
Chapter 80V.4 End

Groggily opening my eyes, I'm met with a bright light shining down on me, causing me to wince and shut my eyes, a little bit later, I open my eyes again, this time ready for the bright light. Once my eyes, adjusted to the light, I look at my surroundings, trying to figure out where I am, I try moving my body but my limbs are met with resistance, looking at my arms, I notice several chains holding me down. I was confused because these chains had a pink glow all over them, meaning Nala created these chains.

Laying back down, I try to remember what happened to me to cause Nala to chain me down with so many chains, and when I do I'm hit with a terrible headache, causing me to shut my eyes in pain. After several seconds of pain, it finally receded allowing me to think again, when I decided just to wait for Nala to come and release me, I finally remembered about Mia, and when I did I was extremely angry.


Yelling out her name in sadness and anger, I felt my power start rising but my sanity is also slowly decreasing, I start trying to break out of the chain. With every chain I broke my anger continued to rise, and when I was on the last set of chains I heard a door open, and the sound of someone slithering. Turning around to the sound, the first thing I see is a very disheveled woman, it took me a second to realize it was Nala with how terrible she looked. Her hair which was usually perfect pink, was all over the place and I saw some white hair, she had bags under her eyes, making her look tired, and she had tear streaks right under her eyes, which just goes to show how much she has cried.

When I saw her my anger somewhat died down, but my power didn't fall one bit, trying my best to calm down, I burst through the last set of the chains binding me, and when I do the first thing on my mind is saving Mia. But before I could do anything, Nala jumps on me, wraps her lower body around me, hugging me, and starts trying to calm me down.

Nala-"Calm down Sage, Calm down. Everything will be alright, ok, everything will be alright."

Listening to her sweet but calm words causes my anger to slowly recede, and several minutes later, I'm finally calm enough to initiate conversation again. Not bothering to take her off me, I ask her questions, trying my best to avoid the topic of Mia.

Sage-"I-I've calmed down, thanks Nala. So can you tell me what happened, for you to have chained me?"

Nala-"You've been unconscious for about 3 days now, and it seems you don't remember much do you?"


Nala-"Then I'll explain it to you, something happened that made you really angry, and because of that you transformed into a Super Saiyan as you Saiyans call it. Yours was different though, your transformation increased your power far higher than normal, but you lost your sanity as a side-effect. While transformed you fought with Mira and managed to defeat him quite easily, but when we came close to you, you started attacking us, luckily I made it back in time before you killed anyone because when I arrived you stopped attacking and just followed me. I made use of that and managed to make you follow me back into my lab, once there I went into this small room and flooded it with the strongest sleeping gas I had, and while I had a gas mask you didn't, but it still took really long for you to fall asleep, but once you did I chained you up, I couldn't have you waking up and attacking anyone else again."

When she first said, 'something happened' I knew she was talking about Mia but didn't specifically say her, probably trying not to worsen the already bad mood we have. Once she finished talking I was slightly surprised that I transformed into a Legendary Super Saiyan, but when I think about it, it makes sense that I don't remember what happened.

Sage-"H-Have you tried the Dragon balls for h-her?"

When I ask that question, Nala unwraps herself from me and looks straight at me, although when she does I can see tears start forming in her eyes which doesn't give me a good feeling.

Nala-"I-I tried, I even tried the Namekian Dragon Balls, b-b-but they said it was out of their p-power, t-they couldn't e-even locate her s-soul."

Once she finished talking, I could feel my anger start growing, making me want to dissect those two pathetic dragons, but before I did something, Nala grabbed my hand to calm me down and it worked. When I was calm again, I tried my best to remember anything from the dragon ball series that could possibly help me, and then it hit me, something that should be able to easily solve any problem to ever exist, something that could even restore destroyed universes.

Sage-"Super Dragon Balls!"

Yelling the word 'Super Dragon Balls' most likely confused Nala, because I never mentioned them, mainly because I rarely needed dragon balls, let alone super dragon balls.

Nala-"W-What are 'Super Dragon Balls'?"

Sage-"I'll tell you later, but where are the dragon balls?"

Nala-"Since we summoned the Dragon Balls they are currently stone, even the Namekian dragon balls."

I forget about that since I was too excited at remembering the Super dragon balls, but if both sets of dragon balls are stone, that means I would still have to wait at least 3-4 months to use them again, and that's if they didn't use a wish. But once again Dragon balls for the win, even if this set of dragon balls is not friendly, they should still be able to grant my wish.

Sage-"I have an idea, come with me."

When I finished talking, I wrapped my arm around Nala's waist and I hurriedly made my way through Nala's lab to the exit, leaving her lab, I quickly fly to the lookout. Once we arrived I set Nala down, and flew right by Mr, Popo, and Kami, flying throughout the Lookout, It takes me about 3 minutes of constant looking till I finally find what I'd been looking for.

Sage-"Finally, the Black Star Dragon Balls!"

Walking forward, I check to make sure all 7 of them are here and they are, since I didn't know if the Black Star Dragon Balls had a password to summon them, I just said the normal words.

Sage-"Rise Shenron and grant my wish!"

When I finished speaking, smoke started emerging from the dragon balls as they started forming what was an exact copy of Shenron except for being red instead of green. Once he was fully formed, I had to go outside of the lookout to be able to fully see him, when I arrived outside, I could see a panicking Kami, Mr. Popo, and a confused Nala.

Kami-"What have you done! No, how did you even know of their existence in the first place, I have only told Mr. Popo, so how did you find out!?"

I could hear Kami yelling at me in panicking voice, but I ignored him and walked to the edge of the lookout to come face to face with red-colored Shenron.

Ultimate Shenron-"Say thee wish and I shall grant!"

Before I told my wish, I turned to my side and looked at Nala who is now standing beside me, reaching down, I grab her hands and hold them, when I do she turns her head and looks at me.

Sage-"As I said before I have a plan, but for this plan to work, I'm going to need to have leave for a while, ok? But when I return, I'll have reunited our family ok, so you got to trust me alright?"

Once I finished talking, I could see her give off a painful smile, before she answered back.

Nala-"It'll hurt to not have you with me right now, but if it can make our family whole again, then I don't mind even if it takes a couple of thousand years, besides I've always trusted you haven't I?"

Smiling at her response, I give her a deep kiss and only release her lips when she was on the verge of suffocation, looking back at the dragon, I make sure to ask about Mia before I start the journey involving the gods.

Sage-"I wish for my daughter Mia to be resurrected!"

Ultimate Shenron-"That is out of my power, ask another wish."

Sage-'Tsk, I figured that would happen, if even the Namekian Dragon Balls didn't know where Mia was, but I just had to try.'

Sage-"I wish to be transported into the timeline of the Super Saiyan God named Kakarot!"

Once I said that, his eyes glow, and then he speaks.

Ultimate Shenron-"Your wish has been granted!"

When he finished talking, I could feel my body suddenly get sucked up into some wormhole, looking back I gave Nala one last smile before I completely disappeared.

Sage-'Haa, as much as I shouldn't be feeling excited, my blood is boiling at the prospect of fighting new and stronger enemies, but first I must gather the Super Dragon Balls before I go and enjoy myself, my daughter comes first!'



Alright you guys know the drill, it's the end of the volume so I shall see you guys after my break 👍🏾

yolo thxs give me all your money!

Thxs for any feedback :)

Sage's power has improved again, check the Auxiliary chapter for more information!

Volume 4: "Wrath of a True Saiyan"

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts