

       LIFE. Sometimes can be pretty much draining, mentally, emotionally, physically. And most times we wander, trying to figure out our purpose. Nothing matters if our calling isn't answered. And sometimes, pain and suffering would seem to be the real deal. We've gone through the harshest of moments. Pummeled through obstacles and yet, here we are still striving to be the best. Ignorance is also a disease that feasts on the mortal mind of man. Be careful of the decisions we make, for it'll be judged.

           Karma is real; what goes around will always come around.

       We may be brought into this world with a silver spoon, dirty, poor, rich. None of it matters. In death, we're all equals. And Shawn would make a point also. Damien wasn't tryna be intimidating. He already was and he loved the fear that radiated from his prey's eyes.

   "Ya think you'd get away after almost splitting my manhood in two. I'll make you suffer Frost."

      And then, he punched Shawn right in the nose, blood dripping against his hardened knuckles. He swung again, aiming directly as it came into contact. Blood tainted his fist and a beat-up lad was lying against the earth.

    "Hm. This ain't fun. Boys??"

 His teammates came hustling to his call. One of them already feels pity for Shawn. Damien looked up in thought.

    "Okay. This is how it's gonna go down. I'll beat you so bad yo' mama gon' get a heart attack on ya maimed form. And maybe she'd finally go under. 6 feet"

   Damien chuckled, not having a slight change in conscience.

He meant what he said. Madness had him now. Just a dumb feud to settle his insecurities and ego. And sinister lane to take. Shawn looked up at him, his dignity rolled up in the dirt. His tooth is gone. His favorite t-shirt was stained with blood and now this psycho was blabbering about his very own Mother. How dare he?

     Nobody does that. No one. Strength oddly enough ran through his veins and he forced himself outta the hands that pinned him. Went for Damien and punched him right in his mouth. The latter staggered backwards and fell to the floor in disbelief. Blood running along his lips. He grinned, madly and forced himself up.

    "Oh it's On. Me vs You. I'll enjoy whooping yo' sorry ass."

  And then mortal combat began. Two ignorant teenagers brawling over something. Minutes later, a hot looking male was down in the dirt heaving heavily and opposite him was a slim young teen. Both appeared awful in sight. A series of cuts across their faces. Blood oozing from their forehead, a foot broken. Teeth gone into the unknown. Damien wasn't just gonna let this slide. He still marveled on how the slimy brat managed to hit him. No way.

     "Boys grab him now. I'll show this rat the alpha male around these parts"

A team mate, Brandon by name, ushered him to stop.

   "C'mon man.I know you. This ain't about ya ego or the kick he gave you under. This be seeming personal. Nigga just stop this shit. It ain't gonna play well.  Chill"

    Damian turned to his direction. A scowl contoured against his face. Traitor.

   "Now listen to me man. If you possibly decide to bail on me. Or be a tattle-tale, I'll make life a living hell for Ya. And remember ya video is in my hands" Damian smiled, "I'm sure the whole school or maybe the news or probably ya dear parents would love to see their perverted son as he was when in grade 5."

His buddy flinched. What?!

    " Blackmail. Seriously. You wouldn't? Besides, I repented. I ain't involved in that stuff anymore"

   Their team leader, Damien smirked.

   " and who's gonna believe you once this video's out?" His friend simmered down. 

"Now that's a good boy. Take the fucking camera and tape me beating the life outta this slimy peasant"

    He sauntered towards Shawn who was being held by three of his team members. Not because he was gonna break out but because Damien wanted to have steady and precise blows. He wanted to disgrace the lad. The filming initiated. On one of his social media sites.

    "Good evening to you all. I'm sure you're wondering what transpired. So in short this perverse looking dude here,--"

He pointed out Shawn, whose head was bowed from exhaustion, "--tried to rape one of his school mates, and --"

   An eery tone spurred. Then it broke and came again. They all delayed. It stopped.

   " so his name is Sh--"

The sound came again, spiraling loudly. It sounded like cracks, maybe snaps and then they saw it the boulder Shawn rested before was covered with a bit of it boy's blood. The dents deepened, a blue light peaked through glimmering at Damien. Shawn raised his head a bit, too tired to recognize the impending doom. They all stood in confusion as the rock began to split into different parts. And you comprehend that this isn't a normal occurrence. A normal teen would have taken to his heels and ran. But as the dumb, naive Americans they are. They slowly advanced to the peculiar light.


  Damien gestured for Brandon to turn the camera towards the rock.

.And for a sane person what would be done is to take to his heels, run from danger. However there are some dumb naive teens who would choose excitement over safety.

And there the saying goes, CURIOUSITY KILLED THE CAT.



The whole vicinity exploded from the rocks sudden boom. Everything at proximity ended up being split in two. And the whole earth quaked at the tremor. Nothing remained. Life was gone, destroyed to over a mile radius. And presently the atmosphere was clouded up in dust. Nothing could be seen. Except for a few bodies sprawled into the air, unconscious from the strange impact. Probably dead. Probably alive. No one knew.