
Dragon God Slayer

While Naruto and Sasuke were having their battle at the valley of the end, during the Sasuke Retrieval Mission, so many things cause a tear in space, sending Naruto to Earth Land. Found by a Dragon God, what would Naruto do in this new world. Adventure, maybe. Dragon God Slayer Naruto. Strong Naruto.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Anime & Comics
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190 Chs

Forging Bonds 4

"Yo," greeted Naruto.

"My name is Laki, Laki Olietta. Nice to meet you" she said in a pleasant tone.

"Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki and this is my friend, Sirius," said Naruto as Sirius was on his left shoulder. He doesn't sit there anymore, but when Naruto and Sirius were training, Sirius used to sit on Naruto's left shoulder to avoid sitting close to that Bic Lizart as he would like to call Aldoron. It has become a bonding moment since then where they both would talk and after joining Fairy Tail, he didn't do it till now.

Today is special as Naruto made to S-class, he pulled all stops and so he is sitting on Naruto's left shoulder happily enjoying the pleasant evening.

"I know. Um, well, I just want to congratulate you, that's all" she said in haste.

"Thanks. By the way, what do you do, if you don't mind me asking? '' said Naruto. He doesn't know this girl well. He had seen her walking around the bar and talking to others.

"Well, I'm a mage and I can use Wood Make magic," said Laki, producing a small piece of wood from her hands. Naruto got interested.

From her scent, he concluded she can use wood magic and so he asked it to confirm. As a Wood Dragon God Slayer, it is good to know there are some other wood magic users. He can give her guidance and she has the potential to be a great mage.

"Well, that's good to know. Do you have any future plans?" He asked and she pondered for a minute. She seemed shy to answer him.

"Um, I want to be-become a carpenter," she said, stammering in the middle.

"That's a good goal. Why do you think of becoming that?" Asked Naruto.

"As you know, our Guild had very destructive tendencies and the thing which suffers the most is our Guildhall. I don't want to hire carpenters to repair the damage or rebuild it. That's why if I become a good carpenter, I can repair it in no time, right?" Laki said confidently at the end. 

Naruto should admit, the girl was intriguing. She is aiming to become what he can do now. He destroys the area but repairs it at the end with his magic to minimise the damages and costs. She is aiming to become just that. She seems determined as well.

"Well, in that case, here, take these," he said and dropped some books on the table.

"What? What are these?" She asked confused and cautiously.

"No, no. No need to be cautious. These are some books that are available in our Guild library on the Tenrou Island on Maker magic. It might help you. I think there are some techniques as well" 

"Really? Why are you giving them to me?"

"Don't you think, you learning these will help our Guild?" Said Naruto with a smile.


"That's why. I'm not a fan of repairing things when that idiot damages everything and you learning these will definitely help things" said Naruto gesturing to Natsu who was eating something.

"I promise I'll do my best," she said in a meek tone.

"Good. All the best" said Naruto.

"Say, don't you think we are not celebrating properly?" Asked Sirius with a mischievous smirk.

"Ya, it seems awfully calm for a party. Don't you think so, Laki" asked Naruto with the same mischievous smile as Sirius.

"You think so?"

"Yep. Time to spice things up" he said and sent a small wind blade formed in his hand.

He threw it towards the flames Natsu was eating. The fire was put out. Gray sneezed at the same time, making it more authentic. 

"What!" Shouted Natsu.

"Who is it? Who put my precious flames out" said Natsu in panic and heard a sneeze and turned to the person in question.

"You stripper. I knew it. It was you!" exclaimed Natsu.

"What? What are you taking, flame brain? Didn't anyone tell you how to behave like a man?" Asked Gray.

"Dare to say again?" Said Natsu as he stepped forward. 

"I'll. Didn't anyone tell you about manners?" Said Gray as he took a step forward.

"As if you know, stripper," said Natsu.

"Gray, your clothes," said Cana in the middle of their argument.

"Crap, I lost them again," said Gray.

"See," said Natsu and gave a toothy smile as if proving something.

"What are you smiling at flame brain? Did anyone tell you about your stupidity?" Said Gray and they were head butting at the moment.

That's it, I'm roasting you," said Natsu and his hands were engulfed in fire.

"As if you could," said Gray and his hands were giving a white mist, his ice magic coming to life.

"Fire Dragon's: Iron Fist," said Natsu and lunged towards Gray.

"Ice-Make: Shield," said Gray and an ice shield formed in front of him, blocking the fire Dragon Slayer.

"Fire Dragon's: Wing Attack," said Natsu and a fire arc went towards Gray which was blocked by another shield.

"Ice-Make: Cannon," said Gray and a small cannon made of ice started shooting balls of ice towards Natsu which the fire mage dodged. They hit other people who were lounging around the Guild. One of them is Max. 

Max is a slim young teen of average height with beige hair kept in a bowl undercut, with two large, straight bangs framing and partially covering the sides of his face, he has dark eyes and thin, dark eyebrows.

Max's outfit consists of a simple, open-collared blue shirt with rolled-up sleeves, loose dark blue pants with torn hemlines, and light-coloured plain shoes.

Max was happily drinking some juice when a ball of ice hit him from the back and his juice fell all over him, spoiling not only his clothes but also his face.

"Who is it!" Exclaimed Max but because of some unfortunate circumstances, another ice lance came towards him. He used his sand magic to protect him and the sand particles and ice together splashed across other members because of the heavy impact.