
Forging Bonds 5

"Sand Wall," he said and a wall of same came to life and protected him but the sand was thrown across the hall.

The people who were injured by it started throwing whatever they got their hands on towards others.

"Now that was a lively Guild," said Naruto.

"I agree," said Sirius. Happy was seen flying helplessly in all the chaos.

"What! Why do you do this" asked Laki in confusion?

"Didn't you tell me you want to be a good carpenter? Go on, practise" said Naruto, gesturing towards the plucked floorboards and stools. Laki's mouth fell agape as Naruto left her.

"Careful, if you open your mouth like that, sand might go in," said Naruto and left and as he said, a small ball of sand hit Laki's face. Who threw it is not known in the midst of all the chaos.

With Erza

Erza was happily munching on a strawberry cake that was gifted by Naruto when a small ball of ice came and damaged it. She turned outraged at the person who threw it only to see the beginning of a Guild brawl.

She became angry and turned to discipline them back in line when an apple pie hit her square in the face. She couldn't dodge as the pie was very fast to dodge and she didn't see it coming.

She turned to see the culprit, only to see the smirking face of Mirajane looking at her smugly.

"What, do you think as you are S-class now, you can beat me?" Said Mira.

"Don't do it now. I just want to enjoy the evening" said Erza.

"Are you kidding me? You can't escape me. Did you forget? Until you beat me, it doesn't matter even if you make S-class" said Mira. Erza didn't seem to take this seriously and Mira taunted further.

"I thought you are a warrior, Erza. Where is that spirit? Or did your spirit ran away when you saw me" she said arrogantly with a smirk?

"So be it. I accept" said Erza and turned to Mira. She was smirking with an apple pie in her hand. She threw it and Erza dodged it this time. They started hand to hand combat. Punches, kicks, jabs, hooks were thrown and both dodged the other easily.

After some time the fight went nowhere and so they decided to take it a step further and used their respective magics.

"Requip: Heavens Wheel," she said, her body was enveloped in a bright golden flash changing her Heart Kreuz armour which sports a breastplate composed of a single piece of metal, decorated by curved lines and by a deformed version of Heart Kreuz's mark, with the cross' right arm extending to the right part of Erza's chest, and the blue mark of Fairy Tail is located under the cross itself.

Requip Magic allows the users to store items in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon them at any time, even during battle, which gives them a high level of flexibility in combat. However, there is a limit to how much the pocket dimension can store.

Requip can be used for simple or combat-related purposes. Some users may just choose to use it to change their clothing.

Requip users can also project a holographic inventory screen where they can view and organize items in their pocket dimension, as well as add items without the user equipping it on themselves.

Erza's is Knight type Requip and she stores her armours and swords there. Her Heaven's Wheel Armor is plated armour covering her chest, with a large metal flower over it, and she wears a large billowing skirt that has metal plating in the upper area. Her stomach and neck are uncovered, and she has large metal wings that appear to be made of individual blades, as well as a wing-like headpiece.

Seeing this, Mira smirked and changed into her battle form as well.

"Take Over: Satan Soul," said Mira and her body were engulfed in a bright golden flash much like Erza's before. 

Take Over allows the user to, essentially, "take over" the power of an entity and use it to fight. It can increase the power, strength, and speed of the Caster, sometimes adding a new skill, such as flying or breathing underwater. One can only "take over" the power of beings that they truly "know". There are few types of Take Over magic and the type Mirajane uses is Satan Soul.

Satan Soul is a very powerful spell, as well as the source of her epithet "The She-Devil". Satan Soul allows Mira to take over the appearance, abilities and powers of a demonic being. In such a state, her eyes, eyelashes, ears, and hair all change drastically, and dark, thin markings appear all over her body. Her forearms and hands become covered in scales, and each sprouts a fin-like protrusion on its outer side. She also grows a large, stocky tail, seemingly made of metal plates or scales. Her clothing also changes, with any attire she might be wearing being replaced by a dark, skimpy one-piece suit revealing her arms and legs, which is open on the front and the back, exposing most of her belly, wide cleavage and upper back too. She also dons a pair of gauntlets covering the back parts of her transformed arms. 

They started their fight again, this time it was serious. They fought hand to hand much like earlier, as it is indoors, they don't want to use magic. Even this made some impressions on others.

First, all other fights were stopped, mesmerized by the battle of the two girls. After that, someone realised that even if Erza is fighting, then there is no point in stopping now.

"See, even Erza is enjoying it," said someone in the crowd.

"YEAH" cheered all of them. And with reinvigorated spirits, the Guild Brawl continued, making it the most damaging brawl ever.

And Cut

Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.

Here is the Link again. You can go to Pinterest and search for Black Infinity 1289 as well.


I noticed a decline in number of reviews to the story as well. Come on guys. Review. Reviews encourage us as well as fav and follows. Reviews allows any author to know how their audience are feeling about the story.

Only one ability of the Mangekyou remains which you can write to me and I'll select the most interesting one.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.