. Marcellis was Evil Incarnate.

He frowned,

" Now dear. In the after life, be precise of your actions. Don't get involved in something that'd put you in regret"

 " Guards?" He called, " Do as you wish"

The guards brutally raped and misused his own daughter which caused her death.

Her cries rang in his head as he looked in disgust without remorse. War broke out when Diana, their Mother got to know of these atrocities......