
Highway chase

         Gently walking through the hallways. Not a creature in sight. Everything bleak like always. Occasionally, popping a glance over the shoulder, just to keep alert. Venom wasn't supposed to sway his mind but circumstances did not allow. Stretching an arm forward to push the large door and gently closed it behind. He breathed a huge sigh of relief. Crisis averted.

     He stared at the pale looking attendant. The newly hired librarian, always being hostile to greetings and wore a scarf through the day.

Not only that, also a huge sweater that seemed to weirdly cover her body frame. He even thought she was one of those Nuns. And once, his mind did wonder to the possibility of vampires; pale looking, dried out, dirty blood fiends existing. But he shrugged it off. No way he was gon believe that. Then become as looney as Tyler.

He took long strides over to his favorite spot, away from peering eyes. He wondered why the harsh treatment from Damien. Not like he's ever taken any thing of his own.

    Now he was the fugitive - Shawn tryna escape the unlawful grasp of the mad official - Damien. Why does---

      "Hello mate. Whaddya been up to? See you've prevailed the tyranny of Damien"

  Tyler broke his thoughts. He frowned at the young boy. This was gonna be a long day.

    The school alarm went off. Students began to invade living space. Shawn running over to his bike. And he'd be free. Tyler caught up to him. With a voice ringing across his ear.

    " Hey twerp face"

   Shawn simply froze. So did his comrade beside him. He slowly turned but what he strangely saw was a strangely young old dude with a white beard and some bug- eyed glasses. Tyler?

  Next, was the proud and taunting sinister glistening in Damien's eyes. He gulped, shivering a bit.

   "Who's the old dude, Shawn. Ya grants"

 "No boys. I was just asking this fine young man a few directions. Now, I'll be going. Do well to study and eat ya veggies.."

 Shawn looked in disbelief. Was Damien that stupid to not obviously recognize Tyler.

And Tyler? Ditched him? Traitor.

      " Ya damn lucky Frost. But it's ran out today."

     The latter was cowering.

  "Oh look the principal is coming."

 And he didn't think. He just moved. A feet swung below and Damien groaned falling to the floor. Shawn had rode off with his bike. Confusion, fear, and pain to round it off.

 Damien got up, growling. Holding in-between his trousers in pain.


 A disgruntled yell left his lips.

" I'll maim you Shawn Frost. You're so dead.."

 Shawn paddled as fast as he could. He didn't mean to kick Damien up, under, in between his legs. But now, he did love the act. A rather triumphant win for the moment. A horn blared harshly at him. He took a quick glance.

   " Oh shit! It's Damien.."

His eyes wandering in fear, his arms clamping into the bike's handles. He gulped really hard. He drove over to the side street, a one way lane. Yelling as he did.

 " Get outta the way.."

" Pardon me ma'am.."

" I'll apologize later Mr Freeman.."

Damien was getting close in his fancy sports car. Abruptly, the bike boy took a nasty turn into a corner while Damien grumbled and swerved harshly to return to the beginning of the road. He would intercept the Brat.

   Shawn sped through the narrow Street, people flying out of harm's way. He narrowed his eyes, something caught his attention.


A wicked smirk ran across his lips. His feet increased in pace and just barely, he brushed aside Tyler..

Who in turn lost balance, bumped into a ladder holding a paint bucket. Moments later he was covered in red. Revenge was sweet.

Shawn curved into the highway and freaked out on spotting a bright coloured vehicle. Damian cursed and roared.

      " Get out the way peasant.."

   " Move ya worthless metal.."

   " Scratch my car and I'll have ya head.."

   Shawn had thoughts running through his mentality. He never did anything to this male. Yes, Damien's father was the patron of his Education. But he earned it by passing the Exams and winning a scholarship. He never had anything. His mother got it though in handling the bills. His one dream was to be rich so he would be able to take care of her. She's sacrificed and done so much.

      Damien felt his insides, tearing at each other. His anger was infuriating. This was the same boy His father would term to be his son also. He would always compare him to Shawn. Taking interest in Shawn was one thing but taking interest in His mother is another thing.

A possibility of them becoming brothers angered him the more.

He caught sight of the boy pulling into the towns forest reserve.

   Shawn ran with all the strength in his veins. Failing to note the rock below, he jammed his right foot into it harshly and broke his foot.

He tumbled to the ground, crying and flailing about. It was awfully painful. He did try to ease his agitated whimpering.

The air became bleak. The sun had began to set. The day turning by slowly. He was sure his mother would be deeply worried. He hated to disturb her peace. And all because of Damien. If he despised him before, maybe now He hated him the more. He would make sure to get back at him.

Shawn almost shed a tear but a few whispers broke the flow as he scurried and hid behind a huge boulder. He calmed a bit. His breathing didn't seem to decrease. He grew unsettled and wondered if it was the cold wind that had begun to spur, or the severe pain from his broken ankle, or maybe it was the fact that his nostrils perceived the manliness of the alpha males perfume and also the sight of the tyranny of the unjust looking teenager towering with rage emitting from his expression - Damien Jones....